Halitosis – diagnosis, causes, treatment

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Halitosis is nothing more than a persistent unpleasant odor from the mouth. Bad breath affects approximately 25% of people worldwide. Halitosis affects people of all ages and is usually a symptom of poor hygiene, although bad breath can sometimes mean serious health problems.

Halitosis – bad breath

Halitosis is not a rare phenomenon. Persistent bad breath is usually the result of poor oral hygiene and affects one in four people in the world. Halitosis it can occur in children, adults and the elderly. Although the unpleasant odor in this ailment is not a one-time but a long-lasting one, mostly home ways getting rid of the problem is enough. Halitosis usually it does not mean a serious disease, but in itself it makes contacts with others difficult. Before start treatment should be known causes bad breath.

The causes, i.e. where does the unpleasant smell come from?

Halitosis it can be caused by a number of other ailments and diseases. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the causes halitozy are related to the oral cavity. Its improper hygiene promotes the development of anaerobic bacteria – producing volatile compounds, e.g. sulfur, which directly translates into bad breath. Treatment of bad breath begins with getting to know the source halitozy.

Dental causes

Among the reasons for the occurrence halitozy Dental causes that are directly related to poor oral hygiene or other negligence predominate. The most common dental causes are: tooth decay, calculus and plaque, oral thrush, periodontitis, complications after dental procedures, unremoved food debris, candidiasis.

Environmental causes

Our lifestyle affects bad breath from the mouth. Nutritional irregularities, some medications or addictions are not without significance. The reasons environmental halitozy have:

  1. diet – consumption of large amounts of alcohol, garlic, onions, drinking insufficient amounts of fluids, starvation,
  2. smoking – cigarettes change the bacterial environment in the mouth (the multiplication of anaerobic bacteria), cause the deposition of tartar,
  3. medications – some medications may cause bad breath as a side effect; this applies mainly to some antidepressants, analgesics, diuretics, anticholinergics,
  4. time of day – many people only have morning halitosis (bad breath immediately after waking up). Its cause is a reduction in saliva production during sleep.

Halitosis and inflammation and respiratory diseases

Inflammation of the respiratory system is another serious source halitozy. Bad breath can cause chronic inflammation of the tonsils, bronchi, paranasal sinuses and mouth. Moreover halitosis can accompany neoplastic diseases such as lung cancer or laryngeal cancer.

Other causes of halitosis

For much rarer reasons bad breath these include diseases of the upper digestive system (esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, gastroesophageal reflux disease, esophageal diverticula), uremia, leukemia, agranulocytosis and in some cases mental ailments and diseases (schizophrenia, chronic psychosis, depression).

Halitosis – specialist examination and diagnosis

Diagnostics and treatment bad smell from the mouth most often takes place at the dentist’s. It is the dentist you should go to first if you have suspicions halitosis. In about 90% of cases halitosis is due to oral health problems. The doctor, if the cause is not certain, will order additional tests or refer you to another specialist, such as an ENT specialist, internist or dietician, who will help to solve the non-dental sources of the ailments.

Home remedies for ailment and treatment

If the cause bad breath there is poor oral hygiene, you can easily get rid of it. Treatment may be necessary in the case of dental, digestive or respiratory diseases. Homemade ways odor is, first of all, thorough and regular brushing of teeth. This operation should be carried out 3 times a day after meals with dental floss and once a day additionally wash the tongue. Brushing your teeth should last at least 2 minutes each time. By bad breath relevant is appropriate hydration of the body, drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Limiting the consumption of coffee and alcohol will also have a positive effect on the smell from the mouth.

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