Hangover Syndrome: How To Remove It? Video
Hangover is a consequence of drinking too much alcohol. It is accompanied by a state of headache, dry mouth, tremors of the limbs, a delayed reaction to the surrounding reality, aversion to drinking, and in severe cases, even loss of memory. However, if a person experiences at least some of these sensations, he is not dependent on alcohol. Otherwise, he would like to continue the banquet, and this will already be a symptom of another disease.
Hangover syndrome: how to remove folk remedies?
Hangover syndrome can be treated on its own only if it is mild, that is, no more than a week’s binge. When the duration of alcohol consumption is longer, you should seek help from doctors, they will help you get out of this state.
When the first signs appear, you need to try not to get drunk. If you drink again, the condition will only get worse. You should also refrain from cigarettes, nicotine causes additional intoxication, dizziness and increased nausea. In order not to worsen the work of the cardiovascular system, it is better to limit activity on the first day, it is advisable to observe bed rest.
Ammonia is good for hangover. It is diluted with water in a ratio of one to ten, drunk in one gulp. Wash down with plain water
The very next day you can visit the bathhouse, start exercising. Good help to remove the hangover syndrome “Alka-Seltzer”, “Proproten-100”, “Zorex”. They contain vitamins, aspirin, sodium bicarbonate, or unitiol.
Repeated vomiting will lead to dehydration, if not stopped, Mallory-Weiss syndrome will develop – rupture of the stomach lining and bleeding. This is already an indication for urgent hospitalization in the surgical department.
Simultaneously with the treatment, you must drink at least 1,5-2 liters of alkaline mineral or plain water per day. Sometimes, with heart palpitations, doctors prescribe 1 tablet of Asparkam 3 times a day or Panangin 1 tablet 2 times a day. The pharmacy also sells sorbents: Enterosgel, activated carbon and others. You need to take them one hour before meals and other medications. They help cleanse the body and help remove harmful substances.
How to get out of a hangover using traditional methods
You can get rid of the hangover without the use of drugs. Cucumber pickle, sauerkraut, bread kvass and dried apricots help well.
It is very useful to take herbal decoctions:
- peppermint relieves vasospasm
- chamomile helps against intoxication and tremors of the limbs
- ginger helps to eliminate vomiting, and willow bark relieves headaches
Also, no matter how hard it is, you need to eat. It can be lean meat, kefir, ayran, kumis, boiled potatoes, any vegetables, honey. It’s a good idea to get at least 2 hours of sleep after eating.
Traditional healers recommend using raw eggs as a treatment.
It is enough to add a couple of drops of vinegar to this product, beat and salt, and then drink in one gulp. A mixture of vodka with honey is no less effective, just drink the drink slowly. Banana is the healthiest fruit, as it contains a large amount of potassium.