Haley Pomera’s Diet

Recently, a lot of various dietary programs aimed at effective weight loss have appeared. And increasingly on the Internet, the diet of the American nutritionist Haley Pomeroy began to appear. She broke into the lives of many people like a whirlwind and immediately captivated their hearts. And all because such a diet program allows you to lose weight without experiencing an excruciating hunger and without denying yourself your favorite foods. This diet made a splash in Hollywood circles. Haley Pomeroy came to fame immediately after her diet helped Jennifer Lopez and Robert Downey Jr. get in shape. Many Hollywood stars, who previously sat on exhausting hungry diets, immediately switched to this diet program when they realized that losing weight can be much more effective, faster and without starving. What does this popular weight loss program do? It is aimed at accelerating the metabolic processes in the body, thereby effectively burns fats. Hollywood nutritionist believes that the right approach to weight loss is necessary, and constant diets will not bring any positive effect. And thanks to the acceleration of metabolism, you can permanently part with extra pounds of weight, achieve a luxurious figure and well strengthen your health.

Metabolism and its principles

In order to produce enough energy, a person needs food. And these are the processes that occur with the body from the moment food gets into it and until complete elimination of processed products is called metabolism. That is, in other words, metabolism is the process of processing and splitting substances that have entered the body.

Often, when metabolic or metabolic processes are disturbed, overweight occurs, because substances that have not been recycled are deposited in the form of fat, and that in turn increases with time.

And to process these fatty deposits is possible only with a large expenditure of energy. That is, if you actively engage in sports and exercise, then the metabolic processes will be accelerated, resulting in the burning of deferred calories.

However, only a few people go in for sports, and a sedentary lifestyle or hopeless laziness leads to an accumulation of excess weight.

There are several main factors that slow down or disrupt metabolic processes in the body and adversely affect the metabolic process:

  • inherited obesity;
  • increased calorie intake;
  • hormonal problems;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • improper nutrition.

Metabolism Diet Hayley Pomeroy

American nutritionist believes that many of the diet programs that can be found on the Internet, almost do not work. Some even show impressive results, but for quite a short time, after which the body gets used to eating restrictions and stops responding to it as expected. In another case, especially after short-term hungry diets, dropped kilograms come back and provoke a quick recruitment of new ones. Hayley Pomroy believes that the reason for this behavior lies in hormones. The fact is that various starvation diets significantly reduce the activity of the thyroid gland, which produces the hormone triiodothyronine. Namely, he is responsible for burning fat in the body. With a high activity of the adrenal glands, which is also observed in starving diets, the hormone xNUMX, a reverse triiodothyronine, is produced, helping to protect fat cells from splitting. Thus, there is a leveling of the work of these important hormones: a small amount of food is still consumed, but fats do not break down, but rather accumulate.

Basic principles and rules of the diet Haley Pomroy

For effective weight loss using this method, it is very important to follow five basic rules that must be remembered and never violated:

  1. Avoid stress, always think positively.
  2. Do not deny yourself any favorite food.
  3. Fasting is prohibited.
  4. Say no to counting calories.
  5. To forever abandon strict diets and generally accepted rules of nutrition.

The basic principles of this diet are:

  • eating food five times a day every three hours, even if there is no appetite at all, while snacking should be insignificant;
  • the diet allows the use of protein food, which serves as a building material for muscles, and complex carbohydrates, which are responsible for the level of insulin in the blood plasma;
  • breakfast is needed half an hour after waking up to start the exchange processes;
  • drink two to three liters of pure still mineral water, freshly brewed herbal tea or lemonade daily;
  • sugar and honey for the duration of the diet will have to be abandoned, but they can be replaced with natural sweeteners – xylitol or stevia;
  • changes in diet are not welcome, deviations from the four-week menu are prohibited;
  • for best results, you can repeat any stages of the diet several times;
  • The dietary program is divided into three phases, each of which is responsible for its main function: relieving stress, releasing fat reserves, burning fat deposits;
  • for convenience, the portions in this method for weight loss are measured in glasses, in the first stage, the use of double portions, that is, 500 grams of products at a time.

When combined with this diet program with moderate physical exertion, the visible effect will come much faster, and the results will not keep you waiting.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet Haley Pomeroy

The main advantages of this method of losing weight include the following positive points:

  • refusal of starvation diets, the possibility not to exhaust yourself with hunger strikes, which can bring harm to the body;
  • significant visible results and high efficiency;
  • tasty and varied menu.

From a medical point of view, there were no shortcomings for such a diet, but like any diet, it has followers and opponents who claim that products listed on the four-week menu are very expensive and such a weight loss program has a significant impact on the family budget . In addition, on some days the caloric content of the diet does not rise above 700 kcal, which is not enough for the stable functioning of the body. This diet is not suitable for those people who do not eat meat, such as vegans or vegetarians. And a four-week refusal from your favorite morning cup of natural coffee with milk can lead to stress.

But the diet of Haley Pomeroy is in great demand, and the author herself claims that with its help you can get rid of ten extra pounds of weight in four weeks. It is worth saying that even some luminaries of nutrition seeks advice from Hayley.

Weight Loss Program by Haley Pomeroy

The diet itself has a duration of exactly four weeks. Each week is divided into three phases:

  • the first two days of each phase you need to eat complex carbohydrates, which are a source of fiber;
  • the next two days they eat protein foods and vegetables;
  • in the remaining three days, you can eat all of the above products and add vegetable fats to them.

The American nutritionist in his super diet offers the use of rare and expensive products, such as: fennel, pheasant, palm kernel, lobster, trout, oysters, almonds, feijoa, mango, papaya, hummus, lobsters and others. However, in our supermarkets it’s hard to meet half of them, and the price for the other half will be too high, therefore the approximate menu presented in this article excludes these products.

The first phase

This phase, or rather the first two days of each week, is aimed at relieving stress and tension from the adrenal glands. That is why a diet containing a small amount of fat and protein is recommended. Here, foods rich in carbohydrates, natural sugars, ascorbic acid and B vitamins come to the fore. An approximate set of permitted products for this stage:

  • low-fat types of fish and meat;
  • rice, oatmeal and buckwheat;
  • various vegetables, especially tomatoes, pumpkin, cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, carrots and eggplant;
  • greens: parsley, cilantro, spinach, dill;
  • legumes: peas, lentils, beans;
  • egg whites;
  • mushrooms;
  • various fruits: peaches, apples, pears, pineapples, apricots and vegetables;
  • spices and seasonings.

Recommended sports during this period are aerobics and running.

The second phase

This stage, that is, Wednesday and Thursday of each week, is aimed at unblocking fat accumulations. During this period, you must eat low-fat foods that are rich in protein and contain at least carbohydrates. You also need to include in the diet of vegetables. Complex carbohydrates at this stage should be excluded.

Approximate set of permitted products for the second phase:

  • meat of various grades: beef, veal, pork, lamb;
  • egg whites;
  • various vegetables: bell pepper, cucumbers, chili, cabbage and onions;
  • greenery;
  • lime and lemon;
  • beans;
  • spices, seasonings and spices;
  • sea ​​kale;
  • mushrooms;
  • herbal infusion.

During this period, recommended power loads with dumbbells or barbell.

The third phase

Food in the last three days of each week should contribute to the best burning of fat deposits. Therefore, at this stage it is recommended to eat foods with a small amount of proteins, but containing a lot of healthy fats.

Approximate set of permitted products for the third phase:

  • various types of meat: rabbit, pork, poultry and beef;
  • seafood and fatty fish;
  • various vegetables: cabbage of any kind, tomatoes, radishes, bell peppers, beets, pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant, cucumbers, onions and carrots;
  • rice, oatmeal and barley porridge;
  • unrefined vegetable oils: olive, sunflower or sesame;
  • eggs;
  • greenery;
  • mushrooms and olives;
  • legumes and avocados;
  • various fruits;
  • sea ​​kale;
  • various berries: raspberries, blackberries, cranberries and cherries;
  • sunflower seeds and nuts;
  • spices and spices.

In this phase, yoga, swimming or massages are best.

Sample menu for the week by the method of Haley Pomroy

Here is a menu adapted to our region, which has been tested and tested on itself by our countrymen. When eating food, you should always follow the daily rate of protein, the required volumes of servings, and also not forget that fruits can be eaten in unlimited quantities.

First phase. The first day:

  • breakfast – oatmeal with banana;
  • lunch – some cherries;
  • dinner – vegetable broth, beef, asparagus in tomato sauce;
  • afternoon tea – a bit of strawberries;
  • dinner – ham with buckwheat porridge.

First phase. Second day:

  • breakfast – oatmeal with apple;
  • lunch – a large orange;
  • lunch – chicken broth, chicken breast with buckwheat porridge;
  • afternoon snack – one pear;
  • dinner – pollock in tomato with brown rice.

Second phase Day three:

  • breakfast – egg omelet with vegetables;
  • Lunch – freshly brewed natural coffee;
  • lunch – tuna and fresh vegetable salad;
  • afternoon tea – a little boiled chicken or veal meat;
  • dinner – salmon baked with lemon.

Second phase Day four:

  • breakfast – ham and fresh vegetable salad;
  • lunch – turkey;
  • dinner – chicken with steamed vegetables;
  • afternoon tea – freshly brewed tea with a slice of lemon;
  • dinner – cabbage salad with cucumbers and boiled chicken fillet.

Third phase. Day five:

  • breakfast – millet porridge;
  • Lunch – a salad of cucumbers with tomatoes;
  • lunch – vegetables cooked in a double boiler with boiled chicken breast;
  • afternoon snack – avocado;
  • dinner – risotto with vegetables.

Third phase. Day Six:

  • breakfast – a slice of whole grain bread with any berries;
  • lunch – a handful of nuts;
  • lunch – a cheese and salmon sandwich;
  • afternoon snack – half avocado;
  • dinner – any meat in a pot with vegetables.

Third phase. Day Seven:

  • breakfast – banana and chicken boiled egg;
  • lunch – baked apple in the oven;
  • lunch – boiled rice with any baked fish in the oven;
  • afternoon tea – a bit of kiwi;
  • dinner – chicken, tomato and avocado salad.


Haley Pomeroy’s diet is a modern, highly effective method of losing weight, based on the acceleration of metabolism, resulting in the burning of fat reserves in the body. This technique is very popular in America and abroad, and is now increasingly conquering the vastness of our country. It is good because it completely eliminates starvation, and aims the body to fight obesity.

In the process of such a diet can lose up to 10 kilograms in four weeks. This diet is recommended not only to those who have problems with metabolism, but also to those who just want to lose weight effectively, look great and improve their health.

Reviews and doctors, and happy thinner converge in one thing – this technique works, and works fine.

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