
Beer “Khalzan” produced by the company “Ochakovo” takes an honorable second place in the rating of beer brands “Roskachestvo”. The results of laboratory studies have shown that the drink not only meets the requirements of the industry standard, but is ahead of them in all respects. Pale lager is brewed with malted barley, imported yeast and hops, and water from our own artesian wells.

Historical information

The Moscow Beer and Non-Alcoholic Plant, later renamed Ochakovo, has been operating since 1978. The plant was built on the eve of the Olympics-80, and its task during the event was to produce kvass, lemonade and mineral water for foreign guests. The first beer products that came off the assembly line were the Zhigulevskoye and Stolichnoye brands, popular in Soviet times. Later, the plant, one of the few in the country, was entrusted with bottling drinks under licenses from PepsiCo and Coca-Cola.

By 1993, a critical situation had developed at the enterprise – more than a dozen managers had changed during its work, the equipment was outdated, and the workshops were periodically flooded with water due to poorly functioning sewers. The enterprise was transformed into a joint-stock company, after which all funds were directed to modernization. The reconstruction proceeded at an accelerated pace – every year 2-3 workshops were updated, modern equipment was purchased, new forms of packaging were introduced.

In 1994, the first bottling of Ochakovo beer took place, which became the flagship brand of the company. In the process of working on new drinks, technologists traveled to the villages and collected traditional Russian recipes. In 1996, the production of Ochakovsky kvass began, and a year later the company entered the international market, concluding the first contract for the export of its products. To date, the plant’s drinks are sold in thirty countries around the world, a whole network of branded stores operates, a mini-brewery has been opened to produce limited batches of craft brands.

Khalzan beer appeared in 2015. The company decided to develop a drink in the low price segment, while not losing quality. We took as a basis the classical production technology without fermentation accelerators and dilution with water. Beer is brewed from barley grown on the company’s own farms. Hops are brought to the enterprise from Germany, the Czech Republic and the USA, yeast is supplied by the Berlin Institute of Brewing.

Interesting Facts

  1. Khalzan is one of the names of the golden eagle, the largest representative of the hawk family. In heraldry, the image of a bird traditionally symbolized strength, courage and foresight.
  2. The design of the brand was carried out by the branding agency DDVB. Khalzan beer is aimed at a youth audience, so the designers placed the image of a brutal lumberjack in the center of the composition, which is associated with courage and self-confidence. An unusual image, as well as bright and juicy colors, are designed to distinguish the beer of the brand against the background of products from other manufacturers.

Characteristics of Khalzan beer, 4,5%

A light golden color drink made from natural ingredients – malt, water and hops without flavorings and preservatives. In the glass it forms a stable foam of optimal height. The fresh aroma is dominated by herbaceous tones. The taste is well balanced – sweet malt notes are balanced by tart hop bitterness. It is bottled in kegs, PET, glass bottles and aluminum cans.


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