Hairdresser’s Day in 2022: the history and traditions of the holiday
No one knows exactly when this holiday appeared, but it has already accumulated a lot of traditions. Which ones, Healthy Food Near Me will tell and tell you when to celebrate the day of the hairdresser in 2022

Hairdresser’s Day is a holiday that is not celebrated at the state level and, of course, is not an official holiday. In general, the holiday does not even have a clear date (this is due to the fact that barbers do not have their own international organization that would deal with such issues). According to the generally accepted version, this on September 13. But some representatives of the profession celebrate their holiday a day later. And someone celebrates two days in a row.

Moreover, most hairdressers are sure that they have several professional holidays a year. So, they also consider International Beauty Day (September 9) to be their day: this is not surprising, because until 2000 it was customary for stylists to celebrate September 9th.

Meanwhile, hairdressers did not limit themselves to two celebrations and celebrate both their day and the Day of Trade and Consumer Services Workers, which falls on the third Sunday of March.


When the Day of the hairdresser was established is unknown. We can only say with certainty that this happened after 2000 (because earlier barbers celebrated only Beauty Day).

Meanwhile, the profession itself originated in ancient Egypt. Then hairdressers made wigs, dyed hair (for this they used henna and basma), curled curls with metal rods heated over a fire. Moreover, the first barbers already had analogues of modern scissors.

But the first beauty salons appeared in ancient Greece. Only noble ladies could afford to visit such an institution. The clients were served by specially trained people, or rather slaves. Ancient Greek barbers used to dye their clients’ hair with herbal decoctions, and also offered them curls and hairstyles that were fashionable for that time.

By the way, in the Middle Ages, complex high hairstyles came into fashion, on the creation of which, as a rule, a whole group of craftsmen worked. Moreover, in the 91,5th century, tall structures made of hair on the head were a real trend. So, the French Queen Marie Antoinette once wore a hairstyle whose height reached XNUMX centimeters.

Over time, the attitude to hair and hairstyles has become simpler.

By the way, the craft received a new round of development at the end of the XNUMXth century, when the first professional schools of hairdressing art appeared, after which official diplomas were issued. The first such school was established in the USA.


The main tradition of the Day of the hairdresser is associated with schools that train professional hairdressers, as well as improve their skills. So, usually graduations are planned for September 13 in such educational institutions.

In addition, some hairdressing schools organize demonstration workshops, seminars and conferences on this day.

But in beauty salons on September 13, competitions and competitions are usually held in which experts compete, for example, for the title of the best stylist. The winners, as a rule, are awarded diplomas and gifts.

Also, many salons especially for the holiday hold various promotions and make discounts to their customers. And for their employees, they arrange corporate parties.

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