Hardware liposuction: what is it

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April is time to get ready to go to the beach! CoolSculpting will help you get the figure of your dreams without surgery or any effort on your part, removing fat folds and deposits forever.

April 13 at 15:00 clinic Professional Russian-American presentation of CoolSculpting liposuction apparatus will be held. This innovative development of the Zeltiq company (USA) allows you to model a figure without surgery, removing fat folds from the body forever. In just one cryolipolysis procedure you can get a lasting result regardless of gender, body size and age: reduce the thickness of the fat layer from 25 to 40%! The principle of operation of the device is based on the technology of controlled cooling of fat cells, which triggers the physiological process of their destruction.

The leading specialists of the developer company – Andy Molton (USA) and Olga Yakovleva (Russia) will come to present the CoolSculpting technology in Volgograd.

Do not miss your chance to take advantage of our special offer on this day: when you buy 3 identical tips for the CoolSculpting procedure, you get 1 as a gift!

Also on this day, a 20% discount on professional cosmetics for home body care.

You can find out more details and sign up for the procedure by phone: 8 (8442) 358-358.

As a result of one CoolSculpting procedure, the fat layer is reduced by 20-25% within 1,5-3 months

Without a scalpel and pain, you can defeat extra centimeters with the help of CoolSculpting hardware liposuction. It is an established alternative to surgical liposuction with success in 60 countries. To date, more than 2 million cryolipolysis procedures have been performed on the Zeltiq apparatus in the world and not a single fact of complications has been recorded.

Anastasia Tikhonova, body specialist

Clinic Professional specialists working on the method of hardware liposuction

During a cryo-session, fat cells are “frozen”, which leads to their destruction and gradual removal from the body. This does not affect the condition of the liver and other internal organs. The procedure does not cause complications and does not require preparation. It is painless, does not involve skin damage, and is performed without anesthesia.

Become your body sculptor!

There are contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is required.

Center for Aesthetic Medicine and Medical Cosmetology Professional


Volgograd, st. Academic, 2;

phone 8 (8442) 358-358

Hours of operation

10: 00-21: 00

Seven days a week.

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