Halluksy – what are they, symptoms, remedies for halluksy

Hallux, also known as hallux valgus, is the name used to describe a condition that many adults are exposed to. It is a degenerative deformity of the big toe and affects more women than men. This is related to the specificity of women’s clothing, especially shoes, which are one of the main causes of hallux.

  1. In addition to shoes with a mismatched shape and high heels, the causes of this disease include overweight, static and standing lifestyle, lack of regular movement, flat feet
  2. Doctors estimate that up to half of adult women aged 24-65 may suffer from hallux disease
  3. This is an unpleasant ailment that makes it difficult to walk and move the toes
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Hallucination they significantly hinder everyday functioning, cause pain when walking and moving the toes. They also make it impossible to maintain the correct body posture. Untreated possession tend to worsen over time. A valgus toe affects the motor activity of the entire body, causing further deformation of the foot and uneven distribution of body weight on its surface. As a result, the deformation may also affect other parts of the foot, changing the structures of the muscles responsible for keeping the body mass in the correct upright position. Untreated possession cause the center of gravity to shift from the big toe to the center of the foot, overloading its inner edge.

Hallux symptoms

Primary symptom of halluxes there is a distorted big toe. The deformation is especially visible at the base of the toe and along the inner edge of the foot. To the average symptoms there should also be a clear sensation of pain during the contact of the foot with the ground, redness, thickening of the epidermis at the site of deformation. If gray if it is left untreated for a long time, additional ones may occur symptomsindicative of the progression of the disease, such as the appearance of a bursa – a so-called bubble – filled with mucus.

How to cure halluxes? Here are some best practices

Depending on the degree of degeneration, we can use home ways na bunions or obtain specialized products for their treatment. Below are some of the most popular and effective treatments for this ailment.

Exercises for halluksy is a proven method both preventing their formation and reversing the disease when it is at the initial stage of development. Primary exercise there is daily foot gymnastics – it is best to start with walking barefoot on the floor or on a specialized mat. Weather permitting, it is also worth walking barefoot on grass or sand outdoors from time to time. Railways exercise This is called rocking on the foot – it consists of alternating standing on the toes and heels or on the inner and outer edges of the foot. By shifting the weight alternately to the individual parts of the foot, we stimulate its structure to restore the correct system. Hallucination you can also treat while sitting – sit on a chair, place your feet on the floor and place a flexible object such as a towel or cloth next to them. Let’s try to grab it with the fingers of one foot, then the other and lift it up. During this exercises let’s try to actively work not only with the big finger, but with all five. Exercises These are perfect for people who spend a significant part of the day standing and in motion, especially for women who wear high-heeled shoes.

Insoles for boots for halluksy it is also a good solution when the disease is not too intense. inserts are available in rehabilitation stores or at a pharmacy. When possession are caused by flat feet, you can also get insoles that counteract both these diseases. Their cost is relatively low and ranges from several to several dozen zlotys. The advantage of shoe insoles on possession there is a possibility of their long-term use.

Another method that is very popular and effective is wedges to separate the fingers. Wedges, just like shoe insoles, they can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. Their use is simple – place a wedge between the large and adjacent toe. Advantage wedges is their low price and the possibility of long-term use.

When possession become inconveniently painful, cause abrasions or clear deformations on the skin, then you can buy gel casings or specialist bands. They protect the skin against the effects of excessive friction, pressure on the footwear and help to restore the toe to the correct position. casings and tapes create ideal conditions for improving the toe posture, because they affect the work of the foot muscles, reducing the pain felt while moving. Properly applied, they not only affect the foot’s motor skills, but while walking, they massage the skin, healing or preventing potential abrasions. Headbands They are dedicated especially to pregnant women – thanks to the therapeutic effect on the structure of the finger, they improve the posture of the whole body, also reducing potential back and back pain.

Also read:

  1. Do you have cold feet and hands? Find out what that could mean
  2. Home remedies for athlete’s foot
  3. How to take care of your feet in summer?
  4. Dip your feet in the baking soda water. The effect will surprise you positively

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