Hangover Remedies – How to Mitigate Its Effects?

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You should think about ways to deal with a hangover before the start of the party. There isn’t one single hangover cure that works. However, many people say that you can help yourself the next day. Hangover remedies will help relieve ailments and symptoms of alcohol poisoning. Check what is worth eating and drinking to avoid a hangover in the morning.

It is worth knowing how to deal with a hangover, because we are often unaware of the influence of alcohol on our well-being in the morning. There are many opportunities to drink alcohol. A match, a social event or a dinner with the family – in each of these situations, you can overdo the amount of alcohol you drink. We are in good mood in the evening, but in the morning the situation changes by 180 degrees and there is a hangover. What are the most effective ways to deal with a hangover?

Ways to deal with a hangover – symptoms

A hangover is defined as the unpleasant symptoms of alcohol poisoning. We don’t need to get drunk to feel them. All you need is a few stronger drinks sipped slowly during the party. Alcohol is digested in our liver, which converts it into acetaldehyde and acetic acid. Acetaldehyde is much more harmful to our body than ethyl alcohol itself. It makes us unable to focus and our stomach hurts. As a result of a hangover, our heart rate is elevated, there is a feeling of warmth and we are red in the face. Sometimes there is also vomiting.

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Among the most common hangover symptoms are:

  1. bad mood,
  2. tiredness,
  3. increased thirst,
  4. concentration disorders,
  5. sensitivity to light and noise,
  6. pain and a feeling of heaviness in the head,
  7. lack of appetite
  8. seizures
  9. nausea and vomiting
  10. diarrhea
  11. fast pulse and increased pressure,
  12. insomnia.

Alcohol has a very harmful effect on our body, so it is best to avoid consuming it. If you have any questions about the effects of alcohol on your body, talk to your GP to help clear up any doubts you may have.

Hangover remedies – against alcohol

Some ways to deal with a hangover are worth introducing before leaving the house. Before we start drinking alcohol, remember to:

  1. rest – we will react better to alcohol when we are asleep,
  2. eat something fatty – a decent meal before the party will protect the stomach and slow down the absorption of alcohol,
  3. cook a sour soup such as cucumber, sour soup, borscht or cabbage soup – you will eat it the next day and provide your body with a large dose of vit. C,
  4. take vitamins in tablets,
  5. reduce smoking – nicotine enhances the effects of alcohol.

Hangover Remedies – Drinking Alcohol

When we drink alcohol, remember a few rules:

  1. rule one – don’t mix alcohol. Mixing drinks leads to the worst hangover effects;
  2. rule two – avoid dark alcohols, we supply even more pollutants with them, i.e. congeners, causing hangovers. Better to choose light alcohols;
  3. rule three – give the body time to absorb the drunk alcohol, take breaks;
  4. rule four – do not drink alcohol through a straw and try to swallow it quickly – we will feel its effects more slowly;
  5. rule five – do not drink alcohol together with carbonated drinks – carbon dioxide will make us absorb alcohol faster, drink juices and non-carbonated drinks better;
  6. rule six – drink approx. 0,5 liters of water before going to bed. It is also worth reaching for aspirin or vitamin. C.

Means for a hangover – morning

If you feel the effects of alcohol when you wake up, try these hangover remedies:

  1. take a shower,
  2. drink plenty of water and hydrate your body,
  3. try to eat something
  4. take a walk – oxygen will make you feel better and relieve your headache.

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There is no cure for hangovers. Various preparations available at the pharmacy are not a solution to it, but can only alleviate its symptoms. You can buy them in the form of tablets as well as powders or effervescent tablets. They contain electrolytes that will help us hydrate the body faster.

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If you have a headache, you should simply reach for ibuprofen or aspirin. Remember to take your medication after meals.

Hangover remedies – what to eat?

A proper meal is also a remedy for a hangover. Although the stomach often refuses to cooperate with us, it is not worth giving it up.

The best meal will be soft-boiled eggs, homemade, fatty broth or a decent piece of fatty meat. The already mentioned sour soup in the style of sour soup or cabbage soup will be a good proposition. Alternatively, you can also drink Ecological White Cabbage Juice.

Fruits containing vit. C. The fructose and potassium they contain will alleviate hangover symptoms. Fructose will aid the metabolism of alcohol and eliminate toxins.

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The liver is particularly affected by the toxic effects of alcohol on our body. It is she who has to deal with many harmful factors, which makes her the most vulnerable to damage. Therefore, it is worth taking regular checkups. Purchase a liver disease laboratory package today!

Hangover remedies – drinks

Among the ways to deal with a hangover, we can also find many drinks that will help us deal with the effects of alcohol. To alleviate a hangover, drink still mineral water, isotonic drinks, coconut water, tomato juice, sour fruit and vegetable juices, cucumber water, tea with honey or ginger, green tea, Yerbe Mate, buttermilk or kefir.

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