Hard glutes with the Pin Twins: what to do and what not to do

Hard glutes with the Pin Twins: what to do and what not to do

Training and exercise charts

Fitness experts Esther and Gemma Pineda, Pin Twins, reveal the keys to working on one of the most rebellious areas of the body, the glutes

Hard glutes with the Pin Twins: what to do and what not to doPM2:02

Like stones, steel or marble. You choose the buttocks you want to show off in the summer and the Pin Twins tell you in their weekly #ApuntoconlasPin challenge how to work towards your goal. But before launching into the routines, Esther and Gemma Pineda explain that it is essential to do a previous planning of the week (or the day before the start of the challenge) to set a training gap that is not less than 15 minutes so that we can freely spend that time exercising. “It does not matter if it is in the morning when you get up, or at noon or before going to bed or even in the middle of the afternoon, the key to achieving the challenge is that you are constant and meet it daily,” they explain.

But it is not only important to be constant and train daily, but you also have to take into account the alimentación, the rest and the hydration. “Eating in a healthy and balanced way, giving more importance to vegetables, and drinking water throughout the day and not only when going to exercise is important to stay in shape”, reveals Gema Pineda.

When training we must focus attention on the parts of the body that we are working on. For this reason, Esther Pineda advises focusing on the buttocks and, to increase the difficulty, proposes to increase the weight with which we are working or use material such as elastic bands or resistance rubbers.

The Pin Twins insist on the need to pay attention to stance and the placement of the body that they do in each exercise because for this week’s challenge to be effective it is important that the technique is clear to perform each exercise correctly. “We can’t do the exercises like crazy, we have to focus on the correct position because we don’t want to injure ourselves. Nor do we want to do it quickly to finish sooner. You have to go slowly and focused ”, they explain.

The selection of routines that the Pin Twins propose to do the weekly challenge to achieve firm buttocks are easy to perform but intense, so they advise going from less to more in each of them to test our resistance and our capacities.

Three routines to work the glutes

The first training session is made up of four exercises, and the entire lap must be performed three times. While each exercise is carried out 15 times per series, except for the first exercise, which will be carried out for 45 seconds while leaning against a wall. The rest between series will be 30 seconds. The Pin Twins’ workouts are usually without material, but for this routine of legs and glutes they have chosen some dumbbells, and the weight is free; choose the load you feel most comfortable with.

Each exercise in this second routine shown below by the Pin Twins is repeated for one minute and the complete circuit must be performed three times. The rest time between each series is 45 seconds and we will need elastic bands to be able to carry out this training. Remember that behind each color there is a different type of intensity, so you can start with one of low resistance and increase as you improve your resistance.

In the Pin Twins’ third glute routine each exercise is repeated 15 times and the entire circuit must be performed three times. The rest time between each series is 45 seconds and we will need a pair of dumbbells to use them throughout the training. Remember that if you don’t have dumbbells you can use jugs of water, like when we did sports in confinement.

Remember that to follow this weekly challenge of the Pin Twins called #ApuntoconlasPin you must spend 15 minutes a day practicing exercise. Ideally, you should combine these glute routines that they propose. One day with bands, another with dumbbells, and another using your own weight to increase the difficulty.

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