Hankey Bannister (Hankey Bannister)

One of the most popular blended scotch in the world, which perfectly combines two centuries of tradition with the innovations of the last decade. It is believed that Hankey Bannister was Winston Churchill’s favorite whiskey. Another connoisseur of the drink was the British writer of the last century, Evelyn Waugh.

Historical reference. The official birth date of the brand is 1757. Half a century earlier, a young Beaumont Hankey had traveled to England from the Scottish Highlands, famous for its abundance of quality malt whiskeys. Beaumont came to conquer London with a small whiskey collection and ambitious plans.

At first, Mr. Hankey opened a small shop with alcoholic beverages, and the assortment, thanks to the enterprise of the owner, became wider and wider, as did the circle of customers. Soon Beaumont Hankey moved to a prestigious area of ​​London, where he sold drinks already in a large pavilion. All this time, Mr. Hankey collected whiskey not only for fun – he supplied the best samples to the royal court, which won the favor of the English aristocrats. But the goals that the ambitious merchant set for himself were more significant: the native Scot wanted not only to supply, but to create whiskey. Moreover, the elite – enthralling gourmets and connoisseurs.

The dream came true. Once Hugh Bannister looked into Hankey’s pavilion – the last deals almost ruined the once successful businessman, and the blender’s talent was still not in demand. Bannister decided to offer his services as a salesman and subsequently became a partner. Together, the merchants created an original bouquet that delights connoisseurs to this day.

Beaumont Hankey and Hugh Bannister were very different. The first is a snob and outrageous rake, the second is a pedant who calculates every step, but their union brought success. Awarded with many royal and other awards for the delicate taste of whiskey “Hankey Bannister” is an example of this. Symbol of Scotland with seal of royal approval and license from George V himself.

Hankey Bannister (Hankey Bannister)

The Hankey Bannister Company was run by the heirs of Beaumont Hankey until the middle of the last century. In the late 70s, the rights to the trademark passed to Inver House Distillers Ltd, a premium whiskey manufacturer with five distilleries and known for strict quality control.

Finding a blender

By chance at an auction in 2012, an enthusiastic blender collector bought a bottle of Hanky ​​Bannister, which, according to the label, was released in the 20s of the last century. The taste of the drink turned out to be so rich and unusual that the collector suggested that the company reproduce the drink.

After consulting, the company decided to release a limited series – “Heritage” (Heritage). Sweeter than Hanky ​​Bannister Original, with a pronounced sweet-smoky peaty aroma and a long aftertaste. The design is designed in a retro style – in accordance with the original found almost 100 years later. Today, the bottle of Hankey Bannister Heritage is considered by scotch connoisseurs to be a welcome decoration of the collection.

Hankey Bannister (Hankey Bannister)

Types of whiskey Hanky ​​Bannister

  • Hankey Bannister Original. Scotch tape is light brown in color with a golden hue and a light aroma, in which notes of spices and dried fruits are discernible. The taste is clean, slightly harsh, with honey-sweet and spicy notes. The aftertaste is long and pleasant. The holding period is 5 years. In 2010, Hankey Bannister Original received a gold medal from the BTI Institute, and in 2013 a silver medal from the International Spirits Competition. Recommended as a digestif – with ice or clean.
  • Hankey Bannister 12 Years Old. Aged whiskey of amber color with reddish reflections and aroma, which intertwined tart notes of oak and the sweetness of vanilla. The taste is balanced and harmonious, shades of vanilla predominate, the aftertaste is long with a smoky aftertaste. Aging in bourbon barrels for 12 years, which makes the scotch even more intense and bright. Recommended as a digestif – with ice or clean. Hankey Bannister 12 Years Old received a silver medal at the International Spirits Competition in 2012.
  • Hankey Bannister 21 Years Old. A gourmet scotch, a dark honey-colored drink with bronze highlights and aromas of dried fruit, vanilla and oak. The taste is smooth, creamy with hints of vanilla and chocolate. Soft aftertaste with a hint of chocolate. The drink was created to satisfy the most demanding gourmets. Aging for 21 years in two oak barrels – from American bourbon and from Spanish sherry. Recommended for use as a digestif – with ice or pure. Hankey Bannister 21 Years Old received a gold medal at the World Whiskey Awards in 2015.
  • Hankey Bannister Heritage. Limited edition. The strongest adhesive tape of this brand is 46%, golden-amber color. The aroma is complex and pleasant – notes of sweet smoke and flowers, caramel, orange and green apple are felt in the bouquet. The taste of whiskey is rich and balanced, it opens gradually, the first notes of honey, creamy toffee, vanilla and cinnamon are felt. The aftertaste is soft, long, with a hint of smoke and honey. Recommended for use as a digestif – with ice or pure. Hankey Bannister Heritage in 2014 received the gold medal of the International Wine & Spirit Competition and the silver World Whiskey Awards.

Hankey Bannister (Hankey Bannister)

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