Half of the respondents were unaware of this common symptom of a heart attack
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The classic warning signs for a heart attack are chest pain, shortness of breath, feeling weak or lightheaded, and shoulder discomfort. However, it is worth knowing that there is one more less known and common symptom of a heart attack. A study by the American CDC showed that more than half of the respondents were unaware of this.

CDC (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) lists the five classic symptoms of a heart attack. Apart from chest pain, shortness of breath, a feeling of weakness or lightheadedness and discomfort in the arm, the fifth, less known, is sudden pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck or back. Further symptoms may also include unexplained fatigue, nausea, or vomiting, with the CDC warning that “women are more likely to have these symptoms”.

Heart attack – unknown symptom

A study by the CDC found that more than half of the respondents were unaware of this, and a quick response when a heart attack is suspected is key.

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Sometimes you can feel the symptoms of a heart attack in the jaw, teeth and neck. Pain not only appears on the left side, it can also happen on the right side, especially in women Says Steven Bender, an assistant professor at the University of Texas Dental School. “Pain can come and go and people may not associate it with heart problems,” she adds.

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In a 2005 survey, which was attended by 71 thousand 994 respondents from 14 states, only 48 percent. people were aware of the pain in these areas as a warning sign of a heart attack. In the same CDC study, 62 percent. people knew to be wary of feeling weak, dizzy or faint, 85 percent. be aware that pain or discomfort in your arms or shoulders is cause for concern. As much as 92 percent. knew that chest pain or discomfort could be related to a heart attack. The most famous of all symptoms of a heart attack, indicated by 93 percent. respondents, there is a feeling of breathlessness.

  1. Also read: Heart attack attacks younger and younger people

It is very important to know the first symptoms of a heart attack. As emphasized by specialists from the CDC, the sooner we recognize the symptoms of a heart attack and call for help, the better our chances of survival.

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