Hangover and headache cure withdrawn

The Main Pharmaceutical Inspectorate decided to withdraw another drug from sale. This time, the popular painkiller – Alka-Prim, will disappear from pharmacies.

The painkiller Alka-Prim (Acidum acetylsalicylicum) effervescent tablets 330 mg, 10 tablets, batch number: 40126 and expiry date: 02.2018, is to disappear from pharmacies. The reason for the recall of a pharmaceutical is a distorted packaging. However, the problem is why it changed shape … The active substance in the drug reacted with the water that it also contained in the product.

Alka-Prim is used for low intensity headaches, muscle and joint pain. It has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. The manufacturer also recommends it as a drug to help fight colds and viral infections. And unofficially, Poles use it for a hangover.

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