Hashimoto’s disease – symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

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The thyroid gland is a small gland that affects how the entire body works. When it starts to fail – body and soul suffer. One of the most commonly diagnosed thyroid disorders is Hashimoto’s disease. The inflammation characteristic of the disease consistently destroys the gland and disrupts its work. What do you need to know about the disease and how to fight it effectively?

Thyroid – affects the entire body

The thyroid gland is one of those glands whose work literally affects the entire body. When the thyroid gland fails, it can be seen everywhere. No organ is free from the effects of disturbances in its work: heart rhythm disturbances appear, the ovaries function worse and menstruation may become irregular.

The skin becomes dry and loses its good condition, the hair is in worse condition – sometimes it can fall out. Especially the latter symptoms lead to despair of patients with hypothyroidism – because they are mainly middle-aged women who start the fight over time, and the disease makes it even more difficult for them. Disorders related to the under-activity of this gland are of various origins. It could be inflammation of the thyroid gland accompanying Hashimoto’s disease.

Carry out a thorough diagnosis of the body’s endocrine system now, choosing a comprehensive package of hormone tests for women. You can also buy a special test package in which you will assess the thyroid gland by checking the level of TSH, FT4 and anti-TPO.

Hashimoto’s and age

Hashimoto’s disease most often affects women in the age of 30–50, and it is the disease that is more common among women than among men. However, the disease also affects children and adolescents – Hashimoto’s is the most common thyroid disease in these groups.

The thyroid gland can suffer from not only underactive but also overactive. In the case of hyperthyroidism, hypertrophy of this organ appears, increased heart rate, weight loss, but also other symptoms that can be confused with hypothyroidism. Only the complete clinical picture in conjunction with research allows us to state what type of thyroid disease we are dealing with. You can buy an appointment with an endocrinologist who will assess the condition of the thyroid gland at Medonet Market.

Hashimoto – what is it?

Hashimoto’s disease is autoimmune disease in the form of chronic thyroiditis, which is closely related to the immune system. Genetic factors and stress can cause thyroid problems. Other factors that are likely to influence Hashimoto’s development include:

  1. fluctuations in estrogen levels (typical during the menopause);
  2. infections;
  3. high iodine intake;
  4. selenium deficiencies in the diet;
  5. sole bed;
  6. certain medications (e.g. amiodarone) and cytokine therapies.

Medicine still doesn’t know where exactly Hashimoto’s disease comes from. At some point, the thyroid gland becomes inflamed and it slowly “eats” it. Inflammation is caused by an attack by your own immune cells, which for some reason start to see you as an enemy.

Smoking is conducive to the development of hypothyroidism in the course of Hashimoto’s.

For the first few years, the person who is sick – and most often the sick person – does not know that something is wrong. The process goes on slowly, in a latent state, without any symptoms for many years – until the function of the thyroid gland is so impaired, and the hormones it produces are so low that our health begins to deteriorate. Hashimoto’s will help diagnose the research package available on the drDiagnoza.com platform. The research package helps, among others find the cause of chronic thyroiditis.

See: Hypothyroidism in pregnancy

Hashimoto’s disease symptoms

Hashimoto’s symptoms come to light most often during random examinations, for which a person came in due to ailments that were not associated with the thyroid gland. Even if she tried to get pregnant, she had serious problems with it – and it also happens that although she was pregnant, she had a tendency to early miscarriages. Or your periods gradually changed: they became lighter and lighter, until they became irregular. Or she was feeling dizzy that she once did not have. Or she was worried about abnormal heart rhythms that appeared out of the blue and could hardly be attributed to any particular cause, such as a lack of potassium or exercise.

It happens that a woman suffering from Hashimoto’s will see a doctor with muscle aches and joint pain and stiffness, difficulty breathing and a feeling of eternal lack of air, independent of exercise, or constant tiredness and sleepiness – although this is probably the rarest reason for visiting a specialist, because it is related to the disease of the thyroid gland, loss of vigor, decreased concentration and the feeling of eternal fatigue are associated with age, the passage of time and the burden of duties.

Likewise, it does not drive us to a specialist weight gain, typical for thyroid disease – because even though we suddenly start to accumulate kilograms due to the slowing down of metabolism, it seems to us that the lack of exercise and a bad diet are the causes of the problems. Also, a drop in mood, deterioration of mental well-being or greater intolerance to cold are not usually the reason for visiting a doctor – we accept these symptoms, thinking that it must be so, since time is passing and we are getting more and more years. Meanwhile, nothing could be more wrong!

All the symptoms of Hashimoto’s disease described above are caused hypothyroidismwhich occurs as a result of damage within this gland. Unfortunately, it is still unknown why the body insists on destroying such an important ally. In order to exclude that the disturbing symptoms are caused by the poor functioning of the thyroid gland, it is worth performing diagnostic tests based on the analysis of a blood sample.

However, it is known that – apart from genes and stress – the disease can be caused by previous viral diseases (especially from the coxsackie, adenovirus or echovirus group). It has also recently been established allergic theory: Undiagnosed, latent and untreated allergy, smoldering in the health underground, leads to the fact that the body begins to destroy its own tissues.

Do you have Hashimoto’s symptoms? Try a diet dedicated to yourself – thanks to it you will reduce symptoms and improve your well-being.

Hashimoto’s disease – diagnosis

Before making a diagnosis, the doctor will first of all carefully examine our neck. Very often it already does the so-called palpation may direct suspicions in the right direction, because in Hashimoto’s disease, the thyroid gland very often annihilated by the body decreases quickly. And already during the basic examination, the doctor may find that the gland is suspiciously small. This will direct us to a blood test to check the level of the thyroid hormone TSH (thyroxine) in the blood. At Medonet Market, you can purchase a Home TSH level test – a cassette test and check the TSH level in your body yourself.

An interesting solution in such a situation is also the performance of a full panel of laboratory tests for Hashimoto’s diseasewhich significantly facilitates further diagnostics.

If the TSH concentration is too low, additional tests should be performed: testing for free thyroid hormones (FT3 and FT4.) Or anti-thyroid antibodies (anti-TPO, anti-TG and TRAb). Your doctor will also often order an ultrasound of the thyroid gland to check the gland for lumps.

See more: Thyroid profile. What should a thyroid test package include?

Test results that may indicate Hashimoto’s:

  1. high levels of TPO antibodies (at least 500; lower titer is ambiguous and may occur in other conditions),
  2. determination of TSH level, laboratory signs of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism;
  3. hypoechoic parenchyma on ultrasound.

In a situation where everything indicates Hashimoto’s disease (e.g. an ultrasound image of the thyroid gland and hypothyroidism diagnosed by a high TSH concentration, e.g. 40 mU / L), there is no need to perform an antibody test, because it won’t do anything.

Hashimoto’s diagnosis it is not associated with major difficulties, it is not a cancer that needs to be diagnosed and excised immediately. If a patient does not have hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, he or she is only monitored to see if he has Hashimoto’s or any other type of thyroiditis.

Hashimoto’s disease – course

Hashimoto’s causes the appearance and continuous worsening hypothyroidism (progressive), changes in the size of the thyroid gland are observed. In such a situation, hormones should be used. The thyroid gland usually shrinks during the course of the disease, but it can also increase in size. During ultrasound, you may notice flesh and palpable lumps, but rarely during Hashimoto’s, you may develop cancer of the lymphatic tissue (thyroid lymphoma), which is characterized by a significant enlargement of the thyroid gland.

It happens that Hashimoto’s does not have to proceed at all, despite the occurrence of certain changes in the ultrasound, but with the correct level of hormones. In such a situation, the doctor is not entirely sure if we are dealing with Hashimoto’s, so patients have to control this condition.

Hashimoto’s coexisting diseases

In people with Hashimoto’s, comorbidities are often found. These can be other types of hypothyroidism, including parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, gonads, and pancreatic islets. Even 30 percent. Hashimoto’s patients suffer from other autoimmune diseases, such as celiac disease, myasthenia gravis, Sjögren’s syndrome or pernicious anemia. You can buy diagnostic tests for celiac disease and anemia without leaving your home. A package of tests will help to rule out the presence of these diseases in the body.

Hashimoto’s disease also occurs in people with chromosomal disorders, such as Down’s, Turner, or Klinefelter’s syndromes. The diagnosis of this thyroid condition may be associated with an increased risk of developing papillary cancer or malignant lymphoma.

Check it out: Thyroid biopsy – when to do and how is it done?

Hashimoto’s disease – treatment

Once a diagnosis is made, your doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Sometimes, at the beginning of the treatment, the patient takes anti-inflammatory drugs, then the doctor will recommend swallowing the thyroid hormone levothyroxine (eg Letrox, Euthyrox). It is a tablet to be swallowed on an empty stomach with water. It is important not to eat anything for two hours before taking the tablet and refrain from eating for 20 minutes after taking it.

Good news – the drug is generally well tolerated and if the dose is selected correctly, the body will be supplied with the correct amount of thyroxine and will function normally. And the worse news – treatment will have to be continued for the rest of life, as the thyroid is destroyed, increasing the dose of thyroxine. Therefore, once every 3-6 months it is necessary to perform an examination and check the level of thyroxine in the blood, which will allow to correct the amount of the administered dose of the drug.

If we do not undergo treatment, serious cardiac problems, overweight, excess cholesterol, decreased physical and intellectual activity, anxiety, mood swings and even depression may develop. To rule out problems with the cardiovascular system, make an appointment with a cardiologist.

Selenium supplementation in Hashimoto’s

Over the years, many countries have studied the effects of selenium on people with Hashimoto’s. The results are inconclusive, but some of them showed that supporting the treatment of Hashimoto’s disease with selenium may bring beneficial effects. Most of the works concluded that as a result long-term selenium supplementation it was possible to reduce the concentration of anti-TPO in patients. Some analyzes also indicated a reduction in anti-TG or other positive changes (improved well-being or echogenicity of the thyroid gland).

The administration of selenium for a period of several to several months does not adversely affect the functions of the thyroid gland, and this is how long the element was taken by people from most research groups participating in the above-mentioned studies. In individual studies, patients consumed selenium in doses ranging from 80 to 200 μg per day (most researchers used doses of 200 μg). Check Selenium 200 µg, a dietary supplement to support the thyroid gland, which will help deliver the daily dose of selenium to the body.

At Medonet Market you can buy the Selen SOLHERBS dietary supplement, which has an easily digestible form, natural composition and ecological packaging.

Hashimoto’s disease and the psyche

Hashimoto’s disease is closely related to the psyche. Research shows that people who live under high stress get sick more often. Depression or over-excitability are symptoms of an underactive or overactive thyroid gland. What if the condition persists after taking hormones? In such situations, a visit to a specialist is necessary. You can make an appointment with a psychologist without leaving your home. During the consultation, the specialist will help you deal with difficult emotions and problems.

It is worth mentioning that not always small changes in hormones are caused by the psyche. It happens that fluctuations in TSH concentration are spontaneous and may result from other reasons, e.g. disturbed acid-base balance. Unlike endorphins or adrenaline, thyroid hormones have a long-lasting biological effect, therefore their influence on the mood is significant and long-lasting.

If you want to take care of your thyroid, try the Hashima Forte supplement for thyroid and immunity, which you can buy at a favorable price on Medonet Market.

Hashimoto’s and diet

Diet in Hashimoto’s disease plays an important role, in addition to taking pharmacological agents prescribed by a doctor, it is important what we eat every day (quality of consumed products). In the diet of a person with Hashimoto’s there should be products containing goitrogens, commonly referred to as iodine thieves. Goitrogens have a very valuable effect on the immune system of people with Hashimoto’s.

So what is worth eating in Hashimoto’s disease?

1. Eat foods rich in fiber. Hashimoto’s disease causes the intestinal peristalsis to slow down a bit, which is why fiber is a rescue for them. This compound stimulates our intestines to work, removes toxins from the body and makes us feel full (thus facilitating weight loss). In patients with this disease, fiber can be consumed even in an amount twice as much as the daily dose. A large amount of fiber can be found, among others, in:

  1. bananach,
  2. apples,
  3. beetroots,
  4. carrots,
  5. an avocado,
  6. almonds,
  7. sprouts,
  8. artichokes,
  9. whole grain cereal products.

A good source of fiber are also chia seeds and plantain shells, which are offered by the Intenson brand.

2. Eat protein!

As is well known, protein is a very important factor that affects the building of muscles and cells in our body. In addition, it helps to maintain an appropriate weight and is stored in the stomach for a long time. However, not all proteins prove to be beneficial for people with Hashimoto’s disease. They should to avoid milk, yoghurt or cottage cheese, because hypothyroidism is very often accompanied by lactose intolerance. The consequence of intolerance is unpleasant gas, constant gas, a feeling of fullness. If you are struggling with persistent symptoms after consuming dairy products, perform a lactose intolerance mailing test to help identify the source of the problem.

In the diet of people with Hashimoto’s, protein is beneficial if it is ingested in the form of meat, eggs (those that are shown not to cause intolerance), and protein-containing starch products. These types of products can even be consumed daily.

3. Products containing goitrogens.

Below are a number of products containing the above-mentioned goitrogens that can be consumed by people with Hashimoto’s: Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kohlrabi, mustard, peaches, strawberries, radishes, turnips, spinach, sweet potatoes, pine nuts, linseed, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, kale, shoots bamboo, horseradish, pears.

4. Good carbohydrates. People with Hashimoto’s should avoid simple sugars in their daily diet, which are found in our bars, candies and chocolates – they quickly build up in adipose tissue. However, complex carbohydrates, which can be found in beans, groats or lentils, are good for our body. We can eat a variety of green salads, fruit and vegetables as much as possible.

5. Fish – but not too often.

6. Raw, semi-raw, blood, stewed, cooked meat.

You don’t know how to plan a diet with Hashimoto’s? Check out dedicated diet plans, thanks to which you will take care of thyroid health and reduce the symptoms accompanying Hashimoto’s disease – click and check!

What is not allowed in Hashimoto’s?

People with Hashimoto’s should first learn to read product labels. It is important that your diet contains the right amount of iodine, but you must not consume an excess of it.

Hashimoto’s diet should not include:

  1. ready-made sausages (sausages, frankfurters), as almost all of them contain soy, which adversely affects people with Hashimoto’s;
  2. soybeans – soy cutlets, soy tripe, soybean oil;
  3. soy lecithin;
  4. gluten – gluten intolerance causes celiac disease, which in turn destroys the villi in the intestine responsible for the absorption and digestion of food. Intolerance increases in people with Hashimoto’s, so it is best to prevent gluten from the diet to avoid unpleasant consequences. Wheat gluten should be completely removed from the diet as the immune response to gluten can take up to six months;
  5. alcohol;
  6. coffee;
  7. tea;
  8. nuts;
  9. rice, corn;
  10. tomatoes;
  11. goji berry;
  12. peppers.

Gluten-free diet for Hashimoto’s disease

Coming back to the aforementioned gluten, eliminating it from the diet may have a positive effect on the results of research in people suffering from Hashimoto’s. A gluten-free diet is conducive to extinguishing Hashimoto’s inflammation, relieving symptoms of the disease or lowering TSH levels to normal values. You have to wait for the effects of the diet – research shows that its effectiveness is confirmed by people using it for a period of 6 months to 2 years. You should only go on a gluten-free diet if you have confirmed celiac disease. An appropriate diet, tailored to individual needs, will help you choose a qualified dietitian during a dietary consultation. It is worth going to such an appointment with the results of blood tests offered by the uPatient’s medical center.

Worth knowing

Improvement in health in Hashimoto’s disease can be seen by using a gluten-free diet alone or a gluten-free diet in combination with medication with L-thyroxine.

In the treatment of Hashimoto’s disease, auxiliary therapies based on a balanced diet and supplementation of missing microelements are of great importance. These aspects of treatment are important precisely because they reduce the burdensome symptoms of the disease and support the stabilization of the parameters disturbed by the disease.

Read also:

  1. Facts and myths, or how to live with Hashimoto’s disease?
  2. Thyroid hormones. What do blood results say about thyroid disease?
  3. Thyroid goiter – causes, types, symptoms and treatment

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