Happiness is simple: five principles that never go out of style

We tend to focus on difficulties and feel miserable. It seems to us that life is full of trials and injustice. Even if nothing tragic happens, we skillfully suck the problem out of our finger. But a coin always has two sides. If you manage to change your approach, you will realize that happiness is closer than it seems.

Be grateful for what you have

Despite the imaginary or real difficulties that you are currently experiencing, there are always people who are in a more difficult situation. Even if it’s completely unbearable for you right now, it’s even worse for someone else.

For example, a person complains that he has a very small house. But how many people have no housing at all, they are forced to spend the night on the street even in winter. Someone who regrets losing a job would benefit from talking to someone who lost his leg in a car accident. If you’re fed up with constantly groaning and annoying parents, think about what it’s like to be an orphan. Takeaway: Learn to be grateful for what you have. Be grateful that you are alive and able to breathe and see the sun every day. Say thank you to fate for the difficulties that you meet on the way: overcoming them makes you stronger and better!

Focus on ideals, not problems

Most spend great effort to solve so-called problems. This makes you focus on the negative, gives it unnecessary importance, clogs your head with bad thoughts. Instead of endlessly sorting through imaginary or real problems, think about ideals and dreams. This positive approach has three benefits:

  • You begin to think in terms of possibilities rather than limitations.
  • When you seriously ask what you want, you define your goals more clearly.
  • When you think of a better or ideal life, you switch in a positive way. This attitude helps to cope with difficulties and overcome obstacles on the way.

I am not advocating to completely ignore the problems. Just flip the switch from passively chewing on negativity to a constructive approach to finding solutions. For example, you have a large debt. Instead of worrying about it, look for an opportunity to make more money. If you are not satisfied with the job, think about what to change it to. If you are surrounded by pessimists and whiners, find a new group of resourceful and healthy people. If you are single, imagine the perfect couple.

Fill life with meaning

Finding meaning, your mission is important in order to live happily and meaningfully. Unfortunately, many are like somnambulists: they exist and do not wonder why all this is. Thinking about your true purpose will help you release your creative potential.

Choose happiness as a way of life

Are you in a bad situation and do not control the development of events? This is reflected in the mood, thoughts. Do you slide into negativity or gradually and with a smile on your face transform problems into opportunities? The choice is yours: always complain about fate or play with the cards that she threw at you. You either put on the role of a victim and suffer from the situation, or you transform it into energy that will lead you forward.

Do not think: “What if….” Better say, “Next time…”

Many exclaim: “What if I acted, did, said differently.” “If only, if only.” An imaginary solution to a problem will not remove it from real life. Don’t live in the subjunctive mood. Help yourself by asking another question: what should I do next time to avoid this situation? Thus, you will step forward, get away from attachment to scrolling through problems in the past. Such a constructive approach will help to radically change lives.

About the Developer

Adam Fartassi – NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis specialist, his blog penserchanger.com.

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