“Hands, face, space” – Boris Johnson’s message criticized by experts
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“Hands, face, space” is the name of the UK government campaign criticized by experts. Why don’t they like the campaign slogan? Because it does not emphasize the most important principle that helps limit COVID-19 transmission, i.e. keeping distance.

  1. According to experts, maintaining social distancing is the best way to avoid infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. For this reason, they criticize a government campaign that emphasizes washing hands and wearing mouth and nose guards
  2. According to experts, such a message may lead to a focus on a less important factor of coronavirus transmission and give a sense of false security
  3. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Bad pressure distribution in the “Hands, face, space” campaign

Experts criticize the government campaign promoted with the slogan “hands, face, space”, which aims to raise awareness among the British and prevent the transmission of the coronavirus in the community. According to experts, the campaign puts too little emphasis on the most important issue, i.e. maintaining social distance.

Virologist Julian Tang of Leicester Royal Infirmary told the Observer that if people put more emphasis on washing their hands than on preventing aerosol transmission, we would not be able to control the pandemic.

Tang cited research that suggests contact is the cause of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in 20 percent. cases. In 80 percent. The coronavirus spreads as an aerosol in poorly ventilated rooms.

Jennifer Cole, an anthropologist at Royal Holloway at the University of London, backed Tango, saying the government’s recommendations were worded in the wrong order. “Space is the greatest mitigating factor in mitigating the spread of COVID-19 indoors and outdoors. Wearing a face shield is not completely safe if we cannot keep our distance. Keeping your distance is the best strategy»Cole said, adding that hand washing is important, but that surface transmission plays a much smaller role than transmission by inhaling an aerosol. It seems strange to put “hands” in the first place in the list.

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Unnecessary fears caused by the campaign slogan

Jennifer Cole also drew attention to the fact that the campaign slogan may lead to unnecessary concerns about the likelihood of the coronavirus spreading e.g. on food products brought from the store. Worth reading: Six ways to protect yourself from coronavirus infection that are not worthwhile. Scientists debunk myths. Among these methods, scientists mention, among others disinfecting packaged food for fear that the virus is on surfaces.

Cole also emphasized that we do not always manage to keep our physical distance, especially in confined spaces, and advised people to simply avoid such places. “They should not assume that it is enough to cover their face and wash their hands to be fully protected against contamination,” she added.

“The only thing that really works against this disease is to stay away from other people. When the situation is worrying, for example in public transport, precautionary measures should be increased, »added Tang.

According to the expert, situations where, for example, we relax in a pub, we do not keep our distance, the people we are have to raise their voices so that we can hear them, which is conducive to the droplet transmission of the virus. “That’s why we have epidemics – because people don’t keep their distance and don’t follow the rules.”

Washing your hands is not enough

Scientists also point out that one of the ways of transmission of the coronavirus, i.e. spread as an aerosol, is still overlooked in many cases. Hundreds of scientists from around the world signed an open letter addressed to the World Health Organization about research suggesting that the coronavirus may be hovering in aerosols that are exhaled by humans and emitted by speaking. Faced with this information, scientists called on the WHO and other health organizations to explain in more detail how the coronavirus spreads from person to person.

Zobacz: Scientists around the world call on WHO to change coronavirus recommendations

«The current guidelines of many international and national authorities focus on hand washing, keeping distances and preventing droplet transmission, but do not recognize airborne transmission except in procedures that generate aerosols in healthcare settings. Hand washing and social distancing are appropriate, but in our opinion not sufficient to protect against virus-borne microdroplets released into the air by infected persons »reads the letter.

According to Tango, the WHO initially paid little attention to the transfer of aerosols, but, under the influence of the letter, changed its mind and recognizes the importance of aerosol transmission, especially in poorly ventilated areas. Therefore, according to experts, the slogan, which was created by the British authorities in the first place, should have “space” in capital letters, then you can think of “hands” and “face” (face). “Until we establish this sequence, we will still be in trouble,” adds Tang.

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