
Hazelnut is one of the traditional products of the Slavs, who since ancient times loved to make preparations for the winter. Thanks to the high nutritional value of this gift of nature, people could survive in harsh temperatures with sufficient energy reserves.

Today, hazelnuts are in demand more as a delicacy than as the main part of the winter diet, due to the high cost of the product. And if residents of rural areas close to plantings and forests can go for the harvest to the natural habitat of the plant, then the townspeople have a harder time.

Residents of megacities are ready to shell out a large amount to replenish the stocks of this valuable gift of nature. Some even decide to grow several copies at home. This option is suitable for residents of the private sector and owners of cottages. Facilitates the task of the fact that landing is not difficult. And in order to know how to grow a rich future crop, you don’t have to delve into botanical subtleties, because the red-leaved walnut is a relatively unpretentious bush.

Hidden trump cards

The presented plant in the wild prefers to grow in the territory of deciduous forests in the northern part of the continent. Five hundred years ago, people used it in magical rituals, and today traditional medicine cannot do without this energy storehouse.

The main advantage here is the fact that herbalists have adopted not only the top of the bush, but almost all of its parts.

The bark is most often found in recipes for the treatment of varicose veins, and references to the leaves can be found in the composition of complex antiallergic preparations. In addition to its vasoconstrictive characteristics, the bark has been successfully used as an antipyretic. With its help, even a cold is much easier to bear. Greens, on the other hand, are mainly used to create decoctions, because such a tincture helps the liver cope with increased stress.

Even pollen is used, which is valued by livestock farmers. When animals show the first signs of intestinal upset, they are given this ingredient, adjusted for weight. [1]. To prepare a medicine of natural origin, it is enough just to know the specific time of pollen collection.

In the course of numerous experiments, the popular opinion about the benefits of the main part – nuts was also confirmed. With their help, specialists of past years and modern traditional healers successfully treated and still treat [2]:

  • stones in the kidneys;
  • fever;
  • bronchitis;
  • flatulence;
  • hemoptysis, which is characteristic of diseases of the respiratory system.

This product is also recommended to be included in the daily diet of women who are in the lactation period, but at the same time experience a shortage of incoming breast milk.

Hazel is recommended to be used as a prophylactic for cores. Such delicious protection for people at risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system allows [3]:

  • block the development of atherosclerosis;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack.

An auxiliary factor here is the presence of potassium and calcium. They are aimed at strengthening the vascular walls, making them more elastic. Additional therapy without drug additives is suitable even for those who have some kind of deviation in the hematopoietic system.

Hazel is no less useful for the elderly. Its vitamin composition helps to maintain the body’s activity at a high level. The antioxidants present in the nut work as a restorative therapy for vitality when it declines. They also slow down the aging process, preventing the body from getting tired quickly.

Will please the contents of the kernel with natural fiber, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract [4]:

  • improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stabilizes the intestines;
  • works ahead of the intestinal infection;
  • prevents the start of putrefactive processes.

Pay attention to this product is for those who are afraid of getting cancer. The composition of the plant provides for the presence of paclitaxel, which is a unique substance that serves as the prevention of cancerous growths. [4].

Common hazel is also suitable for those who have problems with metabolism. Since the digestion of such food requires almost no insulin release, a tired pancreas will feel great with such a light diet.

Special attention deserves nut butter, which is valued almost worth its weight in gold among experienced chefs. Due to the fact that it is well absorbed, it is actively added to various desserts. And in its pure form, with a properly maintained dosage, it is even used to remove worms and improve brain activity.

A few centuries ago, beauties took this oil to nourish their hair. To do this, a few drops were rubbed into the hair follicles, getting a strong and shiny hair. And traditional healers mixed the miracle remedy together with proteins, lubricating the burns with the resulting liquid.

Chemical composition

Some believe that the main harm of the kernels lies in their high calorie content. This is not far from the truth, since 100 g of the product contains more than 650 kcal. [5]. Such an indicator evokes horror for everyone who wants to lose weight, because the indicated number of calories is almost twice the identical indicator of a loaf.

The reason why hazelnuts are so high in calories is because of their high proportion of oils. Vegetable fats will delight you with fatty acids indispensable for the normal functioning of the body, which affect the speed and quality of metabolism. About 15% of the content under the shell falls on plant proteins and less than 7% on carbohydrates. [5].

The table shows the nutrient content per 100 g of product. [5]:

Proteins13 g
Fats62,6 g
Carbohydrates9,3 g
Alimentary fiber6 g
Water5,4 g
Ash3,6 g
Vitamin A7 μg
Vitamin V10,46 mg
Vitamin V20,15 mg
Vitamin E21 mg
Vitamin PP4,7 mg
potassium445 mg
Calcium188 mg
Magnesium160 mg
Phosphorus310 mg
Sodium3 mg
Hardware36 mg

The high content of vitamins and minerals in nuts has a beneficial effect on human health and helps prevent the development of various diseases.


Safety measures

The most important contraindication to the use of hazel is individual intolerance. But this is the case when it is impossible to calculate the reaction without a preliminary sample. Experts advise to eat the minimum amount of the product for the first time in order to have escape routes.

Other items on the list of classic contraindications are [6][7]:

  • children’s diathesis;
  • obesity;
  • severe diabetes;
  • psoriasis;
  • hypertension.

In addition, experts insist that you should not buy already peeled nuts from your hands. There are two reasons for concern here. The first one affects harvesting in areas prohibited for this, for example, near industrial facilities or in a radiation zone. The second lies in the loss of nutritional qualities. When the surface of the core is cleaned, minerals and other useful elements begin to decay. By the same principle, properties disappear after exceeding the permissible shelf life – six months.

Separately, you need to control the daily intake. More than 40 grams per day is considered too much. If you ignore the medical recommendation, you can quickly develop problems with the pancreas. Up to eight nucleoli per day is a perfectly acceptable dosage. [8].

Traditional recipes

Treatment of varicose veins usually involves a long period and many procedures. To simplify their task, herbalists recommend using an infusion based on hazel bark and greens. To prepare it, you will need [9]:

  • take 2 tbsp. l. pre-crushed raw materials;
  • pour the workpiece with 0,5 liters of boiling water;
  • infuse the mixture for about two hours.

The resulting decoction is recommended to drink half a cup before meals four times a day.

A similar recipe was created for those patients who are faced with microcirculation problems in small vessels. The recipe is as follows:

  • take a tablespoon of crushed bark;
  • pour a glass of boiling water;
  • leave to infuse all night;
  • strain.

The finished product is recommended to be taken in a third of a glass before meals throughout the day.

Culinary use

Eating nuts raw is not the only way to use them in cooking. They are also dried and calcined. Often, varieties of hazel are found in the confectionery business: they are added to the filling for pies and cakes or decorate cakes with them.

Ground nucleoli can be added not only to sweets, but also to unsweetened dough to give it a unique nutty aftertaste. The use of a crushed product for sprinkling ready-made baked goodies works according to the same algorithm.

Without much effort, you can make homemade sweets that will delight you with the absence of preservatives. To do this, you need to take prunes and dates, rid the core of the seeds and fill it with nuts. Then the fruits are dipped in chocolate and sent to freeze in this form. Serve a delicacy for dessert with tea.

With the help of such goodies, it will turn out not only to treat yourself to sweetness, but also to replenish the body’s strength during a lunch break at work.

Sources of
  1. ↑ Andrey Ryabokon. – A fun encyclopedia of food healing plants.
  2. ↑ Sudina N.A. – Golden Book: Recipes of traditional healers.
  3. ↑ Center for Hygienic Education of the Population of Rospotrebnadzor. – Hazelnut.
  4. ↑↑ Yandex.Zen. – Hazel, hazelnut – benefits and harms, how much to eat.
  5. ↑↑↑ My healthy diet. – Calorie “Hazel (hazelnut)”. Chemical composition and nutritional value.
  6. ↑ Passion.ru – online magazine for women. – All about hazelnuts.
  7. ↑ Health – Encyclopedia of medicinal plants, herbs. – Common hazel (Corylus avellana L.).
  8. ↑ Komsomolskaya Pravda. – Hazelnuts: benefits and harms to the body.
  9. ↑ GreenInfo.ru. – Hazel: medicinal properties.

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