Distribution in conditions of lack of information about a person of a general evaluative impression of him on the perception of his actions and personal qualities. When forming and developing the first impression of a person, the halo effect can act in the form of positive evaluative bias (“positive halo”) and negative evaluative bias (“negative halo”). So, if the first impression of a person as a whole is favorable, then in the future all his behavior, traits and actions begin to be reassessed in a positive direction. In them, only positive aspects are highlighted and exaggerated, while the negative ones seem to be underestimated or not noticed. If the general first impression of a person due to the circumstances turned out to be negative, then even his positive qualities and actions in the future are either not noticed at all, or are underestimated against the background of hypertrophied attention to shortcomings. The halo effect, like many other phenomena of social perception, is based on mechanisms that, in the absence of information about social objects necessary for the success of this or that activity, provide its categorization, simplification and selection.