And without any harm to health.
“Everything is good in moderation,” says a well-known saying. And this is true: even something very useful and vital can be harmful if abused. For example, water is the source of life, but even it can do harm. We will tell you what popular foods and in what quantities a person should eat in order to squeeze out only the benefits and nothing else.
No matter how the adherents of a healthy lifestyle and PP claim that sweets are harmful, doctors absolutely disagree with this. Not all sweets are a priori bad! Honey is a valuable product and a storehouse of useful substances. An adult can eat about 50 g of honey per day. This is the amount that not only does not harm, but also enriches the body with vitamins and minerals.
But about sugar, we agree: it is better to minimize its use or replace it with a natural analogue – stevia, agave syrup, whatever. But if you really cannot live without sugar, then the daily norm per day for an adult, according to WHO recommendations, is 25-50 g. Children are advised to consume no more than 13 g of sugar per day.
The question of whether coffee is harmful or useful, it seems, will never be found. In fact, it all depends on the human body and its needs: someone drinks a cup of coffee and his blood pressure will skyrocket, while others can consume five cups a day and feel much better. That is why scientists conducted an experiment and found that it is optimal for an adult to drink no more than three cups of coffee a day.
Another rather controversial product. Chicken egg white can be a powerful allergen. Therefore, people prone to allergic reactions have to give up eggs. And everyone else should not ignore this wonderful product.
The protein of a chicken egg contains the most valuable amino acids, and the yolk contains choline, which regulates the level of cholesterol in the body, as well as vitamins A, D, E. But, again, in order for nutrition to be rational and balanced, it is important to observe the measure: it is optimal to eat 2- 3 eggs a day, then there will be no harm to health.
Many, in pursuit of an ideal figure, exclude everything that contains flour from their diet. However, even bread is healthy, especially whole grains. A safe norm is considered to be eating 300 g of bread per day, divided into three meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. But for those on a strict diet, the norm is different – 40 g of bread for breakfast. With such a scheme, there will be no risk of gaining excess weight, and the product will only bring benefits. And if you supplement proper nutrition with express weight loss workouts, you can quickly bring your body into perfect shape.
An insidious oil that no nutritionist would classify as healthy fats, unlike vegetable oil. But even a tiny piece of butter can make almost any dish tastier. In addition, it contains healthy omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K. By the way, vitamins D, E and K are fat-soluble, that is, they are absorbed by the body only in combination with fats. … The optimal rate is 30 g of butter per day.
Favorite delicacy of millions. And like other foods, it needs to be consumed in limited quantities. This or that type of this delicacy is contraindicated for people with various diseases. For example, under high blood pressure, dark chocolate should not be eaten, as it contains caffeine. In general, a healthy person can eat 40 g of dark chocolate per day or 20 g of white or milk chocolate without harm to himself, since in the latter the level of sugar and fat is higher than in bitter one.
In a decent society, it’s somehow embarrassing to even admit that you eat bacon. And all the more you love this simple product. After all, this is so many calories! In general, in our age of obsessed diets, lard is a crime.
But it contains a lot of useful things. And even a small piece of lard, eaten in the morning, can reduce the risk of stroke thanks to the beneficial acids in the composition. In addition, it is high in vitamins A, E, D and antioxidants plus unsaturated fatty acids. The main thing is not to go over the daily norm: it is 10-30 g.
Food allergens
A nursing mom needs to choose nuts carefully.
For example, citrus fruits. They are worth eating for the sake of vitamin C and antioxidants in the composition. But do not overdo it: even in a person who does not suffer from allergies, they can cause an unpleasant reaction. Nutritionists do not recommend eating more than three tangerines a day, and you should never eat them on an empty stomach.
Or nuts – they are hard to digest and very high in calories. But the benefits of nuts should not be denied, they contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids. In addition, they saturate for a long time. On a day without harm to health and figure, you can eat 20-30 g of nuts. This is about 20 nucleoli of almonds, 10 – walnuts, 40 pistachios and the same amount of peanuts. However, the latter is not a nut, but a legume.