Hair sauna – what is an ozone hair spa?
Hair sauna - what is an ozone hair spa?Hair sauna – what is an ozone hair spa?

Hair is particularly exposed to many external factors – this claim is especially true in winter, during which frequent snowfall, rain and the associated humidity do not help to keep them in good condition. The hair becomes dry, damaged, which leads to the necessary renovation and restoration of a fresh and beautiful appearance. One such remedy may be to use a hair sauna. What is this treatment? What efficiency can it boast of?

Hair sauna – to help damaged hair

Due to the fact that we are most often unable to protect our hair from external factors, they are exposed to their damaging effects. And so – in spring and summer, they are not helped by the drying and destructive sun, water and wind, and in winter the necessary protection against the cold with various headgear. In addition, any treatments that we perform on the hair also do not serve them in the long run. Frequent hair dyeing, color changes (in which discoloration is an essential element), applying balayage, changing the hairstyle by using perms, as well as everyday care and cosmetic activities, such as: the use of fixing gels, mousses or varnishes – all this does not extend the life of the hair on the contrary – it exposes it to falling out, drying out, destruction. In addition, it results in brittleness, split ends, increased susceptibility to the adverse effects of frost, dryer, air pollution. Very often, a necessary regenerative treatment is the use of a hair sauna, which aims to restore their nice appearance.

Hair sauna

Hair damage often results in the need for a moisturizing treatment. One of such treatments is the ozone sauna for hair. It is performed under the watchful eye of a hairdresser who selects the appropriate preparations for the procedure. What is this cosmetic activity really about and how much does it have to do with a real sauna? The treatment is carried out at a high temperature, reaching 40 degrees, using an appropriate dome-shaped apparatus, somewhat reminiscent of a traditional hair dryer. The hair sauna is preceded by washing it twice with shampoo, applying a conditioner and fastening longer strands. This is a foretaste of the actual procedure, which consists in sitting under a plastic or glass dome with a water container attached. The water heats up, reaching high temperatures and evaporating. This steam gets under the dome, creating a kind of ozone sauna. An additional advantage of the treatment is the possibility of inhaling the pleasant smell of the conditioner. The whole thing takes about 20 minutes. After finishing the sausage, we undergo the next actions of the hairdresser – alternately washing the hair with cold and warm water, drying and styling it.

Ozone sauna – what effects can you expect?

What can you expect after such a procedure? The use of the sauna enhances the effect of applying the conditioner. In addition, the hair gains elasticity, shine, it is easier to comb. Therefore, the key ingredients of the supplement are creatine and D-panthenol. They have building, smoothing and moisturizing properties, making hair shiny and elastic. In addition, they stimulate cell growth and renewal. Under the influence of heat and moisture, creatine penetrates deep into the bristles, strengthening and sealing them. Although the preparation remains in the hair, it will be removed each time you wash it. Therefore, for lasting results, it will be necessary to repeat this specific hair spa on a regular basis. The spectacular effects of using the ozone sauna show that it is worth taking care of!

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