Hand-foot-mouth disease in babies

Symptoms of foot-hand-mouth syndrome in babies

Little ones buttons in the mouth, hands and feet… The signs and symptoms are somewhat suspect! The cause of these rashes is a virus – a called coxsackie, from the enterovirus family, often most active in summer and early fall. The incubation period for hand-foot-mouth disease, that is, the time between infection and the first symptoms, is 2 to 10 days. This highly contagious disease affects mainly children from six months to five years old. If Baby also has small blisters in his mouth (like small blisters circled in red), on the palms of the hands, on the soles of the feet, a slight fever, loss of appetite, a sore throat and sometimes abdominal pain or headaches … it is confirmed: it does present the symptoms of hand, foot and mouth disease. But don’t think he got those nasty pimples because he put his feet in his mouth …

Foot-hand-mouth syndrome in babies: what mode of contagion?

The virus spread through saliva, nasal secretions and in direct or indirect contact with infected stool. The virus is also transmitted by handling contaminated objects or food. Thus, because of this mode of transmission, certain collective places are conducive to contamination: the cribs, canteens or paddling pools. Moreover, the epidemics of cases of foot, hand and mouth disease are well known to nurseries. However, some communities do not refuse sick children, because eviction is not compulsory, everything depends on the goodwill of those in charge.

What treatment for baby’s foot, hand and mouth disease?

If you have the slightest doubt about hand, foot and mouth disease, don’t wait to make an appointment with your pediatrician or your general practitioner. In fact, there is no cure for this disease, only small remedies to relieve the symptoms: paracetamol against fever and possibly a little numbing gel to apply on the small buttons inside the mouth. One thing is certain: no question of piercing the buttons! Antiseptics as an ointment can be prescribed to disinfect lesions. Hand, foot and mouth disease is mild and is not used to making life difficult for children. Most of the time, pimples are not painful and itchy. If the baby has severe pain in the throat and the mouth damage is severe, he may be very embarrassed to drink, therefore beware of the risk of Dehydration !

A week is about what it takes to see your pimples fade away. But beware, the virus tends to resist: Baby will be contagious ten days.

Hand-foot-mouth disease: precautions to take

If your baby has hand-foot-mouth disease, better avoid dishes that are too hot, too spicy or acidic drinks like orange juice, and favor a cold diet. Prefer “dairy” recipes, compotes and other easy-to-eat foods.

To put an end to hand-foot-mouth disease, of course, take some hygiene measures: wash your hands before preparing meals, but also after blowing Baby’s nose, changing his diaper or going to the bathroom. And be patient! Things will return to order on their own, quite simply …

Hand-foot-mouth disease, I had never heard of it …

«I first noticed small buttons on Léo’s body, more localized on the hands and feet. He also had a lot of it between his little fingers.

We thought at first that he was irritated by something, then that he had roseola. But, very quickly, we dismissed the hypothesis because his big brother had had it and it was not at all the same buttons. The pediatrician did not immediately see what it was.

It was at the nursery that we were put in our ears by evoking the foot-hand-mouth disease, then confirmed during a second visit to the pediatrician. It was the first time that I had heard of this syndrome.

Leo stayed at home for two days, then returned to the nursery. The small pimples disappeared on their own, without treatment.

And finally, even if Leo complained a little about his pimples in the mouth, the disease was far from having been a traumatic experience for him …»

Christelle B, mother of Léo (22 months)

Hand-foot-mouth syndrome and pregnancy

Pregnant women should be especially vigilant if they have come into contact with a baby or child with hand, foot and mouth syndrome, as infection with this virus can harm the fetus. In the event of foot, hand and mouth disease in the immediate entourage, it is better to speak to your gynecologist or midwife, who will judge the need for closer ultrasound monitoring.

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