Have a good holiday at home

– Break the routine: forget the alarm clock and the computer (valid for young and old alike). Holidays are about rest and relaxation. No need to have a garden or to be at the beach for a game of sunbathing: a park, sunscreen and a towel will do the trick.

– Go out with the family (museums, exhibitions, cinema, parks, picnics, etc.). Remember, in the summer, many leisure centers are open.

If you live in the capital, you may be able to benefit from the Paris Family Pass. The latter is given free of charge, without means test, to users with 3 dependent children, or one disabled child, and who have lived in the capital for three years. It provides access, at preferential rates, to municipal facilities and services.

The combination of the Paris Family Pass and the Support Allowance for Parents of Handicapped Child (ren) is possible. Contact your city’s Social Action Center (CASVP).

To know : Some family allowance funds grant, under certain conditions, to children and adolescents leisure tickets giving access to various activities (registrations within associations, leisure centers, etc.). As regards local measures, the award criteria differ from one place to another. Ask your Caf for more information.

– Do sport with the family: what could be better than a rollerblading or bicycle ride in the forest?

– Have fun with your children: take advantage of the holidays to play board games, pétanque, just to bring the south to your home. Organize creative or culinary workshops with your toddlers. Are you lacking inspiration? Go to our cooking and activities sections.

– Think of fairgrounds and festivals! In summer, many events are aimed at families.

Need ideas for your family walks and visits? Hurry, see you in our parks!

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