Happiness hormones – how do they work and when are they released? Proven ways to induce happiness hormones

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Almost everyone experienced the effects of happiness hormones, also known as endorphins. We feel then as if we can move mountains, and the impossible to do does not exist. How do happiness hormones work? In what situations are they released? We check whether their low level may affect the functioning of individual systems, as well as how we can release endorphins.

Happiness hormones – what are they?

Happiness hormones are actually endogenous morphines, which belong to the group of peptide hormones that cause euphoria, well-being and satisfaction with oneself and with decisions made. Happiness hormones are also called endogenous opioids because they can reduce the sensation of pain as well as numbness.

There are 20 types of endorphins, but the most important of them are alpha, beta and gamma. Their structure is similar to that of morphine, but unlike morphine, they are produced inside the body. Most of the happiness hormones are found in the brain and spinal cord.


The very name of “endorphins” (“internal morphines”) suggests a similarity to morphine, which was discovered earlier than the happiness hormones.

Happiness hormones – action

Happiness hormones primarily reduce stress levels. In addition, they also relieve pain and regulate body temperature as well as hormones. The more endorphins we produce, the higher the level of satisfaction can be achieved.

However, happiness hormones break down quickly, so it seems impossible to become addicted to them, but many people are looking for more ways to increase the production of endorphins.

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Happiness hormones – serotonin and dopamine

Both serotonin and dopamine are called happiness hormones. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter and tissue hormone that, in addition to other important functions in the body, also improves mood.

It is formed during the transformation of tryptophan, so if we want to increase its level, we should reach for products rich in this amino acid. Serotonin deficiency can lead to a decrease in self-esteem, depression or an increase in the appetite for sweets.

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In turn, dopamine belongs to the group of catecholamines, it is produced by nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Its action is related to blocking the prolactin secreted during stress or exercise.

The increase in dopamine makes us feel good about ourselves, but be careful, high levels of this transmitter can lead to delusions and hallucinations. On the other hand, a deficiency of dopamine can cause anxiety or weakening of motivation.

Happiness hormones – when are they released?

As already mentioned, happiness hormones are released when stress levels increase. In addition, the secretion of endorphins is influenced by:

  1. food – especially chocolate, but also other food products, including chili peppers, 
  2. sport – physical exercise increases the level of happiness hormones, but it depends on individual predispositions, because in some people a 30-minute walk is enough, and in others – exhausting strength exercises, 
  3. childbirth – the release of happiness hormones during childbirth is associated with reducing the level of pain, 
  4. laughter, 
  5. sex, 
  6. drinking alcohol (only in small amounts), 
  7. relaxation – yoga, meditation, reading or singing. 

Happiness hormones – natural ways to increase their levels

The previous paragraph is related to finding natural ways to raise your endorphin levels. Although in most cases it depends on individual preferences, you can check whether these generally used patents do not affect us as well. It is mainly about:

  1. laughter, 
  2. aromatherapy, 
  3. yoga, 
  4. pilates, 
  5. listening to your favorite music, 
  6. book reading, 
  7. eating dark chocolate, 
  8. massage, 
  9. sex, 
  10. running and the associated “runner euphoria”. 

Happiness hormones – what can low levels lead to?

Low levels of happiness hormones can make you feel unwell. In addition, it can indirectly affect the appearance of such ailments as depression, chronic headaches or excessive body pain.


It should be noted, however, that the scientific link between the decline in well-being and the secretion of happiness hormones has not been scientifically proven.

Happiness hormones and runner’s euphoria

Runner’s euphoria is a phenomenon accompanying intense and prolonged physical exertion. This is when the metabolism goes from aerobic to anaerobic. Insufficient oxygen leads to the production of happiness hormones, which makes us feel satisfied after completing exercise (e.g. after a marathon).

Happiness hormones and diet

If we want to raise the level of happiness hormones with our diet, we can reach for spicy foods, because eating spicy foods is associated with pain that is supposed to be relieved by endorphins. So – the spicier the dish, the more happiness hormones we produce.

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In addition, their secretion is influenced by chocolate, wine and vanilla. Tryptophan-rich foods (nuts, spinach, seeds, poultry, salmon, eggs) also contribute to elevating your happiness hormone levels.

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