Hand tomatoes: the best varieties + photo

Carpal tomatoes differ from other species in that the fruits on the bushes ripen in clusters. This significantly increases the number of tomatoes growing on one bush, respectively, increases the yield of the variety. The size of the fruits of such tomatoes is usually small, so they are most suitable for canning and pickling. Although there are large-fruited cluster tomatoes, which will also be discussed in this article.

Hand tomatoes: the best varieties + photo

Varieties of varieties

Like other tomatoes, carpal crops are divided into indeterminate and determinant. Determinate tomatoes are low-growing or medium-sized crops, the growth of which stops the formation of four or five ovaries. Indeterminate varieties are distinguished by the fact that the growth of their bushes is limited only by climatic conditions.

Hand tomatoes: the best varieties + photo

It is the cluster tomatoes that very often belong to the tall type and have their own advantages:

  • better ventilated and illuminated by the sun, which reduces the risk of developing fungal diseases;
  • give high yields;
  • allow you to save space in the greenhouse or on the site, because they grow up;
  • easily formed – when removing stepchildren, one or more central stems must be left;
  • bear fruit for a long time, often the crop can be harvested until autumn frosts.

Hand tomatoes: the best varieties + photo

Important! Indeterminate tomatoes also have some drawbacks. For example, these plants are more thermophilic, have a long growing season, and need a mandatory garter.

Hand tomatoes: the best varieties + photo

Low-growing varieties are good for those who are used to the usual way of growing tomatoes – in garden beds. Determinate tomatoes are also collected in bunches, so they also give good yields of tasty fruits.

“Adam’s Apple”

Representative of tall, indeterminate tomatoes. The tomato is intended for cultivation in greenhouses and in an open ground. The fruit ripening period is average.

The height of the bushes is 180 cm, it is imperative to tie up the tomatoes and stepson. Greater yields can be achieved when the plant is formed into two stems.

Brushes with tomatoes are beautiful, complex shapes. Tomatoes in a mature state are painted scarlet, have a round shape, a shiny peel. Tomatoes of the Adam’s Apple variety are large-fruited, their weight can reach 200 grams. The fruits are great for pickling, canning, tomatoes are delicious and fresh.

Hand tomatoes: the best varieties + photo


Unlike the previous one, this tomato grows in small bushes, up to 60 cm high. A determinant-type crop intended for growing in greenhouses or in open ground.

Stepson bushes are not required, but, despite the low height of the tomatoes, it is better to tie them up on supports. The shape of the tomatoes is oval, the peel is smooth, the color is scarlet. The average weight of the fruit is 75 grams, these small tomatoes are ideal for canning.

Plants are protected from fusarium. The variety tolerates high temperatures well, even in a dry hot summer many ovaries form on the bushes.

Seeds for seedlings should be sown 60-70 days before the expected date of planting in the ground.

Hand tomatoes: the best varieties + photo

“Scarlet Mustang”

A representative of carpal tomatoes of an indeterminate type – the bushes grow up to 160 cm. Tomatoes must be tied up and the lateral processes removed. The best yield results can be obtained by forming a plant in two stems.

Tomatoes are large-fruited, their shape resembles the fruit of bell pepper, each weighing, on average, 230 grams. When ripe, the tomatoes are pink-red in color. Fruits can be preserved, they look very advantageous in glass jars. Tomatoes are very tasty and fresh, they are sweet and fragrant.

Hand tomatoes: the best varieties + photo

“Anna German”

Tomatoes of this variety also ripen with brushes. The maturation period is average, the type of plants is indeterminate, the yield of the variety is high.

It is necessary to grow a crop in greenhouses – the variety is quite thermophilic. In the southern regions of the country, it is quite possible to plant seedlings in open beds. The bushes grow very strongly, their height reaches 200 cm, and if the lateral processes are not removed, it will become impossible to pass between the beds.

Ripe fruits are very similar to lemons: they are painted in a rich yellow color, have a slightly elongated shape, the tip of the tomatoes is pointed. The weight of each fruit is approximately 50 grams. They are great for whole-fruit canning, and they are also delicious fresh.

Hand tomatoes: the best varieties + photo

“Banana Legs”

A semi-determinate plant, the height of which can reach 120 cm. The variety is intended for cultivation in garden beds, tolerates low temperatures well, and is protected from various diseases.

Fruit ripening period is average. The plant does not need to pinch and remove the lateral processes. The tomato yield is very high, in each brush 7 to 10 fruits ripen at the same time.

Ripe tomatoes are yellow in color, reminiscent of the shape of a plum. The consistency of tomatoes is dense, the pulp is very tasty, with a slight citrus aroma. The weight of one fruit is approximately 80 grams.

Seeds for seedlings should be sown 60 days before the intended planting in the ground. No more than four bushes should be placed on each meter of the site.

Hand tomatoes: the best varieties + photo

Advice! When there are still light, slightly noticeable strokes on the fruits of the Banana Legs variety, they are best suited for canning.

“Barbaris F1”

Indeterminate variety with early ripening. Plants reach a maximum height of two meters, they should be tied up on supports and pinched. The best growing results can be obtained when the plant is formed into two or three stems.

Bushes of this variety look great at the flowering stage – the plant is quite decorative and can become a decoration of the site. The fruits are collected in large brushes, on each such branch 50-60 tomatoes ripen at the same time. Cherry tomatoes are tiny and weigh about 25 grams. The shape of the fruit is oval, the color is pale pink, the peel is smooth. They are excellent for whole fruit canning.

The fruiting of tomatoes is very stretched, you can pick fresh tomatoes from the bushes before autumn frosts.

Hand tomatoes: the best varieties + photo

“White currant”

Indeterminate variety of cherry tomatoes with medium ripening. It can be grown both in greenhouses and in open ground. Plants grow up to two meters, they must be strengthened with supports and side shoots removed. The highest yield is achieved when the bush is formed into three or four stems.

The bushes are decorated with small fruits of a beige shade. Each brush contains ten tomatoes, the average weight of which is 20 grams. The taste of tomatoes is high – they are sweet and juicy, suitable for any purpose.

Hand tomatoes: the best varieties + photo

“Fahrenheit Blues”

The bushes of this tomato are indeterminate, the ripening time is medium. The variety loves warmth, so in the middle zone of the country it is better to grow it in greenhouses, and in the south you can plant seedlings directly on the beds.

Bushes need to be pinched, forming a plant in two or three trunks – this increases productivity.

Photos of the fruits of this tomato are very interesting – round-shaped tomatoes in a mature state are painted in a dark red hue with blue pigment spots. The peculiarity of the variety is also that the more sunlight hits the bushes, the richer and brighter the stately color of the fruit.

The taste of tomatoes is at their best – they are sweet and fragrant. Such unique fruits look great in jars, tasty and fresh.

Hand tomatoes: the best varieties + photo


Early cherry tomatoes ripen three months after planting seeds for seedlings. The variety is tall, very decorative, suitable for greenhouses and open garden beds.

The height of the bushes reaches 200 cm, the plants must be pinched and strengthened with supports. Plants should be formed in two or three stems. In each brush of this plant, 30 tomatoes are collected.

Ripe tomatoes look like cherries, they are the same size and are painted in a rich red hue. The fruits are glossy, translucent, each weighing only 15 grams. These tomatoes taste good too, they can be preserved and eaten right from the garden.

Hand tomatoes: the best varieties + photo

“Cherry red”

A good variety of indeterminate tomatoes, characterized by super-early ripening. Both in greenhouses and in the beds, these tomatoes have to be strengthened with supports. Bushes need to be pinched, forming plants into one trunk.

Tomato brushes are large, each contains 20-30 small tomatoes. The fruits themselves are round, painted red, they weigh about 20 grams. The taste of tomatoes is sweet, they are beautiful both salted and fresh.

Hand tomatoes: the best varieties + photo

“Generator F1”

Determinate variety of tomato, intended for open beds. The hybrid is characterized by early ripening, the bushes grow up to 0,5 meters, they need to be tied up and the side shoots removed.

About seven tomatoes ripen in each brush. Ripe tomatoes have a slightly elongated shape, resemble cream, have dense pulp, and are painted scarlet.

The mass of each tomato is 100 grams. The taste is good, the fruits can be salted and consumed fresh.

Hybrids are resistant to viruses and diseases. The variety is considered high-yielding, up to eight kilograms of tomatoes can be harvested from each meter of land.

Hand tomatoes: the best varieties + photo

«Grape F1»

Cluster tomatoes with early ripening. The bushes are indeterminate, they must be strengthened with supports and lateral processes removed. It is necessary to form bushes in one stem.

In each brush, 8-9 tomatoes are laid. The fruits are cream-shaped, red in color, have an average weight of 100 grams. The taste and shape of tomatoes make them ideal for whole-fruit canning.

The hybrid variety is resistant to drought, difficult weather conditions, hardened from viruses and diseases. Tomatoes tolerate long-distance transportation and storage well.

Hand tomatoes: the best varieties + photo

“Lady fingers”

A variety recommended for growing in garden beds. The fruits are simply meant for canning. The bushes are compact, their height reaches a maximum of 60 cm, it is not necessary to pinch the plants. In the brushes, 5-6 tomatoes are formed.

The shape of the tomato is cylindrical, elongated. The fruits are painted in a scarlet shade, inside they are divided into two chambers, there are few seeds. Each tomato weighs approximately 50 grams.

Sweet and juicy tomatoes are ideal for pickling whole fruits, making sauces. Fruits are well transported, can be stored for a long time.

Seeds for seedlings are planted 55 days before the transfer of plants to a permanent place. Due to early ripeness and simultaneous ripening of fruits, plants manage to avoid outbreaks of late blight.

Hand tomatoes: the best varieties + photo


Variety with medium maturation. Plant height is medium, yield is good. Tomatoes are intended for greenhouses and open ground – the method of planting is determined by the climatic features of the region.

The height of plants planted in greenhouses reaches 150 cm, in open ground the tomatoes will be lower. They must be strengthened with supports and lateral processes removed, it is better to form bushes in two or three stems.

The fruits are large – their average weight is about 180 grams. The shape of the tomato is cream, painted in a red tint. The flesh is firm and the skin is glossy. Tomatoes are considered very tasty, they contain very few seeds, the fruits have a pleasant taste and strong aroma.

When canning, the skin of tomatoes does not crack, the pulp remains elastic. Darenka is also very tasty fresh: in salads and appetizers.

Hand tomatoes: the best varieties + photo

“Ivan Kupala”

An interesting variety with large pear-shaped fruits. It belongs to the subspecies of indeterminate plants, the height of plants is about 160 cm. The maturation period is average, it is recommended to cultivate in greenhouses.

Bushes must be strengthened with supports and excess shoots removed, as a rule, the plant is formed into two stems. In one brush ripens 6-7 tomatoes. Ripe tomatoes are raspberry-red, pear-shaped, with barely visible ribs on their surface. The approximate weight of the fruit is 150 grams. They are very tasty fresh, they are also used for pickling, canning.

The yield of tomatoes is good – about three kilograms of fruit can be removed from each plant.

Hand tomatoes: the best varieties + photo

Features of carpal tomatoes

Tomatoes growing in clusters have their own benefits., such as:

  1. Good keeping quality.
  2. The possibility of transportation and long-term storage, due to the high density of the fruit.
  3. Beautiful appearance – the tomatoes are smooth, shiny, have the correct shape and uniform color.
  4. Carpal varieties are less susceptible to diseases than ordinary tomatoes.
  5. The peel of the fruit is strong, so the tomatoes do not crack.
  6. Small and medium-sized fruits, which allows the crop to be used for any purpose.
Attention! For lovers of large-fruited tomatoes, premium carpal varieties are selected. This class includes tomatoes, the mass of which ranges from 250 to 500 grams. They also grow in clusters of 5-7 pieces each, have an excellent taste and aroma.

Hand tomatoes: the best varieties + photo

Photos and descriptions of tomatoes that exist today can help the gardener in choosing a variety of tomatoes. Carpal varieties can be recommended for those who want to grow a good crop in a limited area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe plot. For such a result, the gardener will not have to spend a lot of effort and time – as a rule, cluster tomatoes are unpretentious and are distinguished by increased resistance to both diseases and weather factors.

Brush tomato, cucumber, pepper, Nochka, Alenushka, Lilac mist, Lezhkie tomato, protection

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