Hawthorn: types and varieties + photo

Hawthorn is an ornamental fruit shrub whose berries have beneficial properties. However, not all varieties are classified as medicinal. Today there are more than 300 species of hawthorn. Each has features and differences not only in appearance and taste, but also in adaptability to certain conditions. To determine the variety of shrubs for planting, it is important to consider the types of hawthorn with photos and names. After reviewing the detailed information about each of them, you can not make a mistake with the choice and plant a plant that will take root well in a certain climatic zone.

Description of hawthorn

Hawthorn is a spherical shrub, growing in height from 2 to 12 m. Often its size depends on the variety and pruning of branches. Shoots almost always have thorns, so the formation of the bush is carried out in special mittens.

The crown of the shrub is round and wide. The leaves can be of different shapes and sizes, depending on the variety planted: from pinnately lobed to dissected. Fruit color is yellow to red. The bark is brown, the leaves are green. Closer to autumn, the green mass acquires burgundy shades.

Types of hawthorn

Hawthorn belongs to the rose family. Species and varieties differ in decorative qualities. Each has a different color, size and shape of the fruit. It should be noted that there are differences in terms of yield, drought resistance, frost resistance. Some species prefer sunny places, others grow well in the shade.

Types of hawthorn in Our Country

About 50 varieties and species of hawthorn grow on the territory of Our Country. Some of the most popular are Siberian and Blood Red. Also included in this list are:

  • round-leaved – the fruits of this variety are similar to small apples with a sweet taste. Bush height up to 6 m, frost-resistant, can withstand a long absence of watering;
  • Pinnatifid – the height of the plant can reach 7 m. There are practically no thorns on the bushes. The fruits are small, red in color;
  • Pontic – the shrub is planted in a warm area. The fruits are yellow with small white patches. Bush height – 4-5 m;
  • Ordinary – grows in height up to 7 m, has red berries with pleasant taste. Useful decoctions and infusions are prepared from this species;
  • fan – characterized by bright red berries with orange flesh. The maximum height is 6 m. The bushes are fan-shaped with a small number of thorns. It is recommended to carry out harvesting of fruits in mittens.

Hawthorn: types and varieties + photo

Comment! It is worth noting that one of the popular perennials is Paul Scarlet.

The bush is famous for its terry buds. The shrub practically does not give berries, and if it does bear fruit, then the fruits have a different shape and size. This variety belongs to the decorative, which is used to decorate the garden plot. Paul Scarlet is unpretentious in care, requires regular pruning of branches, occasionally top dressing.

Types of medicinal hawthorn

Many people know that hawthorn has medicinal properties, however, this effect can not be achieved from every variety. Medicinal products include:

  • blood red;
  • Garden;
  • Ordinary.

Photos and descriptions of each type of hawthorn will help you quickly decide on planting a shrub on the site.

blood red

The fruits of this shrub are regularly used to treat mental disorders and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Fruit infusions help cleanse blood vessels, improve blood circulation. This variety is distributed throughout Our Country. The blood red hawthorn is short and bears medium-sized bright red berries. The main feature of the variety is unpretentiousness in care.

Hawthorn: types and varieties + photo


Decoctions based on fruits normalize blood pressure, improve overall well-being. The berries contain a huge amount of vitamins, therefore, with beriberi, fruit tea can make up for the lack of nutrients. Common hawthorn adapts well to various conditions, frost-resistant, withstands prolonged drought. Red fruits, shoots with few thorns.

Hawthorn: types and varieties + photo


This plant belongs to large-fruited medicinal varieties. Berries are orange-red in color, medium in shape. The flowers are white, neatly collected in lush buds. The main advantage of the shrub is pleasant taste. Garden hawthorn prefers sunny areas, so it is recommended to plant a bush away from plantings that create shade. It is also important to prune regularly so that new shoots form. The formation is carried out in early spring until the buds have blossomed.

Hawthorn: types and varieties + photo

Hawthorn varieties

There are a huge number of species and varieties of hawthorn, so it is important to look at the photo for each shrub. Plants that have been included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements are regularly used for planting in summer cottages. These species include: Beads and Kuminov’s Gift.

However, the list does not end there. Today, enough varieties have been studied that are perfect for growing almost throughout Our Country.

Varieties of large-fruited hawthorn

There are a lot of varieties of large-fruited shrubs. Most of the species belong to soft varieties. The berries of such shrubs have a pleasant taste.

Oriental orange can be attributed to common varieties of large-fruited plants. The weight of the fruit can reach 20 g. The main advantage is the absence of thorns on the shoots. The fruits are orange in color and taste like apples.


It grows in Siberia and the Far East. The height of the bush can reach 7,5 m, thorns are located on the shoots. The flowers are white, forms burgundy berries, which contain a huge amount of sugar. Hawthorn Maksimovich does not require special care. It will be enough for a shrub to carry out preventive pruning of branches.

Hawthorn: types and varieties + photo


This species has fruits of a golden hue, on the shoots a small number of thorns. Unpretentious in care, needs organic top dressing.

Hawthorn: types and varieties + photo


Variety bred in America. The height of the bush can reach 9 m. This variety is decorative, it is often used in landscape design. The berries are large enough with a pleasant taste.

Hawthorn: types and varieties + photo


This species is frost-resistant, however, the plant does not tolerate a long absence of moisture. This variety is very popular throughout Our Country. The maximum height of the shrub is 6,5 m. Flowering begins in June. The flowers are white. The fruits are large, formed closer to August-September.

Hawthorn: types and varieties + photo


Many summer residents note another variety – Timiryazevets. The plant looks like a spreading tree that has a straight trunk. The branches are slightly lowered, the berries are red, medium in size. The plant is unpretentious in care, requires a minimum of activities. Timiryazevets does not need winter shelter, he does not tolerate a long drought.

Important! In the absence of rain, it is necessary to organize drip irrigation for the shrub.

Hawthorn: types and varieties + photo


The Daurian variety can be found in the Far East and in some regions of Eastern Siberia. Dahurian hawthorn grows up to 7 m high. Shoots with small lilac-colored thorns. Leaves with a pointed end, berries are medium, red. It tolerates drought well, frost-resistant.

Hawthorn: types and varieties + photo

Delicious varieties of hawthorn

Tasty varieties of hawthorn often include large-fruited species. However, not every plant that has large berries tastes good. Below are the most popular plant varieties that are regularly eaten and used to prepare various recipes.


The shrub was bred in China, is popular in Japan, Korea and other countries. The plant can often be found in the Far East. It belongs to the thermophilic, does not tolerate severe frosts. Chinese hawthorn is a shrub that has no thorns at all, which is very convenient for harvesting. The leaves are green, the fruits are red with white patches.

Chinese hawthorn does not require special care. With proper formation, the bush gives a bountiful harvest. The weight of the berry can reach 20 g. The fruits are sweet to taste with a slight sourness. Berries have a high keeping quality. Can be stored for more than six months.

Hawthorn: types and varieties + photo

Canadian red

This species belongs to the late-ripening varieties of hawthorn. The fruits are large, purple. Berries are very tasty, they are often used to make juices. The main advantage of this variety is that the ripe fruits do not fall off the tree.

Hawthorn: types and varieties + photo


This species is noted by gardeners as the most delicious. The maximum height of the plant is 11 m. The crown of the shrub is spreading, with pubescent shoots. The pulp of the berries is very juicy with a pleasant aroma. The fruits are sweet, with slight notes of sourness. Good to eat raw or processed.

Hawthorn: types and varieties + photo

Far Eastern green meat

Belongs to early varieties, the first berries can be seen in July. The color of the fruit is black, greenish inside. The berries of the Far Eastern green-meat hawthorn are used for making drinks, consumed fresh.

Hawthorn: types and varieties + photo


Among the popular types of hawthorn, Crimean can also be noted. The plant grows in the form of a small tree. Based on the name, it can be noted that the shrub comes from the Crimea. Prefers to grow away from other plantings. Gives good fruit when planted on slopes and rocky areas.

Important! Flowers and berries of the Crimean hawthorn are used to treat many diseases.

Hawthorn: types and varieties + photo

Varieties of hawthorn for the Moscow region

For growing hawthorn in central Our Country and the Moscow region, it is important to know the varieties that will take root well in these regions. Gardening enthusiasts are advised to pay attention to the following of them:

  • Shamil;
  • Zbigniev;
  • Ludmil.


The plant has cranked shoots with brown thorns. The leaves are rough, rather large, oblong in shape. The berries are round, medium in size. The color of the fruit is red with small white patches. Sweet in taste, with slight sourness. Fruiting hawthorn Shamil begins in early October. This species is valued for its high palatability of the fruit.

More than 1 kg of fruit can be harvested from 10 adult tree. The main advantage of the Shamil species is its low susceptibility to diseases and insects. Shrubs are practically not exposed to fungal infections and other diseases.

Hawthorn: types and varieties + photo


This species is very similar to Shamil hawthorn. However, the ripening period of the plant is earlier. Closer to August, many fruits form on the shrub. Due to their high palatability, they are suitable for consumption.

Hawthorn: types and varieties + photo


The shrub has straight shoots of a grayish tint. There are practically no thorns on the branches. The leaves are medium in size, smooth in structure. The berries are cone-shaped with a small amount of white patches. The pulp of the Lyudmil variety is juicy, of a neutral taste. Use such fruits for the preparation of infusions and decoctions. The shrub has large berries that have a high keeping quality.

Hawthorn: types and varieties + photo


Having considered the types of hawthorn with photos and names, you can quickly make a choice for planting in a summer cottage. By choosing a plant for a particular growing region, you can avoid a lot of care in the care. It is worth noting that many plants belong to medicinal species. However, in order to achieve a therapeutic effect, it is important not only to plant a bush, but also to properly prepare useful infusions from the fruits.

hawthorn blood red

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