Hair strengthening: how to do it at home? Video
Hair loss is a natural process. A healthy person loses an average of about 40-80 hairs per day on average. If more than this indicator remains on the comb, it is urgent to take measures to strengthen it. Using folk remedies for these purposes will not only stop excessive hair loss, but also make the strands healthy and silky.
Top Causes of Excessive Hair Loss
The reasons that the hair began to fall out can be:
- improper nutrition
- stress and anxiety
- metabolic disorders, for example, associated with a lack of folic acid, calcium, vitamins in the body
- inflammatory processes on the scalp
- past illnesses
- taking hormonal drugs
- weakening of immunity
- improper hair care
- perm and frequent dyeing
- hereditary factor
When starting treatment, it is important to establish the cause and, having eliminated it, begin to fight the consequence.
For example, see if your diet is correct and if you are paying enough attention to nourishing your scalp and hair.
Folk remedies recipes for hair strengthening
To have thick luxurious hair and get rid of hair loss, use proven folk recipes. The naturalness of the ingredients used in the preparation of these home remedies testifies to their safety and effectiveness.
Castor oil is an effective remedy for strengthening hair. Warm a small amount of oil in a water bath and lubricate the scalp with a warm mass. Wrap your head in a towel and leave it on for at least five hours. Then rinse your hair thoroughly with a shampoo containing herbal extracts. Repeat the procedure once a week for two months and you will notice that the hair loss process has stopped, and the curls have become thicker and began to grow well.
Remember that hair loss and brittleness can be caused by wearing tight hats, prolonged exposure to the sun, and washing your hair with very hot water.
You can also heal damaged dull hair by applying a mixture of castor oil, juice of one onion and egg yolk. The mixture should be rubbed into the scalp 45 minutes before shampooing and wrapped in plastic wrap and a towel. The mixture must be thoroughly washed off the head.
An equally effective way to restore and strengthen weak hair is burdock root ointment. To prepare it, you need to boil 20 g of burdock root in a glass of boiling water and insist for 20 minutes. Then the resulting liquid must be boiled down to half the volume. After that, add butter or lard in a 1: 1 ratio. All this should be warmed up, drained into a pot and held under the lid in the oven for about two hours. If, after the mass has cooled down, water remains on its surface, it must be drained. Lubricate the scalp with the finished ointment.
Salt has proven itself well as a hair-strengthening agent.
For maximum effect, once a week, rinse your scalp with warm water and rub with a handful of salt for 15 minutes. At the end of the procedure, rinse the head with warm water again. Six such rubbing with table salt is enough to forget about hair loss, seborrhea and hair breakage.
Nettle helps to strengthen hair and get rid of baldness. With a decoction of a young plant, cut before flowering, you should rinse your head every time you wash. You can also prepare a decoction of nettle and coltsfoot in a 1: 1 ratio.