
Since 2005 I have a tradition. In the last days of December, I remember and describe the entire past year and write down a report. I sum up.

This is very nice, but there is also a useful feature. This practice helps to rethink one’s behavior, life strategy, plans for the future. Helps to see recurring scenarios, your strengths and weaknesses. In short, there are a lot of pluses.

If you haven’t done it yet, give it a try. You’ll like it.

For an example, you can see what it looks like for me.

I highlight the most important events of each month and give the months names.

Next, I highlight the most important events of the year and give the name of the year.

​​​​​​​And thus refreshing my memories of the year, I record a video with the results. It’s interesting to see how I change.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​To make it easier for you to sum up the results of the year, I have prepared a questionnaire. If you answer all the questions, you will learn a lot about yourself, remember a lot of good things and record a video with joy and pleasure.


Remember and describe the most important events for you each month:

Month name: Name this month in one phrase so that when you read the title, you can remember its contents in 5 years.

Description of the month: Remember all the important things that happened. Good and bad, something that will be important to remember in 10 years. Describe in story format. The volume is up to you. From a few sentences to several pages.

Results of the year

1. What would you call the outgoing year?

2. Remember the three most important, key events of the year.

3. What can you respect yourself for this year?

4. Who are you thankful for this year?

5. What would you change or do differently this year?

6. What qualities have helped you this year?

7. What qualities of yours should be corrected or improved?

8. Who was the closest person to you this year?

9. What have you learned this year?

10. What knowledge was useful to you?

11. What have you gotten better at this year?

12. What useful things have you done this year?

13. What three words would you use to describe this year? Only three words.

14. If you could ask yourself a year ago, what would you say?

15. If you could turn to yourself in a year, what would you advise?

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