Harm or benefit: how matting agents affect the skin

Debunking the most popular myth.

Care for oily facial skin should be carefully thought out, because the owners of this type are often faced with a malfunction of the sebaceous glands and excessive secretion of sebum. That is why girls who are prone to oily skin have included matting agents in their beauty routine that will cope with unwanted shine and even remove excess oil from the skin surface.

However, not everyone is sure that matting agents actually help fight oily sheen. For example, some experts believe that powders with a matting effect only stimulate the production of serum due to the fact that applying such a beauty product only makes the skin dry out and begins to work hard.

Whether this is so and how exactly matting agents work, we found out from an expert.

Doctor-cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist TORI.

All matting agents contain three main types of active substances.

· Absorbents (mineral salts, silicon and zinc salts, charcoal), which remove excess sebum. The presence of absorbent substances allows the skin to dry slightly.

· Components that reduce sebum production (retinol). They affect the receptor apparatus of the sebaceous gland, that is, they control the release of secretions to the surface.

Exfoliating ingredients such as glycolic acid, salicylic acid. They remove keratinized particles of the epidermis, which accumulate on the surface and clog the mouth of the sebaceous glands. The presence of exfoliating components in the composition of the product improves drainage.

Is it harmful to use matting agents for a long time?

It depends on the indication and the type of skin. If the skin is too oily, the use of matting agents on an ongoing basis is highly desirable. If the cream contains too many absorbent components, then it can dry the skin. Natural moisturizing ingredients, such as urea, hyaluronic acid, and lactic acid in a small concentration, are always added to high-quality mattifying creams.

Matting cosmetics are free of lipids and oils and are always water-based. Additionally, calming and healing components such as allantoin, panthenol can be added to it. I do not recommend saving on matting agents. Only a high-quality matting cream has a balanced composition, and it can be used constantly without harm to the skin.

Avoid zinc and alcohol in cosmetics, as well as silicones, although they have a matting effect, they dry the skin. That is why look for more natural ingredients in the composition that will moisturize and not dry out.

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