Hawthorn jam with pits: 17 recipes for the winter

Hawthorn has been familiar to many since childhood, and almost everyone has heard about the healing properties of tinctures from it. But it turns out that sometimes the useful can be combined with the pleasant. And there are many recipes for hawthorn jam with pits, the benefits of which can hardly be overestimated. The main thing is not to overdo it and use this delicious medicine in moderation. And then, you can forget about such unpleasant symptoms as tinnitus, “heart heaviness”, darkening in the eyes and rapid pulse.

Hawthorn jam with pits: 17 recipes for the winter

The benefits and harms of hawthorn jam

The name of the plant is translated from Greek as “strong” and this meaning has a lot of meaning. After all, the shrub itself has very strong wood and is able to survive in almost any conditions, and all its parts are healing so much that they inspire strength in the human body.

In ancient times, the hawthorn was also credited with a special magical power, fixing it at the entrance to the house, at the cradle of a newborn child and at the altar during wedding processions. It was believed that hawthorn branches can protect against trouble and make life happy. And in ancient Greece, ground berries were even added to the dough when baking bread.

Modern studies have shown that the berries, and other parts of the hawthorn (in flowers, in the bark) contain a huge amount of substances valuable for human health. In addition to a large set of vitamins, pectin, sorbitol, fructose, tannins and essential oils, hawthorn also contains a rare substance – ursolic acid. It contributes to the cessation of inflammatory processes, vasodilation, removes tumors.

Thanks to such a rich composition, hawthorn and preparations from it (including jam) are able to almost instantly stop spasms of any nature, improve the heartbeat, remove dizziness, and calm down with nervous overexcitation.

Hawthorn jam with pits: 17 recipes for the winter

Of course, hawthorn is known primarily as a mild and effective heart remedy.

  1. It can relieve chest pain caused by circulatory disorders.
  2. Useful in heart failure – restores normal heart rhythm in tachycardia and bradycardia.
  3. It alleviates coronary disease by expanding the lumen of blood vessels and filling them with oxygen.
  4. Relieves post-infarction conditions.
  5. Strengthens the contractility of the myocardium, improving the blood supply to the heart muscle.
  6. It is also able to improve cerebral blood supply and is actively used in the treatment of atherosclerosis and hypertension.

In addition to affecting the cardiovascular system, hawthorn can provide real help in diabetes.

And in folk medicine, this plant is widely used in the treatment of nervous overwork, allergies, epilepsy, migraine, helps during menopause, enhances the effect of sleeping pills, both of plant and artificial origin.

A variety of mucus, which are contained in the fruits of the plant, help in curing diseases of the stomach and liver.

The greatest healing effect will have jam from hawthorn berries with seeds for the winter. After all, it is in the bones that some unique substances are contained, in particular, they improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. It is the seeds of the fruits that contain up to 38% of various essential oils in their composition.

Hawthorn jam with pits: 17 recipes for the winter

But for each, even a very useful remedy, there will always be contraindications for use. Hawthorn jam is not recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers and children under 10-12 years old. Due to its ability to lower blood pressure, it must be used with great caution in hypotensive patients (people with low blood pressure). Given that hawthorn jam is a strong drug, you should not overeat on it.

Attention! Studies have shown that even one hundred-gram bowl of hawthorn jam eaten at a time is equivalent to a double dose of a heart remedy (about 40 drops).

How to cook hawthorn jam

To make hawthorn jam, you can use both fairly large fruits of cultivated varieties from the garden, and small berries from wild bushes. There is no particular difference, especially considering that the bones are still not removed from them. Small berries are only a little more difficult to free from unnecessary details.

Another thing is important – to use only fully ripened fruits for jam. Many pick them from the tree when they are not ripe, and this can lead to them being too dry and tasteless in the jam.

The berries of a fully ripe hawthorn should be easily separated from the stalks. It is best to spread a film under the bush and shake it a little. In this case, the ripened fruits should easily crumble naturally. If the berries were bought on the market and there is a suspicion that they are not quite ripe, then they must be allowed to lie down for several days in warmth, scattered in one layer on paper. Within 3-4 days they quickly ripen.

Attention! You should not collect hawthorn fruits near major roads – they can do more harm than good.

At the next stage, the fruits are carefully sorted and all rotten, dry, deformed and spoiled by birds are removed. And at the same time they clean them from leaves and stalks.

Hawthorn jam with pits: 17 recipes for the winter

Finally, no matter which recipe is used to make hawthorn jam, the berries must be washed well. This is done either in a sieve under running water, or in a container, changing the water several times. After that, the water is drained, and the fruits are laid out for drying on a cloth towel.

Hawthorn jam with pits is obtained in several ways: you can insist the berries in sugar syrup, you can simply sprinkle them with sugar. Accordingly, the cooking time is determined by the recipe and the chosen manufacturing method.

How much to cook hawthorn jam

There are recipes for making five-minute hawthorn jam for the winter, in which the heat treatment time is no more than 5 minutes after boiling. For other recipes, the cooking time may be longer. But it is important not to overcook this jam, because on the one hand, the useful substances of the berry are lost, and on the other hand, the fruits themselves can become too hard and dry. On average, the cooking process takes from 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the condition of the berries. The readiness of jam is determined by the change in the color of the berries, by the density and transparency of the sugar syrup, and, finally, by the pleasant aroma that begins to come from the dish being prepared.

Hawthorn jam with pits: 17 recipes for the winter

Classic hawthorn jam with pits

You need:

  • 1 kg of washed and pitted hawthorn fruits;
  • 0,5 kg of sugar;

Making jam according to the classic recipe is very simple:

  1. The fruits are covered with sugar and, covered with a lid from possible insects, left warm for at least a few hours.
  2. During this time, the berries should release juice.
  3. Place the pan first on a small fire and carefully monitor the condition of the future workpiece.
  4. When the juice begins to stand out more actively, and the berries absorb all the sugar, the fire is increased almost to the maximum.
  5. But from the moment the liquid boils, the fire is again reduced and they begin to mix it regularly.
  6. The foam must also be periodically removed and wait until the liquid begins to thicken slightly.

    Hawthorn jam with pits: 17 recipes for the winter

  7. The smaller the size of the berries used for jam, the less time it should be cooked, since they have very little juice.
  8. The finished jam is cooled and laid out in clean and completely dry glass jars that can be closed with ordinary plastic lids.

Clear hawthorn jam

A very beautiful and transparent hawthorn jam with stones can be obtained by boiling the berries in a pre-prepared sugar syrup, as shown in the photo below.

Hawthorn jam with pits: 17 recipes for the winter

You need:

  • 1 kg of hawthorn fruit;
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar;
  • from 250 to 300 ml of water (depending on the juiciness of the berries);
  • ½ tsp citric acid.
Attention! Citric acid in the manufacture of jam is added both to give a pleasant taste and to better preserve the workpiece.


  1. Water is heated to a boil, sugar is added in small portions, constantly stirred and waited until it is completely dissolved. This may take 5 to 15 minutes.
  2. After the sugar is completely dissolved, hawthorn is added to the boiling syrup and heated until it boils again.
  3. Remove the container with jam from the fire and incubate from 12 to 14 hours.

    Hawthorn jam with pits: 17 recipes for the winter

  4. Then the hawthorn is again heated in sugar syrup, citric acid is added and boiled over very low heat for 20 to 30 minutes. During the entire cooking period, the foam is constantly removed.
  5. When the foam stops forming, the berries change their color from red to brown-orange and wrinkle slightly, and the syrup becomes completely transparent, the jam can be considered ready.
  6. It is cooled and transferred to dry jars, closed with lids and placed in storage.

Hawthorn jam with pits: 17 recipes for the winter

Recipe for jam for the winter from hawthorn with vanilla

The taste of hawthorn jam prepared according to the above recipe will become even more attractive if you add a bag of vanillin (1-1,5 g) to it at the last stage of production.

By the way, to increase the healthiness of the blanks, they grind one or more varieties of dried herbs and also add them to hawthorn jam. Motherwort, fireweed or Ivan tea, mint, lemon balm and valerian are best combined with it.

Hawthorn jam with lemon

Many experienced housewives have long noticed that citrus fruits go well with almost any berries and fruits, especially those whose own taste is not so pronounced. Using the previous recipe, you can cook a very fragrant and healthy hawthorn jam with stones, if you add the juice of one small lemon or half a large fruit instead of citric acid.

Hawthorn jam with orange

Hawthorn jam with pits: 17 recipes for the winter

Orange can and should be added to such a jam as a whole. Of course, first you need to cut it into slices and select the bones, which can spoil the taste of the dish due to their inherent bitterness.

Then the oranges are cut directly with the peel into small pieces and, together with the hawthorn berries, are added to the sugar syrup for infusion.

According to the recipe, products are used in the following proportions:

  • 1 kg of hawthorn with seeds;
  • 1 large orange with skin but no pits
  • 800 grams of sugar;
  • 300 ml of water;
  • 1 packet of vanillin (1,5 g);
  • ½ tsp citric acid or half a pitted lemon.

How to cook hawthorn and cranberry jam

Using the same technology with soaking in syrup, an excellent jam is prepared with the addition of cranberries.

You need:

  • 1 kg of hawthorn;
  • 0,5 kg of cranberries;
  • 1,2 kg of sugar.

Delicious hawthorn jam with cranberries

Cowberry is one of the healthiest wild berries and the combination of its sour-tart taste with moderately sweet hawthorn has its own zest. And, of course, this jam can be safely classified as the most healing.

Hawthorn jam with pits: 17 recipes for the winter

You need:

  • 1 kg of hawthorn with seeds;
  • 500 g of washed lingonberries;
  • 1,3 kg of granulated sugar.

The manufacturing technology is similar to that used in the recipe with the addition of cranberries.

The easiest recipe for hawthorn jam

Among the many recipes for hawthorn jam for the winter, the simplest is the one in which the berries are cooked in an ordinary oven.

For this recipe you will need:

  • 2 kg of hawthorn with seeds;
  • 1,5 kg of sugar;
  • 250 ml water.


  1. The prepared fruits are transferred to a deep baking sheet with high walls.

    Hawthorn jam with pits: 17 recipes for the winter

  2. Sprinkle sugar on top, add water and mix gently.
  3. Preheat the oven to a temperature of + 180 ° C and put inside a baking sheet with future jam.
  4. When the sugar begins to turn into foam, you should open the oven a couple of times, mix the contents of the pan and remove, if possible, excess foam.

    Hawthorn jam with pits: 17 recipes for the winter

  5. After the foam stops forming, and the berries become almost transparent, you can check the jam for readiness. Drop a drop of syrup on a cold saucer and if it retains its shape, then turn off the oven.

    Hawthorn jam with pits: 17 recipes for the winter

  6. The jam is cooled, laid out in glassware and corked.

Five-minute jam from hawthorn with a bone

Making five-minute hawthorn jam is a bit like the process of boiling berries in sugar syrup.

You need:

  • 1 kg of hawthorn with seeds;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 200 ml water.


  1. Prepared fruits are poured with boiling sugar syrup and left for 12 hours.

    Hawthorn jam with pits: 17 recipes for the winter

  2. Then they are placed on heating, brought to + 100 ° C and boiled for exactly 5 minutes.
  3. Remove the foam and again set aside for 12 hours.
  4. The procedure is repeated 3 times, finally, the hot jam is poured into sterile jars, rolled up tightly and cooled under something dense and warm.

Chinese quince and hawthorn jam

Chinese quince is a rather exotic and rare fruit. But it ripens at the same time as the hawthorn. And if you managed to get it, then from these fruits you can make a very harmonious jam.

You need:

  • 1 kg of hawthorn;
  • 700 g of Chinese quince;
  • 1,2 kg of sugar;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • 300 ml water.

The easiest way is to apply the technology for making five-minute jam, described in detail in the previous recipe.

Advice! The fruits of Chinese quince are washed, the core with seeds is cut out, cut into pieces, about 1-2 cm in size and added to hawthorn berries in syrup.

Sea buckthorn and hawthorn jam

The bright and rich taste of sea buckthorn will make hawthorn jam more memorable and, of course, even more useful.

Hawthorn jam with pits: 17 recipes for the winter

You need:

  • 500 g of hawthorn with seeds;
  • 1000 g of sea buckthorn with seeds;
  • 1500 d Sahara.


  1. The berries are washed and dried, and then crushed with a blender.
  2. In a refractory container, the berry mixture is covered with sugar and heated over very low heat, trying not to let it boil, for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Then they are laid out in small jars and sterilized for 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the volume of the container.
  4. Seal tightly and store for winter storage.

Hawthorn jam through a meat grinder

According to this recipe, hawthorn jam with seeds is very easy to prepare. You should only carefully grind the fruits, since the bones can get stuck in the meat grinder.

You need:

  • 1 kg of hawthorn berries;
  • 400 -500 g of sugar.


  1. Prepared berries are poured with boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then the water is drained.
  2. Then the softened berries as a whole are passed through a meat grinder.
  3. Sugar is added to the fruit mass, mixed and laid out in clean jars.

    Hawthorn jam with pits: 17 recipes for the winter

  4. Cover with sterile lids and place in a pan on a stand made of fabric or wood for sterilization.
  5. You can sterilize the blanks for 15-20 minutes after boiling water in the pan and immediately seal it tightly.
Attention! You can, of course, make it easier – boil the fruit mass with sugar until it thickens, but then much less useful substances will remain in the workpiece.

This tasty and healing delicacy can be consumed in an amount of no more than 2-3 tbsp. l. in a day. It is advisable to store it in the refrigerator. To increase the shelf life of the workpiece, it is necessary to double the amount of sugar in the recipe.

Raw hawthorn jam

There is an option for making the so-called “live” jam, in which the raw materials are not subjected to any processing at all, neither heating nor grinding.

According to this recipe, for 1 kg of fruits with stones, the same amount of granulated sugar is taken.

Hawthorn jam with pits: 17 recipes for the winter

  1. Washed and dried fruits are mixed well with sugar and left in normal room conditions for 8-10 hours. It is best to do this in the evening.
  2. In the morning, jars of a suitable size are sterilized, a mixture of fruits and sugar is placed in them, another tablespoon of sugar is placed on top and closed with a lid.
Advice! To prevent the appearance of mold in such a blank, a piece of clean cloth or gauze is soaked with vodka and placed on top of the jam. Only then close the lid.

Recipe for hawthorn jam with apples

It is not for nothing that hawthorn fruits are called small apples – the combination with real apples in jam can be called almost traditional.

You need:

  • 1 kg of hawthorn;
  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • juice half a lemon.

Hawthorn jam with pits: 17 recipes for the winter

The amount of sugar used in the recipe depends on the variety of apples and the taste preferences of the hostess. If rather sweet apples are used, then less sugar can be taken.


  1. Hawthorn berries are prepared in a standard way.
  2. From apples cut out the core with ponytails and cut into small slices.
  3. Hawthorn and apples are mixed in one container, covered with sugar, sprinkled with lemon juice so that the apple pulp does not darken, and left for several hours in the room.
  4. Then heated to a boil, remove the foam and again set aside for the night.
  5. The next day, the workpiece is boiled for 5-10 minutes and again set aside.
  6. For the third time, the jam is boiled for about 15 minutes, after which it is immediately laid out in sterile jars and sealed with lids.

Fragrant and healthy jam for the winter from hawthorn and wild rose

But, perhaps, the most harmonious combination will be the combination in one preparation of the two most popular and healing berries – wild rose and hawthorn.

Hawthorn jam with pits: 17 recipes for the winter

You need:

  • 1 kg of hawthorn and wild rose fruits;
  • 2 kg of sugar;
  • 2 L of water;
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. lemon juice.


  1. Hawthorn fruits are prepared in the usual way, leaving them in their entirety.
  2. But the seeds must be removed from the wild rose. To do this, first cut off all the twigs and sepals, then wash the berries in water and cut each in half. With a small spoon, they try to remove all possible bones from the core.
  3. After that, the rose hips are poured with cold water for 12-15 minutes. As a result of this procedure, all remaining seeds are released and float. It remains only to remove them from the surface of the water with a slotted spoon.
  4. And the rose hips are washed again with cold water and transferred to a sieve to drain excess liquid.
  5. 2 liters of water are heated in a saucepan, sugar is gradually added and, stirring, it is completely dissolved.
  6. After that, pour a mixture of berries into a saucepan with sugar syrup.
  7. After boiling, cook for about 5 minutes and turn off the fire, waiting for complete cooling.
  8. Reheat and cook until done. Lemon juice is added at the end of cooking.

Method for making hawthorn and currant jam

Hawthorn jam with pits: 17 recipes for the winter

You will need:

  • 140 g currant puree;
  • 1 kg of hawthorn with seeds;
  • 550 ml of water;
  • 1,4 kg of sugar.


  1. To prepare currant puree, take 100 g of fresh berries and 50 g of sugar, grind them together using a blender or mixer.
  2. Hawthorn fruits are cut in half, pour 400 g of sugar and leave in the room all night.
  3. In the morning, the secreted juice is drained, water and the remaining sugar are added to it and boiled until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  4. Hawthorn and currant puree are put into the syrup and after boiling again, boil for about a quarter of an hour until the foam stops forming.

Hawthorn jam in a slow cooker

In a slow cooker, hawthorn jam with pits is prepared according to the recipe for soaking berries in syrup.

Hawthorn jam with pits: 17 recipes for the winter

You need:

  • 1000 g of sugar and hawthorn;
  • 300 ml of water;
  • 1,5 g citric acid;
  • a pinch of vanillin.


  1. Syrup is boiled from water and granulated sugar, which is poured over prepared hawthorn berries and left overnight.
  2. In the morning, the future jam is poured into the multicooker bowl, vanillin and citric acid are added and the Baking program is set for at least 30 minutes.
  3. Lay out the jam in hot jars.

Rules for storing hawthorn jam

In addition to individual recipes without heat treatment, in which the storage regime is negotiated separately, hawthorn jam can be stored in an ordinary room. It is stored without problems until the next season, when a new crop of medicinal berries ripens.


Recipes for hawthorn jam with pits are varied, and the benefits of this winter preparation are obvious. However, it is necessary to observe moderation in its use and remember that this jam is more of a medicine than an ordinary delicacy.

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