It is silent about it on the Internet, not much can be read from the professional medical literature, and yet many of us, especially several decades ago, have heard a diagnosis in our lives: cold blood. What is this condition?
A cold of the blood arises when inflammation of the lymphatic system (which consists of lymphatic vessels, thymus, tonsils, lymph nodes, lymph nodes) begins to also affect the circulatory system. In such a situation, the main symptom is the appearance of boil-like, purulent eczema on the skin. They mean that the immune system is “not able to cope” with inflammations within the body and the body defends itself by expelling them through the skin. Usually, relief is provided by lubricating painful places with ointments accelerating healing, sometimes the doctor also recommends antibiotic therapy. However, it is worth, above all, in the case of blood colds to fight inflammation and lowered immunity. Antibiotic therapy and strong anti-inflammatory drugs will help to deal with the former.
When it comes to immunity, it will be important to give strengthening preparations such as:
- vitamin C
- minerals
- calcium
- blood purifying tonics
- immune boosting antioxidants.
It is also worth considering your diet and lifestyle: prevent purulent inflammations and infections of the lymphatic system in the future by dressing warmer and wearing a scarf and hat in winter. It is also worth including more fruits and vegetables in the diet and less processed products, such as chips, fast food, carbonated drinks. A blood cold manifests itself most often during summer trips or in winter, when we go crazy on a mountain slope. It is worth being especially careful during this period.
And how to prevent cold blood? First of all, you can not ignore the symptoms of diseases of the lymphatic system, such as inflammation of the tonsils or lymph nodes. A blood cold is not possible without the appearance of inflammation in these areas, so it is worth preventing them as soon as possible with the help of doctor-prescribed antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.