Half of malnourished children will be sterile in their adult life

Food shortages in the womb and the first stage of a child’s life may have a negative impact on his future fertility, according to research published in the journal Ecology.

Such conclusions were reached by British scientists from the University of Sheffield, working under the supervision of Dr. Ian Rickard. From the parish chronicles they obtained information about the birthdays of 927 men and women living in Finland in the XNUMXth century. In order to assess their nutrition in the mother’s womb and in the first period of life, data on the yield of rye and barley in the year they were born were collected.

It turned out that the amount of the harvest had a clear impact on the fertility of offspring from poor families. In this group, only 50 percent. men and 55 percent. of women born during low yields of rye and barley had their own children, while among those born in better times this percentage was 97%, respectively. for men and 95 percent. For the ladies.

In the case of the offspring of poor families, the low level of grain yield in the year of birth was also associated with worse prospects of finding a mate and higher mortality of one’s own children. No similar effects were observed among those born in richer homes.

According to the authors of the study, it indicates that malnutrition in the prenatal period or in the early period after birth may limit the development of the reproductive system and negatively affect the future fertility of the child. The latest research provides – so far – the most direct evidence that this relationship applies not only to animals, but also to humans, the researchers emphasize.


26,5 million children in East and South Africa need immediate help. Over a million of them suffer from malnutrition. Without action, the threat of starvation would soon become a reality.

That is why UNICEF Polska is launching the »Save a Child in Africa» campaign. You can help by going to the website afryka.unicef.pl and making a donation ***

Source: PAP

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