Hawthorn: cooking recipes for the winter

Many people do not know or do not remember about the fruits of hawthorn until health problems begin. And then the seemingly unsightly tree-shrub, growing everywhere, begins to interest. It turns out that it is not in vain that in pharmacy chains there are so many drugs that contain hawthorn. But harvesting hawthorn for the winter is not at all as difficult as it seems. And in addition to the standard dried fruits of hawthorn, you can cook a lot of all kinds of healing yummy from it so that you don’t run around pharmacies in winter, but have a good time at home.

Hawthorn: cooking recipes for the winter

What can be made from hawthorn

In today’s very fussy and stressful time, hawthorn and preparations from it are shown to almost everyone – because they facilitate the passage of stressful situations, calm the nerves, and relax. Well, if there are any problems with the cardiovascular system, it is difficult to imagine a better medicine than hawthorn.

That’s just the sweet tooth needs to be more careful, because any preparations from this plant, no matter how attractive they look and taste, can only be absorbed in very limited quantities. After all, hawthorn is a rather strong remedy and you can’t get carried away with it.

And the variety of recipes for cooking from hawthorn berries is really great. It can also be whole berries with seeds, infused or boiled with sugar and pureed jams, marmalades, jelly and marmalade.

Many healthy drinks are prepared from the fruits of this plant, ranging from juices to fruit drinks and kvass, and even alcohol tinctures.

The range of sweets that are prepared from this useful berry is also varied: marshmallow, marmalade, candied fruits, sweets.

The fruits are even used to prepare a sauce for meat or fish dishes.

It is interesting that all these numerous preparations for the winter can be made both from garden large-fruited hawthorn and from its small wild forms.

Hawthorn with sugar for the winter without cooking

Among many other recipes, it is easiest to prepare hawthorn for the winter in this way.

Hawthorn: cooking recipes for the winter

For 1 kg of berries you will need about 800 g of granulated sugar.


  1. Most of the sugar prepared according to the recipe is ground to the state of powdered sugar in a coffee grinder.
  2. The fruits are washed, freed from tails and stalks and dried on a towel.
    Attention! It is necessary that the hawthorn fruits be completely dried, without a drop of moisture on their surface.
  3. Powdered sugar is poured into a deep bowl and hawthorn is rolled in small parts in it.
  4. Ready fruits are transferred to a clean and dry jar with a wide neck. When laying, the jar is periodically shaken to increase the density of the berries.
  5. In the upper part of the glass container, a place is left, about 4-5 cm high, where ordinary granulated sugar is poured in a continuous layer.
  6. The neck of the jar is closed with a paper or fabric lid, tightening it with an elastic band so that the workpiece “breathes”. For the same reason, polyethylene caps are not used for corking.
  7. Berries can be considered ready after about two months.

Hawthorn mashed with sugar for the winter

Hawthorn: cooking recipes for the winter

Another delicious hawthorn preparation for the winter at home is berries grated with sugar. The most unpleasant procedure in this case is the removal of bones. But the process can be facilitated if the berries are first steamed until softened.

For 1 kg of hawthorn, according to this recipe, add about 2,5 cups of sugar.


  1. Washed and dried fruits are placed in a small amount of boiling water or in a colander over steam for several minutes.
  2. Then they are ground with a metal sieve – softened, they will pass through the holes quite easily, while the bones will remain on the sieve.
  3. Then granulated sugar is added to the crushed berries, mixed and heated to about + 80 ° C. So that the mixture does not boil, and all the sugar melts.
  4. Distribute the workpiece in clean jars, sterilize for about 20 minutes and roll up.

Hawthorn with lemon without boiling

Hawthorn: cooking recipes for the winter

For those who find the sweetish taste of hawthorn too cloying, it is recommended to use the following recipe for the winter.

You need:

  • 1 kg of hawthorn;
  • Xnumx g of granulated sugar;
  • 1 large lemon


  1. As in the previous recipe, the fruits are kept for a couple of minutes to soften, after which they are ground through a sieve.
  2. The lemon is scalded with boiling water, cut into several pieces, the stones that can add bitterness are removed and crushed with a knife or blender.
  3. The grated mass of hawthorn is mixed with lemon puree, sugar is added.
  4. After mixing thoroughly, leave for several hours in heat for the full interpenetration of all components.
  5. Lay out in dry containers, twist and store in the cold.

Hawthorn with honey for the winter

Hawthorn: cooking recipes for the winter

Hawthorn with honey is in itself a very healing preparation for the winter, and according to the following recipe, a real cure for high blood pressure and headaches is obtained with a mild calming effect.

You need:

  • 200 g of hawthorn berries, sea buckthorn and red mountain ash;
  • 100 g of fresh or 50 g of dry herbs: calendula, motherwort, mint, sage;
  • about 1 liter of liquid honey.


  1. Finely chop fresh herbs or grind dry ones.
  2. Grind the berries with a crush or grind with a blender.
  3. Mix berries with herbs in a single container and pour over honey.
  4. Mix, arrange in jars and seal tightly.
  5. Store in a cool place: in the refrigerator or in the basement.

Hawthorn juice

Despite the fact that the hawthorn is not at all juicy, but rather mealy, it makes tasty and healthy juice for the winter. True, a drink produced according to this recipe can be called rather nectar. However, it retains most of the beneficial properties of this plant. It is especially easy to prepare for the winter juice rich in taste from large-fruited hawthorn.

Hawthorn: cooking recipes for the winter

You need:

  • 1000 g of fruit;
  • 1 L of water;
  • a pinch of citric acid;
  • 100 d Sahara.


  1. The hawthorn is washed, poured with water so that it only slightly covers the fruits, and boiled over low heat for about an hour.
  2. Rub the softened berries through a sieve.
  3. The resulting puree is diluted with water, sugar and citric acid are added and heated to a boil.
  4. Boiling juice is packaged in sterile containers, tightly twisted and, turned over, wrapped until it cools.

If a juicer is available, then with its help, if desired, you can prepare absolutely natural juice from hawthorn berries at home without pulp and even without dilution with water.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. The fruits are washed and crushed with a meat grinder.
  2. The resulting mass is loaded into the receiver for raw materials, water is poured into the lower section and the juicer is placed on the fire.
  3. The process of obtaining juice can take up to an hour.
  4. It is drained, filtered through gauze, heated to + 100 ° C and poured into sterile glassware.
  5. Seal immediately for the winter.
  6. If such juice is supposed to be stored at room conditions, then it is better to sterilize it additionally before blocking it. For 0,5 l containers, 15 minutes is enough, for liter containers – 20 minutes.

Hawthorn: cooking recipes for the winter

Hawthorn juice in a juicer

It is even easier to make hawthorn juice with a juicer. The fruits are washed, dried and passed through this device. The juice is obtained with a large amount of pulp and has a very thick consistency. The taste is also full-bodied with some honey-cinnamon aftertaste.

To save for the winter, it is sterilized in the standard way. And when using it, it is recommended to dilute it twice with filtered or spring water.

Morse from hawthorn

Morse differs from other similar drinks in that it is obtained by diluting fruit thick with water, and the content of puree in relation to the added liquid should be at least 15%.

Hawthorn: cooking recipes for the winter

Thus, to make a fruit drink from hawthorn according to a recipe for the winter, you will need:

  • 500 g of fruit;
  • 2-2,5 liters of water;
  • juice from half a lemon (optional)
  • 300 d Sahara.


  1. Prepared berries are boiled in a small amount of water until soft, then cooled and rubbed through a sieve.
  2. The fruit mass is mixed with sugar and heated almost to a boil.
  3. Water is added, heated again to almost + 100 ° C and immediately packaged in sterile containers, hermetically rolled up for the winter.
Attention! Fruit drink can also be prepared by steeping hawthorn berries in mineral water for a long time.

Hawthorn in syrup for the winter

Considering that hawthorn pits also contain considerable benefits, the preparation according to the following recipe is very tasty and healing.

Hawthorn: cooking recipes for the winter

You need:

  • 1 kg of hawthorn fruit;
  • 700 grams of sugar;
  • 200 ml water.


  1. A syrup is prepared from sugar and water, which must be boiled for at least 5 minutes to completely dissolve the sugar.
  2. The hawthorn is cleaned from the stalks, washed and dried, placed in boiling syrup.
  3. The berries are boiled in syrup until the foam ceases to stand out, and the fruits themselves become almost transparent.
  4. The blank is distributed in sterile jars, hermetically sealed and placed in storage for the winter.

Recipe for hawthorn syrup at home

Such a preparation as hawthorn syrup for the winter is very popular among housewives, since it is universal in use and the method of preparing it is not at all complicated. The syrup is easy and convenient to add to tea or coffee. It can be diluted with cool water and get a healthy and at the same time refreshing drink. In addition, it is convenient to use it for impregnation of confectionery products and to improve the taste of various fillings.

Hawthorn: cooking recipes for the winter

You need:

  • 1000 g of fruit;
  • 1000 grams of sugar;
  • 5 g citric acid;
  • 1 L of water.


  1. The fruits are dipped in a pot of boiling water and boiled until they are quite soft.
  2. The resulting drink is filtered through cheesecloth and sugar is added to it.
  3. The syrup is heated to a boil, citric acid is added and hot poured into sterile bottles or other containers.

Recipe for hawthorn jelly for the winter

Since hawthorn berries, like apples, contain a considerable amount of pectin, the process of making jelly is very similar in technology to making syrup.

Hawthorn: cooking recipes for the winter

You need:

  • 500 g of berries;
  • about 70 ml of water;
  • about 200-300 g of sugar.
Attention! The exact amount of sugar according to the recipe is determined at the stage when it will be seen how much pure juice has been released from the berries. The weight of added sugar should match the weight of the resulting juice.


  1. The berries are steamed in boiling water until soft and rubbed in a colander with a piece of strong gauze laid inside.
  2. The juice is finally squeezed out with gauze, the cake is thrown out.
  3. The required amount of sugar is added to the juice, heated to a boil and boiled for about 10-15 minutes.
  4. The juice may not thicken when hot, but after cooling, the jelly will be quite dense.

Such hawthorn jelly is usually stored in the refrigerator in jars under parchment paper.

Marmalade from hawthorn

Hawthorn: cooking recipes for the winter

The technology for making marmalade from hawthorn is based on boiling the released juice, so the first stages of preparation completely coincide with the description in the previous recipe.

For 1 kg of fruit, take 100 ml of water and about 400 g of sugar.


  1. Juice is squeezed out of steamed berries and boiled over low heat until its volume decreases exactly by half.
  2. Add sugar, heat again until boiling and cook for another 10-12 minutes.
    Attention! When boiling hawthorn juice with sugar, it is important to constantly remove the resulting foam.
  3. The boiled mass in hot form is laid out on deep pallets with a layer no more than 2 cm thick.
  4. Containers with drying marmalade are covered with linen or gauze and left in a warm room for several days.
  5. After that, the marmalade layers are cut into conveniently shaped pieces and, if desired, sprinkled with powdered sugar.
  6. Store sweet blanks in cardboard boxes in a cool place.

Hawthorn: cooking recipes for the winter

Preparation of hawthorn sweets

You can also make delicious sweets from a hot blank for marmalade.

You need:

  • 1 liter of juice obtained from softened berries;
  • 0,5 kg of sugar;
  • 100 g of starch;
  • 50 g of powdered sugar;
  • 100 g peeled and chopped nuts.

Hawthorn: cooking recipes for the winter


  1. The juice from the fruits, boiled twice, is mixed with the same amount of sugar by weight and, heated to a boil, boiled for about a quarter of an hour.
  2. Starch is dissolved in cold water, poured into a saucepan with juice and mixed thoroughly.
  3. Add chopped nuts.
  4. The resulting mixture is spread in a thin layer on a flat surface.
  5. Dry either in a warm room for several days, or in a slightly heated oven (+ 50-60 ° C) for several hours.
  6. Figures of any shape are cut out, sprinkled with powdered sugar and folded for storage in a dry jar or cardboard box.

Hawthorn confiture for the winter

Hawthorn: cooking recipes for the winter

Simply and quickly, without long boiling, you can create delicious confiture from hawthorn if you use agar-agar.

You need:

  • 1,4 kg of hawthorn;
  • 0,5 kg of sugar;
  • 1 h. l. agar-agar;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 cinnamon stick


  1. Steam the hawthorn fruits in a standard way under a lid in a small amount of water and wipe the mass through a sieve.
  2. Add sugar, cinnamon, lemon juice and cook the fruit mass over low heat for 20 minutes.
  3. 5 minutes before the end of the process, pour a small ladle of the mixture into a separate ladle, put agar-agar there and cook for a couple of minutes.
  4. Pour the contents of the ladle back into the pan, mix.
  5. Arrange the hot mixture in sterile jars, roll up and cool quickly.

Candied hawthorn for the winter

You can also save hawthorn for the winter by making candied fruits from it.

Hawthorn: cooking recipes for the winter

You need:

  • 1,5 kg of hawthorn berries;
  • 1,8 kg of sugar;
  • 400 ml of water;
  • 2 g citric acid.


  1. Syrup is made from water and sugar.
  2. Washed and dried berries are poured with hot syrup and left overnight.
  3. In the morning, place the berries in syrup on the fire and boil for 15 minutes after boiling.
  4. Again, the workpiece is allowed to cool until the evening, when the whole procedure is repeated.
  5. Then the berries are taken out of the syrup, allowed to drain and laid out on a baking sheet lined with parchment.
  6. Ready-made candied fruits are rolled in powdered sugar and dried either in the oven or in a warm room.
  7. Store in a glass jar with a tightly closed lid to keep it moist.

hawthorn sauce

It is also easy to cook a sauce from hawthorn fruits for the winter, like the one made from lingonberries.

Hawthorn: cooking recipes for the winter

For this you will need:

  • 0,5 kg of hawthorn;
  • 0,2 kg of sugar;
  • 0,2 L of water.


  1. Hawthorn is dipped in boiling water and boiled for 10-15 minutes until soft.

    Hawthorn: cooking recipes for the winter

  2. Rub the mass through a sieve to remove the bones.
  3. Add granulated sugar, mix and heat slightly to achieve sugar dissolution.
  4. They are distributed among banks and rolled up for the winter.
  5. To store the workpiece outside the refrigerator, it is advisable to sterilize the jars additionally.

Filling for apple and hawthorn pies

You need:

  • 1 kg of hawthorn;
  • 0,8 kg of sugar;
  • juice from half a lemon;
  • 3-4 g cinnamon.


  1. For harvesting for the winter according to this recipe, it is advisable to remove the seeds from the hawthorn fruits from the very beginning. To do this, the washed fruits are cut into two halves each and a bone is picked out with the tip of a small knife.
  2. After that, the fruits are covered with sugar, poured over with lemon juice, cinnamon is added and put on a small fire.
  3. After boiling, cook with constant stirring for about 20 minutes.
  4. The hot billet is distributed in sterile jars, rolled up.

How to prepare hawthorn for the winter without sugar

According to the simplest recipe, hawthorn berries are simply boiled in a small amount of water, rubbed through a sieve and laid out in sterile jars. It is advisable to sterilize the workpiece, or store it in the refrigerator.

Stevia leaves can also be used in place of sugar. This is an excellent and completely harmless sweetener. 1-15 dry leaves are added to 20 liter of the workpiece.

Is it possible to freeze hawthorn

Hawthorn: cooking recipes for the winter

Freezing hawthorn will make it very easy and high-quality to prepare almost any number of berries for the winter. In addition, with this harvesting technology, all useful substances present in the fruits are preserved for 6 to 12 months.

Freezing hawthorn for the winter

You can lay out whole washed and dried berries in one layer on a pallet and place them in the freezer for several hours. Then take out and divide into portioned packages.

Sometimes it is more convenient to immediately remove the seeds from the berries and freeze the already peeled halves of the fruit.

How to use frozen hawthorn

Berries frozen as a whole can be used for cooking compotes, fruit drinks, added to tea and other drinks.

Frozen pitted berries are convenient to use for making fillings for pies and for adding to any jams.

Harvesting hawthorn: drying

Hawthorn: cooking recipes for the winter

Drying berries is the most traditional type of harvesting hawthorn for the winter. And this is fully justified, because you can use dried berries anywhere.

  1. Healing decoctions are often prepared from them or simply brewed in the form of tea.
  2. From crushed dry berries, you can also prepare a kind of drink, somewhat reminiscent of coffee.
  3. Finely crushed berries can be added to the dough when baking bread or pies. They give the dough an attractive creamy hue.

Rules for storing hawthorn blanks

In the description of each recipe, it is mentioned under what conditions this or that hawthorn blank should be stored. Hermetically sealed glass jars are stored under normal room conditions.


Harvesting hawthorn for the winter will not take much time and effort. But, given the healing properties of this plant, every home should have at least a small supply of its fruits in one form or another.

Preparations for the winter: hawthorn. Fazenda. Fragment of the issue dated 22.11.2015/XNUMX/XNUMX

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