Have you recently had COVID-19? Important information about the Omicron
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None of the coronavirus variants spread as fast as Omikron. However, we still know very little about the mutation itself. And one of the main questions remains: what protection do vaccines give against it, COVID-19 disease, and a combination of both. A leading UK epidemiologist recently suggested that people who have recently been infected with the coronavirus are “relatively well protected” from Omicron. What does this mean exactly?

  1. People who have had COVID-19 in the last six months are “relatively well protected” against Omikron, UK epidemiologist Prof. Tim Spector
  2. The scientist pointed out that few people who had been infected with the coronavirus in the last six months appeared to be sick with Omikron
  3. At the same time, it emphasizes that more information is needed to be sure that such protection actually takes place
  4. Tim Spector also lists the symptoms of COVID-19, which are currently the most common
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

WHO chief about Omicron: we underestimate this virus at our own risk

“Omicron is spreading at a pace we have not seen with any other variant,” World Health Organization (WHO) head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus recently admitted. In his opinion, this variant is already available in all countries in the world. The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) estimates that it will become the dominant option in Europe at the beginning of next year.

Furthermore, according to ECDC, it is “very likely” that the new variant will result in hospitalizations and deaths greater than those predicted so far by the Delta variant alone. Ghebreyesus spoke in the same vein, appealing not to underestimate the Omicron, although there is no evidence that it is more dangerous than the so far dominant Delta variant. – We are concerned that people perceive it as a mild variant. We underestimate this virus at our own risk. Even if Omikron causes a less severe disease, the sheer number of infections could paralyze unprepared healthcare systems again, emphasized the head of the WHO.

The rest of the article is available under the video.

Scientists are racing against time to learn as much as possible about Omicron, including how much it can elude immunity acquired through infection or vaccination against COVID-19. Research from South Africa suggests that this variant is more likely to be re-infected (it is estimated to occur about 2,4 times more often). We also know from the information available so far that the new variant is also diagnosed in vaccinated persons. In Singapore, it was found in two people who had taken a booster dose. Such cases have also been reported in Israel. New information on this topic is coming from Great Britain. And although these are the suspicions for people who have recently contracted COVID-19, they are optimistic news.

  1. In these countries, Omikron already dominates. What can we learn from them?

Recent healers better protected from Omicron?

More recently, Tim Spector, professor of genetic epidemiology at King’s College London, admitted that people who have had COVID-19 in the last six months are “relatively well protected” from Omicrons. According to the Daily Mail, the scientist points out A large UK study that seems to show protection against another infection remains high for at least six months.

Let us add that prof. Spector runs the UK’s largest COVID-19 symptom monitoring project. On the BBC Radio 4’s Today program, the epidemiologist indicated that few people who have been infected with the coronavirus in the last six months appear to have contracted Omikron. Protection against reinfection may be because the body still retains the antibodies it used to fight the virus for the first time (this protection against infection is similar to vaccines that train the body to produce antibodies against the virus).

  1. Protection against Omicrons. Two doses may not be enough, but a booster is. How it’s possible?

Tim Spector also emphasizes that more information is needed to be sure that such protection actually takes place. He also did not specify whether this applies to both vaccinated and unvaccinated people. Even so, growing evidence suggests that two doses of the vaccine can only provide about 30 percent. protection against symptomatic infection. At the same time, current vaccines are expected to protect against severe illness, hospitalizations and deaths due to infection with the Omikron variant.

The symptoms of Omikron are similar to a common cold

Professor Spector notes that most of the symptoms of COVID-19 now resemble the common cold, and that the classic symptoms of the virus are now less frequent. – We are talking about headaches, sore throats, runny nose, fatigue and sneezing – says the scientist. – Our observations show that symptoms such as fever, cough and loss of smell are currently in the minority. More about the symptoms of Omicron.

How to protect yourself from the Omicron. WHO and ECDC appeal

The question of whether natural immunity after contracting COVID-19 provides protection against Omicrons is under discussion for the same reason experts fear that a superwariant may “escape” vaccines. As the Daily Mail reminds us, it is so different from the current SARS-CoV-2 variants that antibodies designed to target the original pathogen may not recognize it.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

We must not forget that vaccines remain the best means of protection against COVID-19 and reduce the likelihood of new variants emerging. In the current situation ECDC also called for the “swift restoration and reinforcement” of so-called “non-pharmaceutical” measures to combat COVID-19. Priority in this regard is the use of masks, remote work, avoiding overcrowded places and public transport, staying at home during illness, ventilating rooms and maintaining a high level of personal hygiene.

  1. Epidemiologist: Are you afraid of the Omicron? A surgical mask may not be enough

The head of the WHO drew attention to similar issues. Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned that vaccines alone would prevent any country from emerging from the epidemic crisis and called for the continued use of all existing anti-covid tools. – Do it all. Do it consistently and do it well, he exhorted.

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