Handsome men! 20 pets who love to look in the mirror

And who will reproach them for this? It’s a sin not to admire such a cute pug for days!

Pets are often called “furry children” – and for good reason. The point is not only that they are almost as touching, require a lot of care and, in general, comfort for the soul. The point is also in the level of intelligence. In cats, for example, it is about the same as in a three-year-old child. Dogs have a little lower, but this is not accurate. Pets also love to look in the mirror, delivering a lot of fun minutes to their owners. Children, by the way, have been recommended to play with a mirror since six months – this is how a child learns to identify himself.

It is not known, however, whether pets learn to recognize themselves in the mirror. But every now and then they strive to play with their reflection or fight with it. Although some fluffy handsome men reach such a degree of contemplation that they simply admire themselves for hours, lying in front of the mirror. By the way, cats often sin with such narcissism. Probably because dogs simply see worse – they rely more on smell than sight. And in general, only Yorkies can distinguish colors.

And by the way, not only cats and dogs are interested in mirrors. Rabbits also love to admire their fluffiness. “My rabbit looks in the mirror every day. I don’t know what he’s thinking, but it looks strange – he just sits motionless and looks at his reflection, ”writes one of the users of the social network Reddit under the photo of his pet. Otters, owls – everyone is interested in themselves.

 “My puppy looked at himself for a long time, and then licked his reflection. It turned out that there, in the mirror, was a good dog, ”writes the owner of a cute little dog.

By the way, some pets are not as simple as it seems – through reflection, they follow their owners. The cutest pictures of pets who suddenly discovered the wonders of the looking glass are in our gallery.

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