Autumn is coming, and with it the season of increased susceptibility to various types of viral infections. When one of the household members has a cough or a runny nose, it often happens that the whole family is infected. However, this need not be the rule. It is enough to follow a few simple rules to reduce the risk of getting sick to a minimum.
Viruses are transmitted by:
- droplet
- and contact.
Whether individuals become infected with the virus depends largely on their individual immunity. Nevertheless, there are ways to reduce the likelihood of inheriting a cold or flu from an already sick household member. Here are 6 proven rules.
- Hand washingThis mundane and everyday activity during the illness of one of our family members should be performed many times, even routinely. This is the easiest way to prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria. According to statistics, nearly 80% of infectious diseases are spread by touch. Our hands go to our eyes and mouth many times a day, and these are the most sensitive places that expose us to infection of the whole body.
- Appropriate distanceIt is not necessary to create a specially separated room for the patient, which will act as an isolation room. This can have a negative impact on his well-being and delay the recovery process. However, it is worth remembering that the common cold is contagious at a distance of about two meters. So it would be good to keep this safe distance. The patient should necessarily cover his mouth and night when coughing and sneezing.
- Ventilation of roomsThis is important because during this procedure we drive germs out of the house. Regardless of the aura outside the window, it is worth opening or tilting the window, even for a moment, so that the air in the rooms is exchanged. Fresh and crisp, they are allies in the fight against disease.
- DisinfectionThe optimal solution would be to disinfect all common surfaces and objects. Among them, the following should be mentioned: table tops and kitchen furniture, door handles, refrigerator doors, taps, remote controls for TV sets and other household appliances, computer keyboards, children’s toys. Thanks to this, we will get rid of many of the bacteria lying on it all, because you have to remember that it is practically impossible to eliminate all of them.
- Disposable hygiene itemsFirst of all, you need to throw away the tissues immediately after use, which are the kingdom of germs. It is also good to use paper towels instead of traditional towels when one of the household members is sick, so that everyone does not wipe their hands with one towel after washing. You can also separate the sick person with their own cutlery, plates, glasses and cups, so that no one else uses them.
- Adequate dietIt should be used every day, but in the cold season it is an absolute must. You should drink plenty of fluids, preferably 2 liters a day, and additionally eat vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins, as well as dairy products and lean meat.