Half ultrasound – indications, norms, interpretation of results

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Half-time ultrasound is an examination performed between the 20th and 22nd weeks of pregnancy. Its name comes from the fact that it is performed around the middle of pregnancy. During the half-time ultrasound, the sex of the baby can be determined. Half-time ultrasound allows for a detailed assessment of the child’s development. During the half-time ultrasound, you can find out the weight of the fetus and the gestational age. During the half ultrasound, the doctor assesses the condition of the internal organs and the child’s development. Half-time ultrasound allows for a very thorough examination and evaluation of the fetus, because it is performed in the period when the organs are well-shaped, and at the same time they do not cover their bones, which are still quite soft at this time. The baby is best seen during the half-time ultrasound. If the future parents did not know the sex of the child until then, the half ultrasound is a great opportunity to find out. It is important that a half ultrasound is performed on the latest devices that are currently available.

Indications for a half ultrasound

Half ultrasound is recommended to every pregnant woman in the aforementioned period, i.e. between the 20th and 22nd week of pregnancy. Then it is easiest to assess the development of the fetus and detect possible defects. While Half ultrasound the assessment includes: head, neck, chest, heart, abdominal cavity, spine, placenta position, amount of amniotic fluid and the child’s sex. So you can say that Half ultrasound it answers practically all questions regarding the development of the fetus, and by examining the cervix, it will warn you about the possibility of an earlier birth. Thanks Half ultrasound we will find out, among others if the child has no birth defects, is he developing properly, is he in the right position and what weight he has. Half ultrasound it will also give us the answer to one of the most frequently asked questions: boy or girl?

Standards for half ultrasound

Standards in the case of pregnancy, they are practically different during each day of its duration. Therefore, it is not possible to set hard standards for Half ultrasound. IN Half ultrasound the expert’s assessment is the most important.

Interpretation of half ultrasound results

As we mentioned earlier, Half ultrasound allows you to find answers to many questions. Interpretation of the results Half ultrasound that’s a job for the doctor. If he or she notices any disturbing symptoms, then she can plan treatment for the baby in the womb.

Find out what is happening in the 14th week of pregnancy

How is a half ultrasound performed?

Half ultrasound it does not differ from other types of ultrasound. The examination is carried out in the office. A pregnant woman is put on the chair, and the doctor puts a special gel on the stomach to facilitate the examination. Half ultrasound takes approximately 30 minutes. While Half ultrasound in the beginning, the doctor takes the standard measurements of the baby. This is technically called fetal biometrics. Fetal biometry v Half ultrasound allows you to determine: the weight of the baby, size, placement of the placenta and the amount of amniotic fluid. At this stage Half ultrasound the doctor measures the circumference and width of the head, the circumference of the abdomen, the length of the humerus and femur, and the condition of the cervix. During Half ultrasound the doctor carefully examines the baby’s head and face. This allows you to check if they are properly built. This stage Half ultrasound allows you to detect cleft palate or lips. However, this is not the end. While Half ultrasound virtually all parts of the fetus are examined.

How to prepare for a half ultrasound?

First, a pregnant woman needs to know when her 20th week of pregnancy is due. As we wrote earlier, the test must be performed between the 20th and 22nd week. Doctors recommend that women get on Half ultrasound come with a full bladder. This is because it pushes the uterus out of the pelvis, making all the test pieces more visible. In front of Half ultrasound it is also worth preparing questions that the pregnant woman would like to ask the person performing the test. Half ultrasound is reimbursed by the National Health Fund, if the pregnant woman prefers to go on a private visit, then it costs from 200 to 300 PLN.

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