Happiness at work: the key is to move from complaint to proposal
World Happiness Day
Involving the worker in the creation of the welfare strategies of a company is key for it to work, according to the CEO and founder of Trivu, Pablo González Ruiz de la Torre

For several years now, the need to boost happiness in the company It is not a question only of the marketing or human resources departments but a strategic and transversal priority because, as Pablo González Ruiz de la Torre, CEO and Founder of Trivu reveals, the well-being of the employee generates economic results favorable in a company.
“The more and better the teams are, the better the company will have, as it will have achieved that its workers are giving the best of themselves in the best possible environment”, clarifies the expert from Trivu, a global ecosystem that helps companies to solve your digital and cultural transformation challenges.
However, since the arrival of the digitising, the collaborative work and the offshoring Well-being management in today’s context is an ever-increasing challenge because, as the CEO of Trivu argues, people’s well-being should no longer just focus on the more “physical” aspects through creation, for example , of adequate work spaces or promoting an environment that is as healthy as possible (food, sports, care …).
Now the emotional health management of workers and the creation of more inclusive and favorable human, social and emotional environments for the talent that works in companies. But that does not mean, according to González, that happiness is the responsibility of the company. “A company must create the right environment so that happiness can occur, but it is a shared responsibility, since that well-being or happiness must also be the decision, commitment and responsibility of the employee,” he explains.
Involve the worker, the key
One of the mistakes that can be made in the business environment when studying how to guarantee the well-being of workers is to create «Dispatch policies» and that the directors of the firm (CEO or management committee) try to manage this issue from what they consider to be important for the workers and not from what the workers consider to be important for themselves. Thus, as Pablo González explains, the first step for a business wellness strategy to work is involve to the people you want to generate well-being. “Each job is very different and therefore so is the perception of the well-being of each worker, so asking specifically what produces well-being for each of them is fundamental,” he reveals.
The second step on the road to worker well-being will be to create a Roadmap, because you cannot do things from today to tomorrow, but this type of strategy requires that a series of steps be marked to co-create the strategy together with the employees. And here, according to the Trivu expert, it is also important that the priorities jointly on that roadmap.
And the next step would be the co-responsibility because once the concept of well-being has been co-created in the company, workers have been involved in decision-making and in setting priorities, it is time for each one to be responsible for fulfilling their part of commitment to that strategy. «It will be useful to have a series of people, a team, who are in charge of periodically reviewing the level of well-being of the people and what they need as they are promoting or changing departments and also those who have just joined the company . This task of constant check It is fundamental ”, he analyzes. For that, as he adds, the necessary tools will have to be made available to employees to make themselves heard.
How to measure the results
The human being is dissatisfied by nature and this is something that has been demonstrated throughout history and also through different studies. And the truth is that what companies do today is, more than managing happiness, they are actually dedicated to responding to the instatisfaction . Therefore, according to the CEO of Trivu, it must be assumed that everything will never be done, everything is finished and everyone is satisfied. But that should not be seen with frustration but with the ability to recognize and value what has already been done, what has already been achieved and what still needs to be done. So, in that action plan What corresponds, as detailed by Pablo González, is, on the one hand, to keep doing things constantly and, on the other, to listen and collect the employee’s “feedback” in order to know what works, what does not work, and what it would be necessary to ask about. another way. «But not with the vocation of a complaint mailbox, but as proposal box, thus posing that if a worker does not like something, he has to propose how he will do it differently, “he explains.
Not surprisingly, the expert is convinced that involving people in the process of generating an environment of well-being for them can be something that generates change. But that will only work if, as you insist, you switch from complaint to proposal. “When this is achieved, happiness is not sought or managed, happiness flows,” he says.
The best? It never ends
We constantly change, we evolve, we progress, we go backwards, we stop, we block ourselves, we create new needs in our lives. And that requires the creation of new concepts of well-being and happiness constantly. This is a reality that the company cannot ignore, which must always be generating new things and always with an eye on where it wants to go and what else it wants to do. Of course, recognizing and putting in value at the same time, according to the expert clarifies, what has already been achieved so far.
It is not about having more, nor the most beautiful building, nor the most eco-efficient building, nor the best facilities, nor the most flexible policy, not the best services, not even the best salaries … According to Pablo García, happiness and well-being at work are cultural issues and the three basic concepts are the optimism, the respect and recognition. «Respect, know how to listen, know how to understand and lend your shoulder when the worker needs it are fundamental because without that, there will hardly be well-being in a company.
New formulas
Trivu participates in the World Happiness Fest until March 22 promoting opportunities to connect, activate and empower young talent. On this occasion, he focused his presentation on the formulas to work on the happiness of workers in a context as difficult as that generated by the threat of the Coronavirus at a global level.