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Summer is the time for vacations, but not everyone has the opportunity to go to warm countries, where beach vacations alternate with relaxation in the hammam. You can afford a hammam without leaving the city!
It is possible to bring into harmony both the body and thoughts in the beauty salon “Perfection itself”, having spent very reasonable means on it. But more on that later, but for now, about what the hammam is so useful for. Its healing properties have been known for a long time: oriental beauties from time immemorial have multiplied health and beauty in it. Why does it make sense for modern women to follow their example, especially now, in the summer months?
There are many reasons. For example, many girls and women have already acquired a chocolate tan, which, according to the unanimous opinion of dermatologists, is not at all good for the skin. The sun’s rays not only dry it out, but also age ahead of time. For owners of sun-bronze skin, it is highly desirable to revive it after aggressive sun exposure. You can largely neutralize the harmful effects of the sun by visiting a good hammam.
Now is the time to head to the delightful hammam of the salon “Perfection itself”. They work only with special natural hypoallergenic cosmetics for spa treatments, use exclusively natural ingredients (essential oils) that improve the condition of the skin. With the help of special gentle procedures in the hammam, they will help restore the elasticity of the skin, restore its youthfulness, while maintaining the desired dark shade. In addition, the value and exclusivity of the local hammam also lies in the fact that the masseurs here are indigenous Egyptians who possess unique massage techniques, know all the subtleties of the hammam and successfully apply all this in practice.
For those who do not have a summer voyage to the warm sea, to get a vacation “recharge”, which will allow you to work vigorously until the next vacation, the hammam will also be extremely useful. Two or three hours spent here will help you to get rid of the accumulated fatigue, let go of problems, relax your body and soul and get a lot of pleasure. According to the reviews of those who visited the hammam in “Perfection itself”, after a series of restorative procedures, they had a feeling similar to the feeling of a week’s rest at the resort.
If you cannot carve out even a couple of hours in your schedule, the salon has a rest option for you too: special hour programs have been developed here that will help you recover in a short time – warm up, relax, get an Arab soap massage and put yourself in order.
Well, a gift certificate for spa treatments in
• Sormovsky district, st. Dmitry Pavlov, 13
• Tel .: 273-23-87; 415-23-87