Hyperkeratotic eczema is characterized by the presence of confluent foci of hyperkeratosis located on the palms and / or soles of the feet. The lesions are most common on the hands and affect women during menopause.
Hyperkeratotic eczema – causes of occurrence
The etiology of this ailment remains unclear. There is a supposition that common inflammation is accompanied by a hereditary predisposition to keratinization disorders of the hands and feet.
Symptoms of hyperkeratotic eczema
The disease is manifested by eczema located mainly on the hands, and sometimes also on the soles. The surface of the hands and feet is covered with few, small, mildly inflamed shields. In places, thick yellowish calluses are formed. Deep cracks and fissures in the callous epidermis are very characteristic. Small bubbles may appear around the foci. The course of the disease is chronic and recurrent
How is hyperkeratotic eczema diagnosed?
The histopathological picture is dominated by significant hyperkeratosis and slight inflammation. Hyperkeratotic eczema should be differentiated from:
- irritations,
- dyshidrotic eczema,
- tinea,
- hypertrophic lichen planus.
Hand and foot hyperkeratotic eczema – treatment
The treatment uses topical ointments with the addition of keratolytic and exfoliating agents. It is also important to lubricate the skin.
Remember to care for your skin with the right cosmetics. Try, for example, Dr Duda’s set of cosmetics for dry and damaged hands, which is available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.
DIG. W-19. Eczema corpus callosum.
DIG. W-20. Foot eczema.
DIG. W-21. Hand hyperkeratotic eczema.
Lit.: [1] Th estrup-Pederson K., Klause A.E., Menné T. i wsp.: Treatment of hyperkeratotic dermatitis of the palms (eczema keratotocum) with oral acitretin. A single-blind placebo-controlled study. Acta Derm Venereol 2001, 81; 353-55. [2] Walling H.W., Swick B.L., Storrs F.J. i wsp.: Frictional hyperkeratotic hand dermatitis responding to Grenz ray therapy. Contact Dermatitis 2008, 58; 49-51.
Source: A. Kaszuba, Z. Adamski: “Lexicon of dermatology”; XNUMXst edition, Czelej Publishing House
والله مابعرف شوهي اذااكزيما ماعم اعرف شي بقولو حزازشي بقولواكزيما وصرلي ست سنين عم عاني بس بدي علاج اطيب لانوكتيرتعالجت وماحدا فهم علي ولاطابت طيب ترجع تطلع اذا في علاج اعطوني الحل والله تعبت كتير