Hairstyles for long hair: 59 photos step by step, video,

In this article, Wday will provide you with some practical hairstyles for long hair that will surely help you out more than once, both in preparation for a romantic date and for your everyday look. With our photo and video tutorials, you can create incredible images with your own hands.

Golden Rule: the manipulations are performed after shampooing. A stale hairstyle will disintegrate faster, the fleece will not stick to it, and the varnish forms a “helmet effect” that can spoil the impression of even the highest quality styling.

Option 1

1. Collect the ponytail, leaving the strands of the face free and divide it into two equal parts.

2. Twist both halves into bundles.

3. Twist them together.

4. Wrap around the elastic and secure at the back of the head with hairpins.

5. Curl the hair at the cheekbones with tongs.

6. Secure the curls by guiding them back using the bobby pins.


The era of crazy experiments with colors and lines has passed, today simplicity, well-groomed and natural tones are again in trend, as a symbol of femininity and beauty. If earlier fashionable long hairstyles were distinguished by the complexity of designs and required a lot of time, today any owner of luxurious hair can create actual forms with their own hands or with the help of a friend.

1. Braid three pigtails on each side of the parting away from the face.

2. Finish braiding at ear level.

3. Connect the ends of the braids to the bulk and twist into a bundle.

4. Secure with studs in a knot.

A modern woman often combines work, family care, hobbies, meeting friends and does not have enough time for frequent visits to beauty salons. Therefore, more and more modern beauties are mastering the art of creating light hairstyles from long hair for every day, which will make your image feminine and stylish.

It is worth remembering that growing hair does not just mean stopping cutting it, the length below the shoulders requires attention and tireless care: regular, at least once a month, trimming the ends, using nourishing masks and serums to moisturize, the obligatory use of a balm or conditioner after each washing, the most gentle combing. Compliance with all stages of quality care will make you look stylish and well-groomed in any situation.

Option 3

1. Curl the strands around your face with tongs.

2. Secure the voluminous bangs in the parietal area with invisible bangs.

3. Pin the strands of the temporal region just below.

4. Fix the volume from the back of the head in the same way.

5. Lightly comb the free length.

6. Carefully lay on the back of the head with hairpins.

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Weaving braids for long hair

It is invariably one of the most popular options for beautiful, evening hairstyles for long hair. Braids have innumerable variations and are suitable for any occasion – both everyday and evening.

Advice: if you are a happy owner of curls, prepare them for weaving by slightly pulling them out with an iron or hairdryer. This will help them reflect light better, and the braid relief will look more impressive.

1. Highlight the parting from ear to ear.

2. Fix a part of the volume in the parietal zone.

3. Start braiding from the bottom growth line up until you reach the parting.

4. When you reach it, secure your hair with an elastic band or hairpins.

5. Brush free length.

6. Gently pin at the crown in a loose bun.

Option 5

To create a modest and stylish look, a romantic option with weaving from the temples is suitable. To do this, you only need a few studs.

1. Highlight the parting and start lightly braiding away from the face.

2. Weave the braid without pulling the strands too tight.

3. It is necessary to finish at the level of the back of the head.

4. Fix the remaining length with pins, twisting it into a bundle.

5. Repeat on the other side.

6. Connect both halves with pins.

Option 6

Woven colored ribbons will help to give the braid a special chic and complement it with a bright accent. The gamma can be chosen both in contrast and in the same gamut with the accessories of your bow:

1. Attach the tape between the strands as close to the head as possible.

2. Begin weaving by gently tossing it over.

3. Braid the braid to the side, being careful not to twist the ribbon.

4. Do not lower it too low, stick to the middle of the back of the head.

5. When you finish, gradually lower the drawing.

6. Pull the strands out slightly to add volume to the braid.

Option 7

If you have to attend a festive event, you can also make a hairstyle for long hair at home, let it be more complex and effective, with a curly pattern and additional decorative elements. It is recommended to create this option at a length from the blades and below.

1. Begin weaving on one side with the bulk to the other.

2. Braid the braid roughly in line with the ears.

3. Do not tighten too tight to maintain volume.

4. When you reach the opposite side, loosen the drawing.

5. Select and structure individual strands to add accents.

6. Secure the end of the braid as long as it allows.

Option 8

A simple and beautiful hairstyle for long hair can be created on your own in a few minutes by styling the braids at the back of the head, as shown in the photo.

1. Part right in and braid the two tails just above the back of the head.

2. Divide each into two parts, twist into bundles and twist together.

3. Place the harness around the head in a crown.

4. Decorate with accessories as desired.

Option 9

If you are in constant motion and do not like to waste time on complex weaves, it is enough just to remove your hair from your face, so they will not only stop disturbing you, falling over your eyes, but will also be much less confused during the day, retaining an aesthetic look until the evening !

1. Twist light bundles, directing back, pin with invisible ones at the back of the head.

2. Repeat one level below.

Enjoy the result: the epitome of beauty and practicality, showcasing luxurious hair in all its glory.

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It has long ceased to be an attribute of a school teacher and has become a trendy version of a hairstyle for long hair for every day. A strict bun for a business meeting, light, slightly careless, with flirty curls or a high babette – the choice depends solely on your imagination!

What do you need to create? A comb with a thin ponytail and fine, fine teeth: it is convenient to use it to highlight clear partings, to make a bouffant. Hairpins on request, a special roller of a suitable diameter and tone.

Styling: pre-applied mousse or spray will make the strands more manageable and will greatly facilitate their styling in the desired shape, and the varnish will complete the styling with fixation. Wax, clay or toffee – optional to accentuate bangs or curls on the face, if your imagination suggests them.

Such a spectacular and unusual bundle can be created for an evening out.

Option 10

1. Divide your hair into three areas, pulling it into ponytails.

2. Decorate each in the form of a flower, securing the elements with invisible ones.

3. Try to keep the petals about the same size.

4. Apply varnish.

Option 11

Romantic young ladies will surely love the elegant low bun in the form of a bow.

1. Gather the ponytail at the back of your head by wrapping the elastic with the strand you left behind.

2. Divide it into two equal parts.

3. Lightly comb each half of the ponytail.

4. Lay in a bow shape, gently smoothing the top layer so that the bouffant is not visible.

At the peak of popularity – spectacular negligence.

She brings zest to any hairstyle. Effortlessly (in strict accordance with the stylist’s intention), loose curls can be observed on the red carpet of social events. Meanwhile, creating such an effect is not at all difficult. Do-it-yourself soft bun in Dolce & Gabbana style.

Option 12

1. Curl your curls with tongs, iron or curlers.

2. Pulling the strands perpendicular to the head, make a light bouffant at the roots.

3. Treat the entire parietal area in this way.

The fleece should be soft, 60s-style babette is not relevant for a long time.

4. Raise the length to the back of the head and secure the curls with hairpins.

5. Observe symmetry, fixing the strands, otherwise slight negligence will turn into unwanted slovenliness.

Curl the face with your fingers, sprinkle with varnish. The glamorous bunch is ready!

It has long ceased to be a slapdash casual option. Nowadays, he is a regular on the catwalks and an integral part of the style of many long-haired fashionistas. What is important to remember when creating a ponytail? Hair should be carefully combed: loose strands (the so-called “roosters”) will nullify all your efforts, the hairstyle will look sloppy. If you have a cascading haircut, pin the shorter strands with invisible ones, otherwise they will knock out from under the elastic and create completely unnecessary shaggy. Give up the banal ponytail gathered at the back of your head with a hairpin, because you can turn an ordinary boring ponytail into an original hairstyle in just a few minutes, even without having the skills and experience!

Option 13

In creating hairstyles for long hair, video tutorials may well replace the stylist from the salon. The easiest way to refine the ponytail is to wrap the elastic with the strand left previously. It will turn out to be more refined if part of the volume is rolled into bundles in the direction from the face and secured with invisibility under the elastic band.

Option 14

The tail, gathered on the side, with a fleece in the parietal zone, looks vintage and impressive. True Hollywood chic, showcasing luxurious long hair in all its glory.

If you prefer to wear your wealth in its original form, be sure to carefully monitor their condition, because it is in this form that all the shortcomings are especially striking. If your hair is frizzy or frizzy, tame it, you don’t have to do it with an iron, you can use straightening sprays and creams. Styling will not completely solve the problem, but even stubborn curls will look more structured, reflect light better and look healthier and more well-groomed. In addition, using styling products removes static electricity.

If you want to achieve a mirror-like smoothness, you cannot do without ironing.

Option 15

1. Part your hair into two equal parts.

2. Select strands about 2 cm wide, starting from the bottom growth line. Comb them thoroughly, pinch with ironing plates and guide them towards the ends.

3. Next, highlight the horizontal partings, moving up and straightening the length in the same way.

4. The temporal areas are treated separately by the same method.

In order not to leave kinks from the forceps, try not to hold them in one area, the movements should be smooth. The stiffer and more naughty the structure, the slower it is to iron along the strand in order to warm it up completely and achieve maximum results. When working with particularly tight and unruly curls, 2-3 reps may be needed for best results.

You can enhance the effect with keratin straightening.

This procedure not only gives a mirror shine and completely neutralizes frizz for several months, but also has a powerful restorative effect, revitalizing the hair structure. If you like volumetric styling, use the curling tongs, a large round brush when blow-drying, or try the popular salon Boost Up procedure to get volume from the roots and look more beneficial. An excellent result will be obtained by using a special powder, this tool is especially loved by stylists, since it allows you to get a very natural and dynamic volume, while it is completely invisible.

The powder should only be applied to the roots, in moderation, then rub lightly with your fingers. For convenience, you can tilt your head down.

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Luxurious curls are still at the peak of popularity. They are able to endow their owner with femininity and light romantic flair, invariably attracting male interested glances. Of course, provided that they are made of sufficient quality and laid, taking into account the characteristics of the face and toilet.

Hollywood beauties, who set the tone for fashion trends, wear large flowing curls directed from the face. Hair dynamics should be natural, shine – natural. You can easily create a hairstyle with curls on long hair yourself. For example, with a curling iron.

Option 15

1. Highlight a section of the face with a vertical parting.

2. Screw on the curling iron away from your face, wait for it to completely warm up and become hot, then gently dissolve it.

Important! If, after removing the strand from the tongs, you lift it and wait for it to cool, the curl will fix better, because under its own weight it can partially straighten before it cools.

3. Roll the mass of hair in the same way to the middle of the back of the head, then change the direction of wrapping, so on both sides the strands will be curled from the face, connecting at the back of the head.

4. Apply volume spray to roots.

5. Tilt your head forward and beat the curls at the roots.

6. Place your hands in the correct order.

Stunning Hollywood curls are ready!

It is believed that regular use of an iron and curling iron can destroy the hair structure. This was true at a time when the heating elements of tools were made of metal. Modern devices, as a rule, are much more technological; surfaces are made of high quality ceramics. Regular use of such instruments will not cause fatal harm with proper care and use of thermal protection.

Split ends can also cause a lot of grief. When brushing, when the natural secretion of the scalp’s sebaceous glands is distributed along the length and protects the hair from dryness, there is practically no natural moisture left to the ends. They are often drier and more porous than the main length. You can help with the use of special protective oils and creams for the ends, as well as regular trimming in the salon.

Beauty editor tips

– The material contains many options for hairstyles for long hair. However, I made my personal selection of favorites. In the gallery you will find my favorite weaving and styling options that are easy to repeat on your own. Moreover, it will not take you more than 15-20 minutes!

It is worth considering carefully the choice of accessories for everyday use.

Large combs with sparse teeth are the least traumatic for luxurious hair. Using such a comb reduces the chances of the resulting knots breaking and reduces the chances of hair loss due to too much tension. Make sure that there are no chips and “burrs” on the ridge due to technological defects, they can injure the cuticle. Also, do not get too carried away with massage combs. Frequent use can cause excessive sebum secretion, which can increase the oily skin.

The curls below the shoulders require tireless care and attention, but what is the best way to emphasize your femininity and fragility? Take care of them and be beautiful!

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