Hair soap: benefit or harm? Video

Hair soap: benefit or harm? Video

Shampoos for washing hair appeared in the everyday life of Russian women relatively recently – about 50 years ago, and before that they used ordinary cosmetic and even laundry soap to wash their hair. And today some ladies prefer to use soap for washing their hair, though not quite ordinary – shampoo.

Hair soap: can it be washed?

Why soap is bad for the skin

For a long time, soap was the only way to protect people from dirt and bacteria. It began to be brewed by the ancient Egyptians in the XNUMXth century. BC, their papyri also describe a characteristic manufacturing technology in which vegetable and animal fats in a heated state were mixed with alkaline salts and soda. But the real revolution in soap making survived only in the century, when the method of obtaining soda from table salt was discovered and the chemistry of fats developed, which made it possible to industrialize inexpensive soap.

Soap makers define it as a mixture of water-soluble sodium or potassium salts of higher saturated and unsaturated fatty acids with various additives, which has an antiseptic and detergent effect. The qualities of soap and its purpose are largely determined by the components that make up its composition. But in any soap there is a certain amount of alkali, which is necessary for the soap to really be a detergent. And since the composition of the entire human body and its organs includes a liquid that has a certain acid-base balance, the additional amount of alkali contained in the soap provokes a change in this balance, which also affects the structure of hair and skin, which are most often exposed to soap.

Alkalinization is especially noticeable on the delicate skin of the face – aggressive soap, which contains a lot of alkali, causes peeling and dryness. This soap works in the same way on the hair and scalp. Those who still wash their hair with laundry soap, in which the percentage of alkalis is very high, must neutralize them by rinsing their heads with vinegar or water with lemon juice.

How harmless are hair shampoos?

Many women have learned from their own experience that advertising promises do not always correspond to reality, using shampoos, even those offered by well-known global brands. If you look at the composition that is indicated on the bottle, for sure there will be an ingredient such as SLS – an aggressive substance that is found in dishwashing liquids and even those with which machines are washed. It is able to penetrate into internal organs and accumulate in cells, provoking serious diseases. Yes, it increases the washing ability of the shampoo, but at what cost?

The abundance of preservatives, other chemical additives intended for the health and shine of hair, in fact, often causes hair to worsen. Too much chemistry is present in the life of a modern person, and this cannot but affect his appearance. Increasingly, people turn to folk natural remedies, and how can you not remember that mothers and grandmothers used to wash their hair with soap and their hair was beautiful, thick and shiny.

Shampoo soap, or solid shampoo

Cosmetic soap, which is not intended for washing dirty clothes, contains almost no alkali – it contains only fats, soda, essential oils and other additives that are harmless to the skin. Both in Russia and abroad, they began to produce excellent handmade soap from natural ingredients, which, judging by the reviews, have the most beneficial effect on the skin of the face, head and hair structure. But manufacturers have gone further, and recently in specialized stores you can buy shampoo soap, which is also called solid shampoo.

The only drawback of such soap is the price, often a piece costs about 300-500 rubles, but its consumption is insignificant, it lasts for a long time

In appearance, it is no different from an ordinary bar of soap, although some manufacturers produce it in the form of “tablets” of a round shape. For the manufacture of such a soap, which is designed specifically for washing hair, natural ingredients are used: glycerin, sodium lauryl sulfate, extracts from herbs and fruits, essential oils, dyes and fragrances.

To wash your hair, you can also use other soaps, which are low in alkali, but there are special natural components, for example, tar

How to properly wash your hair with soap

Do not lather your head and hair directly – the soap must first be moistened and lather in the palms, and then the lather must be applied to the hair. Please note that this soap will not have a lot of foam, because it does not contain artificial additives that increase the foam formation. The foam can be left on the hair for 1-2 minutes and then rinsed off with warm water. The procedure can be repeated if necessary. Hair usually becomes shiny and silky without rinsing, but if you feel like it is necessary, you can rinse it. It is better to use a solution of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice instead of industrial balms and conditioners as a rinse aid. Hair, especially long hair, should not be combed while it is wet, dry it slightly and gently detangle the strands with a brush or comb.

How to choose soap – read the next article

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