Hammer fingers

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Hammer toes are sometimes a typical element of the transversely flat foot and hallux valgus. This distortion most often affects the second finger, which is the longest. The most common cause is the harmful effect of too short and tight shoes. High heels keep the metatarsal joints in dorsiflexion.

Hammer fingers – definition

Hammer fingers, popularly called “hammer”, are a deformation that consists of flexion contracture, most often of the second (longest) finger. The plantar flexion of the finger is characteristic in the proximal interphalangeal joint. This contracture may be corrective – straightening finger is possible with the examining hand or fixedwhen the finger remains in constant contracture and it is impossible to straighten it.

The main cause of this ailment is wearing too tight or short shoes. Especially the wearing of high heels by women keeps the metatarsophalangeal joints in dorsiflexion. Then, pain is felt over the affected joint.

The rest of the text is below the video.

Hammer fingers and the causes of formation

Among the causes of the formation of hammer fingers, many factors stand out. As mentioned above, wearing the wrong footwear plays a major role, but there are other risk factors as well, such as:

  1. gender – women suffer from this disease more often than men;
  2. excessive finger length (especially the second finger);
  3. age – deformities usually appear in people over 50;
  4. RA – rheumatoid arthritis;
  5. gastrocnemius contracture;
  6. development of halluxes (affecting bad positioning of the fingers);
  7. shifting weight to the front of the foot;
  8. neuromuscular disorders that cause hindfoot deformity, such as in the course of cerebral palsy or MS;
  9. poor functioning of the peroneal long and tibial posterior muscles;
  10. excessively hollow foot;
  11. anatomical defects;
  12. people suffering from diabetes;
  13. overweight / obesity;
  14. prints;
  15. inflammations.

Symptoms of hammer fingers

In people with hammer toes, changes in the appearance of the toes are noticeable. Characteristic is the permanent bending of the finger and the presence of an imprint on its tip, which makes it impossible to wear covered shoes. It is hard and causes pain, and a wound with a visible joint is often formed in its vicinity. At first the finger is flexible and the changes are reversible, but with time it becomes stiff and permanent.

Very often hammer fingers are accompanied by the presence of hallux valgus. Untreated patients develop a painful subluxation over time, followed by a metatarsophalangeal dislocation that interferes with normal movement (walking).

How To Treat Hammer Toes?

In the initial stage of the symptoms, it is recommended to change shoes to a flat heel with a spacious toe. In addition, specially designed orthotics and soft plastic sheaths can be used to protect the dorsal area of ​​the proximal interphalangeal joint. It is also worth investing in special orthopedic insoles with a metatarsal pad, the purpose of which is to relieve the head of the metatarsal bones. At Medonet Market you can buy special Hammer finger pads.

Another method of treatment is to perform exercises that improve the movement of the contracted fingers and reduce the contraction of the flexors and extensor tendons of the affected finger. It is worth mentioning, however, that in many patients the deformity progresses very quickly, therefore, often the only solution is surgery. In people with a less advanced hammerhead, minor procedures are performed on the joint capsule and tendons. Among other things, it is performed:

  1. Pisani’s operation (using the flexor tendon of the short finger);
  2. Girdelston surgery (using the flexor tendon of the long finger).

Permanent deformation, on the other hand, requires a larger operation, during which the articular surfaces are removed (arthrodesis). Patients who have undergone surgery should wear special postoperative shoes for five weeks. After this period, you can put on normal footwear, but remember that it should have a flat surface and be slightly more spacious (it should not be too tight). Physical activity is possible after approx. Three months after the procedure.

Complications of hammer fingers

An untreated hammer finger can cause nail ingrowth, blistering and blistering. The most dangerous complication, however, is subluxation, followed by dislocation of the joint and progressive degenerative changes.

How should hammer fingers be prevented?

Correct footwear is recommended. In children, care should be taken that both shoes and socks are not too tight. In distortions, it is recommended to put the finger in extension, especially at night, which can be achieved with adhesive strips.

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