Halidor – indications, action, contraindications, side effects

Halidor is a medicine containing the active substance benzycyclate, which has a vasodilating and diastolic effect on the smooth muscles of internal organs. Halidor is used to treat the symptoms of obliterating arteriosclerosis of the lower extremities.

Halidor – when we don’t use it?

Contraindications for the use of the drug are the following factors:

  1. a history of brain trauma in the last 12 months,
  2. severe form of respiratory failure,
  3. severe kidney failure,
  4. severe liver failure,
  5. decompensated heart failure,
  6. acute heart attack,
  7. atrioventricular block,
  8. epilepsy or a tendency to seizures.

Halidor – comments before use

Before using the medication, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist, appropriate laboratory tests may be ordered.

Halidor and other drugs

Taking or planning to take medications should be consulted with a doctor or pharmacist. During the visit to the dentist, he should be informed about taking the drug – it is possible to intensify the effect of anesthetics. Caution is advised when used simultaneously with the following agents:

  1. drugs that lower the amount of potassium in the blood,
  2. sympathomimetic drugs,
  3. sedatives,
  4. beta blockers
  5. Medicines with side effects of convulsions
  6. aspirin,
  7. antihypertensive drugs,
  8. digitalis glycosides.

Halidor and pregnancy and breastfeeding

Pregnancy and breast-feeding there are circumstances in which a doctor or pharmacist should be consulted about the use of this medicine. It is not recommended to use the drug in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Halidor and driving

In the initial phase of treatment, increased caution is required when operating any machinery and vehicles.

Halidor – how to use?

The drug should be used according to the doctor’s or pharmacist’s instructions. It is accepted orally – 2 tablets (200 mg) twice a day.

Halidor and the dose higher than indicated

Adoption more medicine than recommended may contribute to:

  1. tachycardia,
  2. hypotonii,
  3. tendency to collapse,
  4. urinary incontinence problems,
  5. sleepiness
  6. motor anxiety,
  7. seizure of epilepsy.

When speaking drug poisoning it is necessary to immediately go to a doctor or hospital emergency room (with the information leaflet attached to the medicine).

Halidor and missed doses

In the case of missed a dose medicine should not be refilled dose double treatment, you should continue your regular treatment.

Halidor – possible side effects

Halidor can cause a series side effects:


  1. hallucinations
  2. transient confusion

(very rarely)

  1. focal symptoms from the central nervous system,

(frequency impossible to define)

  1. motor restlessness,
  2. headaches and dizziness,
  3. gait disturbance
  4. memory impairment,
  5. trembling,
  6. somnolence,
  7. problems with sleeping,
  8. tachycardia,
  9. dry mucosa,
  10. dry mouth
  11. stomach pains,
  12. nausea,
  13. vomiting,
  14. the feeling of fullness,
  15. allergic reactions
  16. bad mood,
  17. weight gain
  18. reduction in the number of white blood cells
  19. increase in the liver enzymes ASPAT and ALAT.

Any occurrence undesirable symptom, also not written in the leaflet, should be consulted with a doctor.

Halidor – storage

The drug should be stored at a temperature below 30 degrees Celsius.

Halidor – content

The drug contains the active ingredient that is bencyclane fumarate (each tablet contains 100 mg of the substance). In addition, the following are included: magnesium stearate, colloidal anhydrous silica, potato starch, carbomer 934 P, sodium carboxymethyl starch (type A), polyvinyl acetate, talc.

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