Harvey Wallbanger – a cocktail for those who know no barriers

“Harvey Wolbenger” (or “Harvey Wall Breaker”) – an alcoholic cocktail with a strength of 12% vol. with distinct citrus tones, light grassy taste and subtle notes of sweetness in the aftertaste. In many ways it resembles the legendary “Screwdriver”, but richer in organoleptic properties. Considered an all day drink.

Historical information

The author of the recipe for the Harvey Wolbanger cocktail has not been precisely established; there are three legends about the appearance of the drink. According to the first, the cocktail was invented in the 60s of the XX century by Bill Doner, editor of a small sports newspaper from Newport Beach (California). One day, a friend Harvey was visiting him, and Bill had only vodka and Galliano liquor left from alcohol at home. Without thinking twice, the hospitable host mixed vodka with liqueur and orange juice, adding some ice. The next morning, Harvey’s friend had such a bad hangover that he hit the walls, cursing the cocktail. This is how the name “Harvey Wolbenger” or “Harvey the Wall Breaker” appeared.

The second version says that the recipe was invented in 1952 by Donato “Duke” Antone, a three-time world champion in the preparation of alcoholic cocktails. While in Los Angeles, Anton worked at the Blackwatch Bar, and named his new cocktail after surfer Harvey, a regular at the establishment. However, historians of bar culture have not found evidence that the Black Light bar ever existed, moreover, during the specified period of time, Donato “Duke” Anton lived in Hartford (Connecticut), and not in Los Angeles.

According to the third version, in the 50s of the XX century, the famous surfer Tom Harvey was on the California coast. Once he lost big (in other sources – won) in a tournament. To forget himself from grief (or to celebrate a victory), Harvey ordered several servings of a Screwdriver cocktail with Galliano liqueur at a local bar. After drinking, our hero returned home, staggering and hitting his head against the walls.

The really recognizable cocktail “Harvey Wolbanger” was made in the 60s by the CEO of Galliano, George Bednar. He popularized the Galliano liqueur and a cocktail based on it through an advertising campaign. Even a holiday appeared – National Harvey Wallbanger Day, which is celebrated on November 18th. Interestingly, in the 1972 US presidential election, many voters arbitrarily entered the name “Harvey Wolbenger” on the ballot and voted for him.

Nowadays, Harvey Wolbanger is included in the official list of cocktails of the International Bartenders Association (IBA) and is in the section “Modern classics” (Contemporary classics).

Harvey Wolbanger cocktail recipe

Composition and proportions:

  • vodka – 45 ml;
  • Galliano liqueur (classic) – 15 ml;
  • orange juice – 90 ml;
  • ice cubes;
  • orange zest, wedge or cocktail cherry for garnish (optional)

This cocktail requires Galliano L’Autentico liqueur, other types of Galliano are not suitable. It is advisable to use freshly squeezed orange juice and vodka without an obvious alcohol smell.

If you replace vodka with tequila, you get a Freddie Fuddpucker cocktail (“Freddie Foodpacker”).

Technology of preparation

1. Fill a tall glass (highball) with ice.

2. Pour in vodka and orange juice. Mix.

3. Add the Galliano liqueur. Do not stir.

4. Decorate the finished cocktail with an orange slice, zest or a cocktail cherry. Serve with a straw.

Harvey Wallbanger – a cocktail for those who know no barriers

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