Have them in your kitchen: 9 foods that prolong life

Have them in your kitchen: 9 foods that prolong life

These are not overseas magical superfoods, but food that is quite affordable for everyone.

What to eat in order to lose weight, and what to eat in order to live longer. There is an answer to both of these questions. And the result will definitely be. Especially if, in addition, you follow the rule not to eat. Wday.ru has found 9 foods that will help you live longer and healthier – and they are sure to be in your fridge.

1. Salmon and other fatty fish

Tuna is considered a real superfood from the fish family. It contains the most protein and practically no fat. But doctors are more sympathetic to smaller ocean fish: mackerel, salmon, sardines. They are also protein champions, are low in calories and contain much less mercury than large marine fish. In addition, they contain valuable selenium, which neutralizes mercury. And they are useful in that they provide us with omega-3 fatty acids, preventing Alzheimer’s disease, lowering cholesterol and helping to maintain youth: omega-3s are very beneficial for hair and skin. Fish oil, by the way, does not give such an effect. So eat fish.

Walnuts, pistachios, almonds, pecans, hazelnuts, even peanuts help reduce the risk of cardiovascular and cancer diseases. And even the likelihood of contracting ARVI becomes lower if you eat a few nuts every day. Nuts are high in healthy fats, protein, magnesium, manganese and selenium. They are also loaded with vitamin E, which helps protect the body against Alzheimer’s. Just 30 grams of nuts a day is enough to provide yourself with all these benefits for at least a third of the daily value.

An invaluable source of vitamin A, which is needed not only to maintain the beauty and health of skin and hair. As Western scientists have found, this vitamin is very important for the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease: it turns out that carrots rejuvenate not only the appearance, but also our brain. In addition, the root vegetable also contains beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, and zinc. Together, they are very important for eye health. The joke about the fact that you will never see a hare with glasses is about that. It is better to eat carrots in combination with sour cream or vegetable oil – this way vitamins are absorbed better. And beta-carotene after heat treatment only becomes more. But don’t overdo it: one carrot a day is enough. When there is too much vitamin A, the risk of hip fracture increases.

Together with the yolk, may the fitness gods forgive us. Egg white contains all the amino acids required by the human body. There are many vitamins in the yolk – except, perhaps, vitamin C – and minerals. In particular, the iodine needed by the thyroid gland, phosphorus and calcium necessary for healthy bones, as well as zinc, which helps the body fight infections and heal wounds faster. And don’t be afraid of bad cholesterol. A healthy person can afford two eggs a day, prone to cardiovascular disease – 3-4 pieces per week. Moreover, lecithin, which is also found in eggs, prevents the excessive absorption of cholesterol. In general, an omelet will help you.

Did you know that flax seeds can replace eggs in baked goods? Yes, no kidding. One tablespoon of crushed seeds plus three tablespoons of water can successfully replace one egg. True, the biscuit will be slightly less fluffy. And such a change will not affect the quality of the yeast dough. But back to the good. Flax seeds contain a mysterious substance called lignin, which can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and is incredibly beneficial for the heart. In addition, these seeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids and dietary fiber. Thanks to the latter, flax seeds have a mild laxative effect. Flax seeds also contain a lot of phytoestrogens, which help to maintain youth.

Marsh berry is beneficial for more than just eye health. The benefits of antioxidants, which are abundant in blueberries, cannot be overestimated. This is the prevention of diabetes and cancer, and anti-inflammatory properties, and the maintenance of youth. Blueberries contain substances that improve memory, cerebral circulation, reduce the risk of heart disease, and increase immunity. Experts assure that there is no need to chase after fresh berries. Frozen blueberries are just as healthy.

Cocoa is a powerful source of antioxidants. Studies have shown that there are more of these substances in cocoa than in red wine and green tea. Plus, it’s also delicious. So natural cocoa that needs to be brewed, truly dark chocolate with over 60 percent cocoa content, are very healthy things. In addition, dark chocolate usually has a much lower fat and sugar content than milk chocolate. Thanks to cocoa, cholesterol levels are reduced. And it also perfectly warms in cold weather, delighting not only the body, but also the soul – it’s delicious, after all.

Firstly, it is a source of calcium, which we usually do not receive. And calcium isn’t just about bones and teeth. This trace element is involved in a variety of metabolic processes, which it would be desirable not to knock down. Without calcium, normal work of the heart, like all other muscles in the body, is impossible. Blood clotting, fighting inflammatory processes – all this is the work of calcium. Secondly, fermented milk products help maintain a healthy balance of intestinal microflora. This is important for immunity, which, oddly enough, “nests” there.

The Mediterranean diet – everyone has probably heard about it. The first association with the diet of the inhabitants of this region is fish. However, this is far from the only component of the Mediterranean menu. Olive oil, which supplies healthy fats to our body, grains that provide us with fiber and energy from slow carbohydrates, vegetables that make digestion work normally. Cereals are not even porridge. In Europe, it is not so fashionable. Whole grain bread and pasta are, yes. But we don’t have to blindly copy European fashion. Buckwheat is no worse (and cheaper!) Than durum wheat pasta.

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