Hascosept – characteristics and effectiveness of action. How is Hascosept used?

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Hascosept (benzydamine) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It is used topically in the presence of inflammation of the mouth and throat.

Hasscosept – general characteristics

Hascosept contains the active substance benzydamine hydrochloride. It is a substance with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. When applied locally, it has an anesthetic and disinfecting effect.

Hascosept is used to treat symptoms (pain, redness, swelling, aphthae) associated with inflammation of the mouth and throat in bacterial and viral infections, in conditions after surgery in ENT and dentistry.

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Hascosept – properties

Hascosept works based on benzydamine, which reduces the pain sensation associated with inflammation. It does not inhibit the activity of enzymes involved in the transformation of lipids in cell membranesleading to the formation of prostaglandins or leukotrienes, i.e. cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase. Thanks to this, gastrointestinal ulceration does not occur.

Topical application has a protective effect on the vessels, significantly reducing the formation of lesions and aggregation of leukocytes, it also disinfects many species of bacteria and fungi and has anesthetic properties. In addition, it reduces the permeability of capillary blood vessels, which has an anti-oedematous effect. It is minimally absorbed into the circulation, therefore it does not show any general effect.

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Hascosept – contraindications and precautions

Hascosept cannot be used if you are allergic or hypersensitive to any of the ingredients. The exact composition can be found in the Hascosept leaflet. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult their doctor about using it.

There was no interaction of the preparation with other drugs. Long-term use of Hascosept or Hascosept Fotre may cause an allergic reaction. If any unforeseen reactions occur, consult a doctor immediately.

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Hascosept – dosage for children and adults

Hascosept comes as a liquid solution or spray. Dosage of Hascosept in liquid form: about 1 tablespoon for rinsing the mouth and throat for 20-30 seconds, up to 2-3 times a day. Can be diluted with a little water.

Dosage of Hascosept spray:

  1. children up to 6 years of age: 1 dose / 4 kg body weight, 2-6 times a day;
  2. children from 6 to 12 years of age: 4 doses, 2-6 times a day;
  3. children after 12 years of age and adults: 4-8 doses, 2-6 times a day.

Use for a maximum of 7 days. After this time, you should undergo a medical examination.

Hascosept – possible side effects

Local side effects are usually transient, self-limiting and rarely require additional treatment.

Benzydamine applied topically is absorbed in a small amount into the circulation, general side effects are therefore very rare.

Diluting the drug usually clears these symptoms. Very rare side effects include:

  1. general disorders and administration site conditions: burning sensation of the oral mucosa,
  2. gastrointestinal disorders: dry mouth, nausea and vomiting,
  3. immune system disorders: hypersensitivity reactions,
  4. nervous system disorders: sensory disturbance, numbness, dizziness, headache,
  5. skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders: rash.

If any of the side effects gets serious, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please inform your doctor or pharmacist.

Hascosept – cena

About that, how much you will have to pay for Hascosept, the capacity of the drug in the package and its form are decisive. Hascosept in the form of lozenges costs about PLN 13. Hascosept in the form of an aerosol costs about PLN 11, and in the form of a liquid, it costs about PLN 10.

Hascosept – reviews

Hascosept has a positive opinion among users. Especially because of its effectiveness, speed and efficiency. Many people also report that Hascosept is effective in relieving throat pain and irritation. Moreover, the price of the preparation is relatively low.

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