Hamamelis virginiana

Useful properties and application of witch hazel

Description of witch hazel

Hamamelis virginiana

Hamamelis virginiana is a unique shrub that can grow up to 8 meters in height. Each inflorescence includes up to five graceful flowers, which are located in interesting leaf axils. Fragrant yellow petals have a long linear shape. They are rolled up with springs in small buds. This shrub has ovoid fruits. When ripe, they crack slightly on top and are able to scatter their seeds in a radius of more than one meter.

In its wild state, it is found in the regions of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, on the vast Atlantic coast of great North America and in humid East Asia. Witch hazel can be found in Central Europe among parks and gardens. As a rule, the original flowers appear in the fall, and the fruits ripen in the summer of the following year. Witch hazel leaves are often harvested in the fall. They should be dried thoroughly in the open air.

The bark from the branches can only be removed in the spring, cut into rings and cut into small pieces of 20 cm in length. You can also divide them in a spiral. The removed bark, like the leaves of the plant, must be dried in the sun.

Useful properties of witch hazel

The active ingredients of witch hazel are special tannins based on gamma-melitannin, flavonoids and an unusual essential oil. They determine the fantastic effectiveness of the presented plant in the treatment of various human diseases.

The use of witch hazel

Hamamelis virginiana

As a rule, the collected raw materials are used in the form of delicious fragrant teas. Such drinks, based on the leaves and bark of witch hazel virginiana, can be shown to adults and even school-age children with prolonged diarrhea. This wonderful fixing agent gently restores the intestinal microflora. With proper regular use, after three days, diarrhea in a person stops. Often it is prescribed for serious inflammation of the palate and gums.

To prepare an exceptional witch hazel tea, take 1 tsp. leaves of the presented plant and pour it with a glass of boiling water. You can insist the mixture for no more than 10 minutes. Before use, the tea must be filtered and taken warm. With inflammation of the throat, this decoction can be used to gargle the throat and mouth. The dosage for diarrhea should be at least three cups per day, which should be drunk between main meals.

There are special pharmacological preparations, including various tinctures and extracts based on the leaves and healing bark of witch hazel virgin. They are indicated as a prophylaxis against the occurrence of inflammation and to maintain the cleanliness of the oral cavity. As a local therapy, it is recommended to use liquid forms of the drug and special ointments. Special ointments are created exclusively for the treatment of severe varicose veins. They are also indicated for dangerous neurodermatitis and bleeding hemorrhoids.

The positive assessment of modern doctors gives reason to use them in homeopathy. The special homeopathic preparation Hamamelis is prepared from fresh, high-quality bark of branches, roots and fresh flowering branches of witch hazel. It can be used both externally and internally. Witch hazel ointment in the form of regular compresses can successfully treat the most complex vein diseases. Low degrees of dilution allow the use of this homeopathic remedy inside.

The original tincture of Hamamelis is often used to effectively treat all kinds of wounds and ulcers, and is also indicated for long-term inflammation of the throat and mouth. Many modern gynecologists prescribe various homeopathic preparations based on the presented plant for rather painful and heavy menstruation. To do this, it is recommended to dilute the prescribed remedy in accordance with the instructions of the doctor. As a rule, the optimal dosage is 5 to 10 drops per glass of water.

The unique witch hazel shrub will help reduce blood loss, relieve inflammation and heal even very extensive and deep wounds in a minimum amount of time.

Contraindications of witch hazel

There were no specific contraindications during clinical trials of witch hazel virginiana. When used correctly in standard therapeutic doses, no side effects have been observed in humans. In rare cases, with a large overdose of various pharmacological preparations and infusions, slight irritation of the stomach or intestines is possible.

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