Happiness formula: learning to manage hormones

It has long been no secret that hormones have a huge impact on human emotions and behavior. Can they be controlled and which hormones should be paid attention to in order to really feel happy? Experts explain.

Hormones are responsible for everything, even for our momentary desires. Women are especially sensitive to fluctuations in the hormonal balance. This applies not only to age-related changes, such as the formation of a figure, but also to the cunning game of the endocrine system. It subtly influences everything from how you feel to how you behave and how you relate to others.

The consequences of hormonal imbalance cause a lot of questions in a person:

  • “What happened with me? It seems like yesterday there was so much strength and energy, I was ready to move mountains, and today I have one desire – to do nothing, lie down on the sofa and turn my face to the wall “
  • “Why on some days my brutal appetite is replaced by a complete indifference to food?”
  • “Why did I suddenly lose the ability to control my emotions?”

Imagine the situation: tomorrow is an important interview, and you just quarreled with your husband. My heart is pounding, my hands are shaking, and I want only one thing: to pour out my negativity on someone. The hormones of the adrenal glands – adrenaline, norepinephrine, cortisol – are responsible for such an unstable state. They prepare the body to “flight or attack.”

And these hormones are one of the main causes of cardiovascular disease. And if you are often in a similar state, then it is likely that stress is your usual companion.

When there is too much stress in life, it becomes chronic. This is evidenced by quite visible signs: clamps in the body, altered posture and gestures, facial wrinkles, skin irritations and acne.

The hormone prolactin is responsible for the feeling of love, joy and tranquility. If, after parting, you dream of hugging your loved ones and thus receiving a portion of love and a sense of peace, do not deny yourself this.

Prolactin forms a sense of attachment, due to which there is a feeling of “family”, “interest group”.

This hormone is also important for sexual life. If the intimate life has lost its brightness, and the desire has disappeared, there is no need to look for the guilty within the couple. This is a delicate question, and here you can operate with facts from gynecology.

After childbirth, the vestibule and walls of the vagina undergo great changes. The hormone prolactin, preparing the passage of the child through the birth canal, affects the “elasticity” of the collagen fibers that create the framework of the walls of the vagina. He becomes weaker.

As a result, the sensations of a man during sex are reduced, and a woman for some time generally forgets about her former attraction. Many still continue to have sex, but sex without pleasure leads to the extinction of desire or stress.

If the desire has decreased for physiological reasons, you can consider the possibility of intimate laser rejuvenation, for example, using the non-invasive technology of Alma Lasers – Femilift, which allows you to restore tissue elasticity.

Employees of the National Beauty Company, studying the effect of hormones on the quality of life, deduced a “formula of happiness” and called it 6 “Cs”, where a certain hormone is responsible for each “C”. And at the same time they confirmed that if the level of at least one of these hormones is below the norm, then the quality of life begins to suffer.

No. 1 “C” – the sun, or ultraviolet, the rays of which contribute to the synthesis of pro-vitamin D3, which is important for the body. It is he who is responsible for strong bones. It only takes 15 minutes a day in summer and 30 minutes in winter to be in the sun to get your daily allowance. Just do not overdo it, otherwise you will face the reverse side – photoaging. Cream with SPF should be a mandatory care at any time of the year. Just in winter, choose creams with SPF 15-25.

By the way, sometimes a deficiency of sunlight can be replaced by modern low-intensity lasers, for example, LED therapy. It acts like the sun, but without the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. If you shine on the pineal gland at the top of your head, then you will definitely relax and start smiling. And it is also an excellent prevention of the skin after invasive cosmetic procedures.

No. 2 “C” – sleep, at least 7-8 hours at night. The period from 23:00 to 1:00 is especially important, when the most active phase of the synthesis of the hormone melatonin is noted. Try to go to bed no later than this time and be sure to turn off all gadgets before going to bed so that they do not disturb you at night.

No. 3 “C” – laughter. A smile and a good mood in themselves indicate a good hormonal background. For this we must say thanks to the hormone oxytocin. Meetings with friends, family evenings with parents and children, favorite work – all this contributes to the production of hormones of happiness and pleasure.

No. 4 “C” – sports. Without it, nowhere. Due to physical activity, muscle mass is formed, metabolism improves. During sports, important hormones such as dopamine and adrenaline are synthesized. Just 30 minutes of physical activity 2-3 times a week significantly improves the quality of life and affects not only general well-being, but also contributes to a good and cheerful mood, and also increases libido.

No. 5 “C” – sex. The female and male sex hormones — estrogen and testosterone, as well as endorphins — are responsible for desire. Do not deny yourself this way to make life brighter and happier. Hug and kiss the people you love more often.

No. 6 “C” – happiness. The hormones serotonin and oxytocin are responsible for this feeling. When all the previous C’s are in balance, the formula for happiness becomes apparent!

About expert

Alexey the Great – CEO of the National Beauty Company, founder of the “Main in Beauty” project.

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