Hario and the egg cooker: things that can be found in any European kitchen

Hario and the egg cooker: things that can be found in any European kitchen

Have you ever been to the kitchen of an ordinary European? If yes, then you probably noticed some objects there that you have never seen with us. After all, cuisines, like mentality, are different in each country, and they differ not only in their owners, tastes and aromas, but also in the furnishings and the presence of certain devices. Here are 10 items that you rarely find in the average Russian kitchen – even with a European-style renovation.

Yes, wealthy Russians, especially those with their own homes, are increasingly installing dishwashers in their kitchens. However, in the provincial part of Russia, these cars are still a rarity. But in vain. After all, such a kitchen aid will not only save the family from disputes over an unwashed dish left in the sink, not only will it give precious time for more enjoyable activities, but will also save the family budget. It has long been proven that a dishwasher will not only wash and dry spoons and cups, but also save water.

Drip coffee makers

Europeans are famous coffee lovers, and they mainly enjoy ground coffee. In supermarkets in Europe, of course, you can find instant, but it is more often bought by our fellow citizens living abroad. And again in vain they do it. After all, coffee machines with paper filters are quite inexpensive and very easy to use.

French press

An even more energy-efficient and cheaper option for making coffee is a coffee machine with a French press device. They come in different sizes, and they are very often found among the kitchen utensils of foreign housewives. Such press, by the way, can already be found here from time to time. True, in our area they are used mainly for brewing tea, although the coffee in them is excellent.

This is also about brewing coffee and again without using electricity. Russian people are economical people and we have enough coffee lovers, so it’s amazing how such a simple device has not yet taken root in Russian kitchens. Originally from Japan, hario has been known since the beginning of the 60th century and is a funnel with a radius of XNUMX degrees, into which coffee is poured and placed on a cup. “Pure over” – that is, pour from the top. This is the whole secret of brewing coffee in this device. However, true coffee lovers consider brewing in a pour-over to be almost the most difficult of all, saying that it is important to take into account not only the grinding of coffee, but also the rhythm and speed of infusion of water.

Egg cooker 

A fairly common device in European kitchens. It works on electricity, is inexpensive, and the probability that the eggs will be soft-boiled is almost one hundred percent. After all, a measuring cup always belongs to the set of an egg cooker, which helps to take the amount of water necessary for the desired degree of readiness. The built-in timer allows you to take the eggs out of this device in time: whether you want soft-boiled, hard-boiled or in a bag. Such a device is usually designed for 6 eggs, so it will be enough for breakfast for the whole family.

Grilled rakletnitsa

She is originally from Switzerland and has especially taken root in the kitchens of Germany. The name comes from the type of cheese, which is first melted in this device on a special spatula, and then served with vegetables or meat. These ingredients can also be pre-fried on the grill, which is often built into the raclette maker. 

Cooking on a raclette is very healthy lifestyle, because no oil is required for frying vegetables and meat. Today raclette is the most typical dish on the German New Year’s table, as it does not require much preparation in advance and each guest can prepare his own dish, depending on food preferences. And the raclette girl on the festive table looks also quite enchanting, since everything is prepared directly in front of the eyes of all the participants in the feast.

Grill for sandwiches

It resembles a regular waffle iron. European schoolchildren are especially fond of this device, which helps them prepare a simple snack after school. The bread is fried on both sides, and the contents of the sandwich are warmed up, so that thanks to this grill, the sandwich turns from a cold snack into a full-fledged hot dish.

Also common in European cuisine. This gadget allows you to cut bread, ham and cheese into even slices of the desired length and width. Nice, neat, almost festive.

Hand-operated pasta maker

Who would doubt that this device comes from Italy. However, it is widespread in other European cuisines as well. If a European is expecting guests, then somehow it is not even comilfo to offer noodles bought in a store for a dinner party. Therefore, many cooking lovers bother and cook pasta at home. Such a machine helps them not only to achieve the desired thickness of the dough, but also to evenly cut it into pasta.

These are special devices that allow you to cook meat in a vacuum. For a long time, souvid machines were used only in France in gourmet restaurants, but today it is already a frequent occurrence in ordinary European cuisine. The method of preparation consists in the fact that the meat is first placed in a special film, from which air is pumped out. In such a package, the meat is then cooked in a steam bath in a special tank with circulating water and controlled temperature. It is customary to fry such meat before serving. Without film, of course. The peculiarity of such cooking is that all the aromas during cooking remain inside the meat, and not in the pan or in the room next to the kitchen, as in conventional cooking.

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