Happy Culinary Ties

The art of a harmonious combination of products is not only the fate of chefs of elite restaurants. Basic knowledge in this area will help you improve your culinary skills in everyday life. In addition, a favorable union of products is the key to not only delicious, but also healthy dishes.

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The best side of meat

Fried meat is invariably present in the everyday and festive diet of the vast majority of people. However, the pleasure of eating a dish can be overshadowed by harmful carcinogens and the risk of dangerous diseases. The harmful effects can be easily neutralized by adding boiled broccoli as a side dish to the meat.

Red meat is perfectly combined with rosemary. The fragrant green herb contains a lot of antioxidants that absorb the free radicals contained in the meat. Nutritionists say that this union will also delay the manifestation of the sad signs of aging and fill the body with fresh energy.

Beef has a warm friendship with carrots. All because vitamin A, which is rich in carrots, is best absorbed in combination with proteins, which are abundant in meat.

Properly selected marinade contributes to the painless removal of harmful substances from the body. In order not to pay for a full and delicious meal with unpleasant sensations, it is best to marinate the meat in vinegar or tomato sauce with spices and salt.

The value of meat offal is praised by many nutritionists. For example, beef and pork livers are rich sources of iron. However, often the body receives it in microscopic doses, besides being able to absorb only 6-8%. Vitamin C helps to significantly increase the percentage of absorption of this valuable trace element. It is found in large quantities in potatoes and tomatoes, so it is not difficult to create a dish of these products. Do not forget about citrus fruits and berries, from which you can prepare an original sauce for meat.

Счастливые кулинарные узыThe power of fish is in garlic

Fish, like other seafood, does not concede its position to meat. And although the sea gifts are very useful in themselves, they also need to be combined with other products with knowledge. You should start with the right marinade, which is guaranteed to rid the fish of harmful carcinogens. The already familiar tomato sauce or vinegar can be safely used here. And to diversify the traditional recipes, you should marinate the fish in soy sauce, and also generously add it during frying in the pan.

Garlic meets fish with mutual fervent love.  The fatty acids contained in fish effectively lower the level of harmful cholesterol. Garlic, in turn, carefully strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the heart. As a single dish, these foods have an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthen the immune system. Claims can only be made by those who, after such a meal, go on a romantic date.

But the classic combination of salmon with vegetables will appeal to everyone. Vegetable salad with the participation of this very useful fish will give strength to the brain for new feats and enrich the body with vital omega-3 acids.

The hidden potential of vegetables

The rules for combining vegetables are not strict, but there are also very successful combinations. So, beetroot with spinach will not only be a light delicious snack, but also give the body a whole bunch of useful vitamins and trace elements.

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Fresh tomatoes are perfectly combined with olive oil, as tomatoes contain the antioxidant lycopene, which is absorbed when exposed to fat. Such a union is useful for the cardiovascular system and as a prevention of cancer.

Thanks to the presence of all the same fats, vitamin A is also perfectly absorbed, which is contained in abundance in vegetables and fruits of orange and yellow colors. So, incredibly useful properties have raw grated carrots in combination with raisins and a spoonful of sour cream. Sweet pepper is also ready to share its reserves of vitamin A, so it can be safely added to vegetable salads, flavored with vegetable oil.

By the way, pepper can turn an ordinary omelet into a very healthy breakfast. A shock dose of amino acids and proteins in addition to an invigorating vitamin C will be very useful in the harsh morning hours. However, an omelet with tomatoes and onions will also be a pleasant, and most importantly, a useful start to the day. This is largely due to the large amount of selenium found in tomatoes and onions. It is this mineral that is responsible for excellent sexual health, especially for men. Just keep in mind that it is better not to fry the vegetables separately, and the eggs themselves should be held in the pan for no longer than three minutes. Otherwise, all useful substances are destroyed under the influence of heat treatment.

And the nuts are not easy, the kernels are pure vitamin

Almost all nuts are real storerooms of useful substances. And although in various dishes they often play the role of the finishing touch, with their absence, the entire health effect disappears.

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The peculiar taste of arugula is valued as a means of prevention against cancer and diabetic diseases. In addition, it has good antibacterial properties. To enhance their beneficial effect tenfold, it is enough to prepare a simple salad of arugula, adding boiled mushrooms and a handful of cashew nuts. Any dried fruit is organically combined with peanuts. They can be enjoyed separately as a snack between the main meals or with no less pleasure to rub with honey and savor 2-3 teaspoons instead of your favorite harmful sweets. 

We all know from childhood that milk contains calcium, without which you can not get healthy teeth and bones. And figs can boast a high content of magnesium, which contributes to the rapid and effective absorption of calcium. Combining this knowledge and boiling figs in a glass of milk, we will get a delicious cocktail and a sure remedy for a belated spring cold.

As you can see, the rules for combining products are simple and easy to follow. Armed with them, you can improve your favorite recipes, and with a little imagination, create your own signature dishes.

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