Harmful substances in food and the work of the thyroid gland

Being a person suffering from Hashimoto’s, we must be careful about our diet, try to improve our lifestyle, sleep hygiene and remember about proper supplementation. There are also lesser known risk factors associated with thyroid disease. These include, among others, substances in our environment that can be toxic to the work of our thyroid gland.

As always, they… pesticides

Mainly herbicides and pesticides are to blame. They inhibit the absorption of iodine and impair the responsiveness of thyroid receptors. A very popular agent DDT (insecticide) can reduce the T3 and T4 hormones and increase the level of TSH. The situation is not improved by the long-term presence of these substances in the environment. For example, agents that were used during World War I are still present in soils.

There are several ways to reduce the intake of pesticide residues in your diet:

  1. rinsing fruits and vegetables in a solution with vinegar;
  2. rinsing fruits and vegetables in water with salt;
  3. ozonation of fruits and vegetables;
  4. buying products grown without spraying.

Also check: Be careful with these vegetables and fruits – they absorb pesticides and other chemicals from the environment the most

Will the thyroid gland share the fate of the mushrooms?

Fungicides – these are fungicides used in spraying plants. One of the substances used for this purpose is penconazole, the presence of which is not indifferent to our thyroid gland. Research shows that the presence of this fungicide in the body contributes to an increase in the mass of the thyroid gland. In addition to being able to encounter penconazole on fruit, fungicides are also transmitted by golfers by taking residual substances off their shoes and clothes off the golf course.

It’s hard to limit the consumption of this compound, and the only recommendation may be to thoroughly wash your food products.

  1. Diet and hashimoto. Learn the five most important rules 

An enemy lurking among the grains

Many phytoestrogens have a positive effect on the hormonal activity of the body. The situation is different in the case of zearaleon (UAE) derivatives – mycotoxins produced by fungi of the Fusarium spp species. They are a contamination of many cereals and thus – bread, which reigns supreme in Polish cuisine. Fusarium fungi may increase the risk of perinatal death and also reduce the weight of the adrenal glands and pituitary gland.

Unfortunately, all we can do to reduce our exposure to these toxins is to buy grain products from certain sources where the products are properly stored. It is therefore worth buying vacuum-packed products from trusted companies. If you buy by weight – make sure that products such as oatmeal are stored in a glass, closed vessel.

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